03/13/1958 .....'.. . "'. \ . ..:. ~f'. ,; ...I,....~.,'.::.j.,:...\..,... ...' ,.:..{,.:.....'::...: ';.:~:.. '+ 'r.;':"_.~"I.'..'" .:.~.}~~:..L... ~'.I,.",..,,~..-..:'.:'.1 J.:.'," / I !1iru!yas' 0/ Inl~!J..~~n}!;, 'rhu.,rnday 1'41rrJ.1...J.2.. 121.~tJ.lL~1illJd1g L\o,qTci off'.~~ / ~ PreGont wore members Kruso,. Barrie n, n!-3adA) Nort.on, Gallo\'lay ~ M.r. Wolle>> Paul nottig and Chuck Allmr)r oi"thc St.. Petersburg Times. li'rederic Robinson. George Blair and Dill Alrn:acht.. lllayor Homer ",..n.s present during the discussion \'li th Vir. RobinDOl1e The' meeting opened at 2:15 P.M~ and tho minutes or ~~rch 6th were .... approved.. Messr's Blair and AJ.brecht pl'eocmted plans for Bl'ookhill Unj.t 4& After lengthly discussion~ a motion \-InS passed approving the plans as presented. Mr. Kruse next introduced 14.\:'.. li'rederi{; Robinson~ of' Harland Bartho... lomew and Associates, to the Board and asked !.1rr Robinson for what ever comments he ,,1ished to malce before the Board.. Mr.. Robinson stated .first that. a "plan" must.include studied which \-lill malee it comprehensi va., He said he "/as vary much impressed by f1.1r.. vlolle ,'s outlined plan for planning. that. in addition studies. of legislative background and authority should be includod. Hovlever, i~. \folle has alread began ~1Orkil1g on this phase \'lith tht;: City Attorney ~ ~'l " IJlr.. Robinson stated that in p;"fJparing a comprehensi VEl master plan , one must. f.irst t assembl e basic ini'()~'lnation j ::Jecond, analyze this infor... mation a.nd ,third, prepare a plan for the communit.y .from t.his informati.on.. IYlr. Hobinson stated that as rr-:present.at:ive 01' the Bartholomew firm, he is very inte~~nsted in Clear\'/a"(.el'~3 tlct:i.vr: approach to developing a planning program.. He cOIJlmen1~ed fJrl t;bc eng'Jrluity of us:i.ng the f:i.re'.~.;en to mal<:e 'che land use survey, expreG.~; :i.ng that i t '.~'t)uld minimize? co sts '. \ I J' "."~ He stated that his :firm prp.fc.n-'ed i~o l'Xn'l~ Hith .1. r8sident.~ planner- and th..':!. t this mutual planning r,.:l.:J.l~ionsh5.p i'l.) uld be most. product:i.ve f, Fur~her, he emphasized the ~'J.r..("lnil1f~~ Joard1 s rt!sponsibility in public education and the fin;.u anIline; 01' 'th.~?: plan to th,:J public \1hich \'lould. include many public heal'ingso " t ' ..' ~"arch 13, 195(1 'Page '2 -.,' .,,-.... : ~ ',' 1,1: ;, Mr. Robinson said tho contl~(lc1; ba1;wGlon City lUld Consli1tant must state who vrlll do \'tlat ~ This wotlld be arr'i.ved at through anothGr session wi.th ! Mr.. Wolle. " :, l . The Con3uita~t 9 s representative, who t10uld ",ork in our office) is' n landscape architect, has served. in All engineering capacity) has madEl '.' . "'. :~." . ~t ,i,-, ' '!.. Mr~ Robi~son \,{ould probably be h~l'e at least once a month.. . It' is his rocommendation th8.t~ all assembly "lork be done by us but -.'," '., , '. > I.. '., .1 :',; '., ,that. all inf'ormation be analyzed jointly.. r4r.. Gallo\'lay suggested using i(' .,' " ' ,~ ~~~c,:'I{,..: : .:~ :i, Recre.ational,Department employees and college students during the summer ., on field surveys and accUll1ulation of basic information.. .Inconclusion Mr. Robinson stated that he would meet with the Board March'26th to.Submit a proposal ~nd contract. The meeting adjourned ab 5:~O PcMo .'...' ,0." ~,'" , ~';,;" ' ,( ;~ :.. '" ~:' : . <,.,. , ~'~ t' . I~. . " , ~: .~, c .1'." '. ,;;).;'. < ~...\ :,+ y:\::. ' 1,11".'. " .~':.. '," c ,.' . \ ' Respectfully submittod 5}tLdt:.- J), W H1t . .~aCk I. Wolle, Secretary Cit,r Planner oJ . .", . i?.,.' , , ...~. :,,' , ')~, ," :.t':" , !.~: ' .iC,",' . '\ ,'. .:,... " . .. . ~ ';"0' ,., ::" ", '.. ,. . (':" 'I' . :\ .. . ~:~.: " " . [:..,. '? -, ~.