12/19/1957 ',::: ~,:...>'. ,,' :.4.':'1"t"~'. 0.'.'" .',#' , . ","":.' ....., ," .'. ",'.' .........'..~., ~" ., 4;:. :' ;:"'0."+-::. I " " ~ J.g~te lLOl', mcat~l..Q.s...!..~,d.llY ~jo p..9!~par J 9-L....!927.._4.]Ll:&~ia,rX' :J!,!on_ HotO,l-.", ffIItt J' The Board hald it.o ntmuul Chriotma:1 lunch()on at the Ft ~ Harrison --- , ~ \; Hotel. Prosent for t.he bu.siness meeting war-) members Kruse I . Driver, Stular, Nor-ton, Levison and Reado, Mr.. \lo11e, Chuck Albury and llIayor Hoa.4U4 Sid Lickton and Paul Ret~ig, attended the luncheouD The meeting opened at 12: 00 noon and the luncheon at 1: 00 P al.1.. Mj,nutes of the December 12th meeting '\...ere d~ferred un'til the Janua;ry 2nd meeting.. . . , , .. ILl S.:t~x.~E?on' ~. 9r~eIs P~Fltv-.lll1.,g... Cr.~3.!i Lalfe Park,-P~~Eli:. Mr. Kruse reported that hoand Mr. Harries visited the City nursery and found that there \'las quite a lot of shrubbery avaj.lable I'o!"' use in S~evensonf8 Creek and Crest Lake parksa A motion l'18.S pass~d that the Doro;:d r~quest the Parks Superintendent to make a survey of all the local nurseries and see if they have over - sized stock, \'ihich the City might purchase at a 1()\1er cost.. Mr. Stuler reported that several pa.lms had been removed for li'lorida Power lines at the corner or Druid and Belcher and '~re lying beside the road. He suggested that the Board contact !~~~ Dobson that he might in- vestigate possibilities of obtaining these fo~ thoCityc -! '., . .;~ I . f.. . ;, ... . ~:. .' :. . 112 Arch~~~ct;u!,:al,_l1A~~Qr i2~~ coml1li tte.e r~r" \/olleread a letter from Nrs.. Re.y.nond Gordon oi'fering' the services of the Gal:den Club ~ !-11"'.. Tallent t s roplyto he:(' I c~nd his re qUGct for '!Vir ~ Wolle to contact g1'r~" Gordon :t'or any aosistanoe J:1H0ded from the Garden ClubQ . , A motion 'was pe.ssed requ.esting l'Jrv ~,.!(llJ.fJ Cd) ackr:Oh"~~dG8 J'.lr$.. Gordonis .:. i~ letter and inform her that the Planning ~~<,Iard would lr.ct.lH' l:'Gcommend 2. , . ',' ,. . program of' park beautification and developn\0!.1';'-, and 't.hat. the appropriate committee would solicit thair assintance .at. t,bat. t :i.r.'l(~ ~ ''/', ':" .",",' '". ,.....' ." ." "'. ......'.:./ :....' "'. '.. I. .,......., ':.' ......... 'i.,.,:.. :~"" .<::,~. "~'~'.'.' :;,' :.....:'....:..,., .. "itts. December 19~ 1957 Pago 2 '~ 113, r .L~nd_ UB.-~ S~~J_s,ti.marte. Mr. \lalla estimated t.hat it 'WJuld t.ake from four to fi.ve hundrsn ., . '. .J:' hours to'nulite a land use survey for Clear,mterw A motion. WaS passed that from ~500 to ~l~OOO be appropriatod for this from the City Plan budget. \. lilt. ~ Zonilm'Ar~que~t J?ribcessi,ng .- r:eorganiza;tion t.: c t,. h f;:. . .~.: t :~f.: ,..;.. , " I: ,.. .. .'~ :ir < ~f,.' : ." . ~. . . J /:-~ : . . " .J /:" . . . " . ,,: '. :-1:_.....:.:;.t 'w Mr. \ialls read a memo from the City Attorney \\rh.ich accompanied Ordin&lCe 753 (rati~ied at the re~erendum on December 171 19571. In the memo Mr. Krentzman. asked the City Planner to read the ordinance and take the necessary action to perform whatever duty may be his responsibility in connection there,dth.. l"Ir. \/o11e stated that material \-las being pre- . pared for both boards in connection with a reorganization of duties. /15 ftee..ort~s and comm1ll1;icat~.onB . Mre Volle reported that he is following up the personnel rec~est for a DeCDTD student from Largo and hopes to have him employed by January 6) 1958. Mayor Homer announced that t.here would be a public hearing February 4th before the Corps or 3ngineers on the feasibility of. providing a channel twelve foot deep in Little Pass in ordeT that cOlnmercial barges may serve q elaart'later at the Seminole Street dockv He asked that the Planning Board prepare a planning statement supporting this use of the 3eminole Street dock for the Clearwater area~ This statement is to be prepared in triplicate, tltl0 weeks prior to the hea}:4ingo The meeting adjourned at 1:00 Po!.1.. f'm:' lunch.. Respectfully submitted, Q r~ } (I" \ J~'''''- .{- .-u.(....,......... ~ Cf..,; Ii .....-e ~'l "-.., . (~kc~~ I.. \'101.1c 7 Secretary 'city P1::'1111;11:"