inutos of meeting Thursday April, I 58 in Plannina Board Office
Present were members Kruse, Harries, Levison and Norton, Mayor Homer,
Commissioner Watkins, City 14anager Tallent, Mr. Wol.le, and. Chuck Albury.
The meeting opened at 3:50 PJ1. with Mr. Cruse giving a brief resumb
of procedures followed to date in obtaining a Master Plaza and negotiations
with Bartholomew as the preferred consultant.,
Mr. Kruse read the letter from k1r. Robinson, dated lqs$
aubmittin ; their proposal.. Nor. Cruse then summrized the scope of this
During the discussion, Mayor Homer asked if the scope took in
everything the Planning Board thought it should. Mr.'Wolle explained
that it would need minor modifications but in general it did.
Tha question was also asked how much the City's part would cost.
Mr. Wolle explained he would definitely need one full time assistant
.and that the qualifications for this position were being worked out now.
Mr. Wolls stated that he would have an estimate of cost of the City's
partici}ation in the comprehensive plan to submit with Bartholomew's
After discussion, a motion was passed that, in Section 4, stems 1
thru 7 be changed to. read "upon submittal and approval by the City Plan-
ning Board".
A. motion was also passed that the base map, to be made by the con-
sultant, should be included in the scope„
Mayor Homer requested that the amencbnents to the contract be made
and. submitted to the City Commission at the April 21st meeting, i,4th a
letter of submittal stating the procedure that the Planning Board followed
.?• in selecting Bartholomew as the Consultant- with the expla4nation that
professional ethics precluded th6 quoting of fees-in competition for the
April 100"1958
f" Paget 2
work, that the 'Planning Board feels the contract ,wall gave Clearwater
the extent of planning assistance required and, that the price is
reasonable and fairs,
Respectfully submitted,
`. ck 1. Walle, Secretary'
t ity,Planner
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