Minutes ofd init. Tjursda bin, 1.5? 1 r8 _ in Planning Board Office
Present were members Kruse, Reade, Levison and Gal.lovray, Paul
Rettig and 14r. Woll.e.
The meeting opened at 3:15 PAIR. and the mi.ntites of Tray $ were
1 Report .. sign, Limitations
Mr. Kruse read a memo, dated 5/13/58 to the City Commission,
recommending that temporary commercial signs pertaining to the sale
of real 'estate be limited in area to bn square feet vrith a maximum
.dimension of 10 feet for either measurement,
After extensive discussion concerning tho size limitation of
temporary commercial signs, a motion was made that the Beard.accept
the recommendation of the Planner and ChaArman as per the memo amd±
' i
that another memo be'. forwarded defining Eemporary commercial signs
and also reauesting t}..at.,•krovision be made for amendments to the sign
ordinance to include inspection of signs before renevral assuring proper-,
maintenance or renewal.
2 Re ort - Corner lot sizes subd.vi.si.c;i? aporrnral?
W•. Wol.le reported that the Commisss on would not erILT orce the $d
foot corner lot restriction on subc ivlsion:; now being processed..
Report .. Governor's Conference on Urban Rencejai
Mr. Kruse gave a brief repert on the conference ho cmd mire Woll.e
attended in Orlando and then read an exca r3-)-G" froin the address given
by Mr. Albert M. Cole, HHFA Administratoi- frort. tfash,I.ngtono
9 i
Housing committee Program Of.. inv.?r';:.? :; atlqn
Material on housing was gi e-n to ,eu'Lioti o:7 th<: hotng
committee for surrey and ntwly. :Jou? d be fort coming as to
!UY 15, 1959
Page 2
the extent of initial survey to bemFade, public information program to
be conducted and the possible effectiveness of the Boards participati.oxj
in such a program.
a_ .. Diseos iti.on of Mosaic
rA motion x*as passed to inform the City tanager thgt.we are going
to have to dispose of the photo mosaic and adt for his suggestions.
-' The meeting, adjourned at 1fs45 P,A.
Respectfully submitted j
Jrac?t 1. Wolle,, Secretary
:.. city Planner
' F