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~inutesT .s~J.:'-mee ~ing....:rhur:~Aa'y_~ November 7 ~ J:.2S'1___in P1Gltning Board Office
Present We!'E1 members Kruse, Barrlf:'! S) .urJ.ver and Jtuler) 1.i1'. \'/olle
and Paul i.tettig of' the 8ngineering Jepartme nt..
lJ1r. liol1e read a rnemorn.ndum from 1;he City At,torney dat.ed November 6s""
1957, stating tho Zoning re.ferendum items, and request.ing other items to
be includeda The Board had no other items to be included~
Next" discussed was the off-street parking and loading requirementsa
Mr.. \iolle stated tha t the Zoning uoard would meet 1.n "the Planning Board.
office at 4:00 PuM. November 8th to discuss the off-street parking amend-
ment to the Zoning Ordinance llnd the Central Business District to be exempt..
It was suggest.ed tha'G copies of the requirements be delivered to the
different Civic organiz~tions by the Police Jepartmant~ because there was
not sufficient ti.me to mail them bei'ore "the public forum. i.Ir~ \'10110 said
::r::;' he i\QuId ask ,l.b:'o Tallent about thisQ
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HI'.. \Tolle next, read to .the Board the cover letter tha t "dll accompany
the requirements 'and also letters of explanation of the re(Juirem'3n-ts and
the central business district to be exempt~
After lengthy di.scussion it was moved. seconded and passed that
lOO~b exemption areas be establ ished firmly i sh ovling nothing elst-) , with
the understanding that l/lr ~ '"iiolle, if necessary, could 8ho\'1 dray.r.f.ngs vii th
suggested 50~; exemption areas..
It l1as agreed that a rider \'/ould he pla ced on the suggested rer:uire-
mants to clearly state t.hat the ordinance) "if adop\',ed~ liJOuld apply only
to ne"\rr buildings J addit.i.ons ancYcbr1nge s of ; c~l1d u:-Jc:, and i.'lOuld not be
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 Puf.lo
Hespact flLll~{ s uumit t.od
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'\.Cj:ty Planner}