i;linntcs. ,qt, m.e.9ting..'rhll:!:~df-1Y J\me 27_,_),921. +n Cj~L)Il!-ll..!.t~!.f!.i t:prl.1lgl_
A meoting was held in the o.ffice or Oi.t.y !.b.ru:q~Ol' 'l'all~nt.. whic I \;,
,attended by Chairman Kruuc, members urtvor', LI,;')vison, Gf.l.llowa,y and ;i.~~:l ; ',\ .
This meeting W'dS for the purpose of 'dis cusGing the procedut"'e 1~o bo
follo\'sed that ,dll lead to the ,employment of a Planning Director for
Clearwater a Mr. Tallent stated that three applications had boen received
and the applicants had been interviewed by the Civil Service Board a.nd
there had also been interviews \-ath members 01: t.he Planning Board and
the City l'ianager but interviews had not boon conclusive. l.ir. Tallant
proposed that a representative of the Planning i30urd and he should go
to Pensacola and perhaps also Lakeland to interview two of the applicants
and make inquiry regarding them in the community whore thoy are now
working a It was decided that 1..Jr.. Kruse and I~Ir. 'fallent \\uuld make this
trip together and the other members of the Joard "till accept their
judgement on this matter~
Following the moeting in the City 1.1anager~ s office a mee.ting 'liaS
held in the City Hall auditorium which'1as preH-ided over by the I.layor
and attended by i~el Co~~er of the State Road Board~ all of the members
of the Planning Board and representatives of ll!i.)ct of the neighboring
municipalities. rlir~, Conner7 announced that~ the t~raf'fic survey of' Central
and Northern Pinellas County had been completed by Frederic Bell and
Associates 01 The survey made by Bell ie 8xpc-wtGd to 1e ad to a 2() ~"r~ar
highway plan by the Stato Ros.d Department for Pinellas Count)r. !'Ir. Conner
explained that; the State no ad Depart.mexl't i.o3 vary anxious to hUl1B the
suggestions of. d.l1 thG communitie 3 in the County so as to ubtain the be st
possible re eults" He s'lggs3ted that a ruc...1';~ing be hE.:ld as sa on as poss:Lb h1
\....) at \'lhich all of tho commullit1.es in the Count.y would be repl'escnted. It
VTaS agreed that a meeting \-{ould be held on July 11 :in t;he office of' the
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June 27 1957
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Planning Board and would be att.ended by delegates from all neighboring
commW1itie 8. At this meeting Mr. HeDter, COJUlty .!:ng:lneer "d.llpreside
and will orga~1ze from the group present at this meeting, a permanent
'committee to develop plans to WJ.rk with the Sta.te 1ioad Board. At the
meeting, July 11, plans ~dll be develop0d for roadway building during
the coming years. It is anticipated that one, tht1 expected landuse of
residental con~tmities will be discussed and developed, t\ro, the expected
growth of '~he area will.be discussed and three, the expected;~acilitiea
~dll be discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.d.
Respectfully submitted
nalph \1. at> Reade~ Secretary
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