Mihut,e,s ,.0.( Il!ee~il1~~tt~:fi!1?:l"-_Fnbru.~rL.2.,-1~ :~n l~.:~.!2.n:J.llE~ B,o:lEd o.:!:till
Present were rn13mber~J KruBo t Harrios, Rcwdo, Driver, Nor ton, Lovia on
and Gallo\l/ay, lvlr. l'/ollo, 140.yo1' Homar, Commissionor \1at.kinst Mr.. l.fallant,
Mr. Lickton, Chuck Albul.'"y. of the St.. Petersburg ,Times . Hm'1D.l"d Ha.rtley of
'WTAN and MY.'.. J It Eo Baril of 1~ho Florida Dovelopment Commission.
The meeting opened at 2:15 P.M.
Mr. Kruse read the lottor he had \n'itten to j.1t".. Baril req\tfJzting
him to moet with the Board.. Mr. Wolle gave a brief reswn~ of tho City's
planning program to date ')
Mr... Baril was thon asked to discuss \"ith the Board "'That a5.d \'ras
available and the necessary procedures :for obtaining it.
Mr.. Baril pointed OU.t the laws and their a pplications to various
city problems. ' He outlined the workable progr.am that '!!lOuld be required
for Federal assistance on Urban Renewal. He pointed OU~ the fundamentals
o~ a workable program conl1llitting the municipality to attain essential
objactiY~5 ~th re~ect to the following seven points,
.1.. Adequate local codes and ordinances, effectively enforced'.t
\ 20 A master plan f.OI' the conununity. s development J includj,ng
thoroughi~ar'as, puhl ic improvements, sound zoning and ade quate
community and recreational facilities..
3" il. basic analysis of' noighborhoods to determine 't.he need for
rehaQilitation or red~velopment~
h.. Adequate administrative organization to curr~r out urban
.1;,' rOlle'l','al programs.. ,
5 ~'\ Ability to meet financial reqlJ.iremonts ,-
6.. Availabil~.ty of suitable housing i'or f"_\iuiJ.i.0~ di.'3pl:~\ ceo by
. ' V urban renEHl/'al actirltios~
7l> Act5.ve citizen participation and supporttt
Fdn'tn ry 6/ 195f~
1.1 'l rr '" "
.... t ,,:,,"" <I ..~
G 'l'he gl,;lnoral br".WlJ 1'O./," hhB Hm'kablc progrnrn \ ~p8 J.l~H:{ (;lut~ hy j.ll'. ib:l'il ~ is
cont;a.:lned in HIWA publ icai,iorJ.fi ltll'ht! \"lol'~..:{.\bl:) Progi,~Hnl .' Hhat 113 it'f and
"Ho1tr Loculitlos eml D(~velop fl \!or'.l::ahlc Program fo!.' Urban R(mcntulH ~
lJIr.. Baril stu'ticd that Soc'Gions 220 and. 221 of 'l:;he Hr:\t.ional Housi.ng
Act, having to do ",ith private dovelopmen t~ with FHA mo~{'tgage tnsurance
and 'pertains to the rolocation of' housin.g.., He pointod out; that. the \'/ork-
able/is draft.ad by the locality itselt but upon J:'equc8t hi::} agl3ncy \.;ould
offer assi tance It 'fhH Florida Development Commission is .....rorking 1,-lith
communities in regard t.o plannins tmder Sections 701 [lnd 702 of' the
National Housing Act.. Section 702 providen ,for advances for public l'orks
projects), \"hich are 108.n ~ to be repaid., Thes8 loans necessarily are ror
planning and engi.neering t~hat is. needed 1'01" public works projects" Sect:loll
, 701 provides for grarits~-in..,aid for the developmcnt snd conducting of a
comnllmity, planning program.. 'l'his program may conuist of' the cOI1Uuunity
selecting a private consultant on the basis of t.he p)"oblems involved~
studies to be made and pom:dhl:r the pevsonaltty of i~h8 consultant" Fifty
per cent of i~hr3 cost of [5uch ~1 p.rvices '(K) Ltld bf:'l pr DTid8d hy t.h(.:'l F;Jder:ll
Gov'crn~ent ,,' Ar)."allgem€:l1t. for such services "I.Duld be ro.adfJ th'("(;t1gh thH
,. !
Flo!:':tda De\'elt'pn\ent Commission.. (Co~traei:1 hotNecm. eopG1l1t.< .=Jmi State
Agenc~r and contract assis tance off'e}"ed by State to !.-1Ul~1.(;lpal ity'" ) In
this program technica.l assistanc,~ suppJ.:ted by tho mtUlicipalit.y, may be
credited up to ti"Nt!!lty.,five p01'" cmrii of t.ho
m u n :i./~ j..;xl15 , t "t," r; ~:
'~ .
:"Jb UT'3 "
AJ.~() point~ed ot:t. \'."aa iih€J e. \?..ilab.U i t~y of fwd ;';. 'fen Ildl15.o~1 d(.'ll..~l's
have been e.ppr'op:L'il~ tea; f i ""!e mi.r1 tht.~f.;e (;11.;1l't.'.:1"::' J!\J.LI.:~(H.~ d.(<U':-,17:n hav8 bOGtl
U$I;:-d and 'lih(: 1"8maindl):t' 1s b~d.ng conun:i:Ltr.nL i.:rdGh 1,:~,\'h-:::"': t.lle pCiss:d.d.lity
." .
that li t..tlr;l f)r none W;Juld, b~J av~il;,:),b1'.J h:r ':,i! e t l.'il(: tlt.:, City pl"0Vl..~S it.s
': \UJ
81 ig i bil:J.t Y " HO..fl?Y~~r-, tbo ~H!8'~{e.J Gi.o:r~ hti~; Lu en ; ~,r.\ r:~c ~,~ J lO L .:; llj f.j [1~'t\i'~;,'m:1
1.". 'I'
ba continued. e.nd u0.d:i.tiClnaI fl'iOniGti be :n'::.:L.l;~!)]y_
l' ,
In cone 1. us ion t, >>\r., H,:J.ril <:11 :n....cc0.rJ q l.l.:.'.; t~:i. nn :,> ;),:' ~; Ci; H'( 1111; mi;,) 1 '.',1 (~0n'~
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fi'obrlk1.rY' 6. 195a
Page J
A motion was passed that . tho Zoning and Plnrming Board roquest the'
..~ .
~ . ~ ~:~ '
.. .
City Oommission to make appropriate appeal to the ]llorlda' Dovelopment
Coriunission fOl" 'the City to participate in the li'cderal planning program
. .whioh is . available through, the Development Commission'. (1'his motion was'
passed by a five to one vote; Mr. Driver casting'the negative vote,,)
NeXt l~. Kruse read the letter to the U. S. Army Corps or Engineers
from the Zoning and Planning Board concerning Little Pass.
A. motion was passed reque stin:r; the Chainnan to write a letter 'to
Mr. Oliver, Harbormaster. complimenting him on his report to the Corpo
'of Engineers on Little Pass,t ,
'l'he meetiing adjotu"'ned at I.,: 11-5 P "l.i.
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He sp ectfully submitl~ad t'
'/~t.d~ S>.U)~ '
G6ack I. Wolle. Secretary
City Planner
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