05/09/19571?'ii.r?ui-.e l of me?:t irir Thurnd i?Ia ann n< i :ic?r.? rr1, 0]'ic e Present were Kruse, 14ov;rron, Norton, Dr.°i.vor, Rpada and Gallown.y and Nick Rompon of the Lnginear's Office,, The minutes of the meeting of May 2Y 1957 ware approved without ehai) e The extension of Oak Street was discussed but no action was taken The improvement of the Drew Street Vine Street intersection for the purpose of facilitating traffic was discussed. 7t was moved, seconded and passed. that: it be referred to the Traffic Dapartmenr of the City for Its opinion and that the Traffic Department be invited to confer on the matter with the Planning Bai rd 'at their conveni o nce , The next matter on the agenda was the extension of Pierce- Street. This was discussed but there was no change in conclusions and previous action was reaffi.rined, As provided by previous action., the design of Island ;,states struc- tures was again discussed. No conclusi.ona calling for ziction were reached and it iva ; decided to omit this matter from the agenda of future: meatings. It is expected that this project will be referred to the Planning Board by the City Vanager or the City Coamiission when plans are submitted by Island Estates to the City Goverzunent„ The widening of Chestnut Street from the ACL Rail toad to South Ft Harrison Avenue vas the next, item on the agenda, f4rv Lavison, who is a partner of Rase L.akci.ing, one of the Chestnut otreet; propel-by owners, dxs ipalified ha.is:self from voting or participntin,: In c:on,iScitruli.or? of this natter. After lengthy discussion, it, 3ocorided and passec?, that the Board concur.:. in the, J.nl:ormal request. of i-,h ; Cil;S,- !, iZv j.neer concerning the irlden:Lnz, of Chi:-.tr:ut Street The meeting adjourned at 51--00 P,,vl Itospectftilly sub,ui.tted R..!. g.k W. B. RI' uar'o,: Secretary