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~,!inutea 0,.1,: ,JIleot1ru~..1~hurad8~.J1arch 28,.. JJZLl:.!t_Ci"l1X. J1!!~l.1\udi~,9ritW!
Present woro memboro Kruse, Harries, Norton, Sutlor, Reado and
, Levison, 14nyor Hornor, City Commisoioners Roberts, Strang and \latkins,
City Manager Tallent, Oity Cleric \lhitehead, City' :Znginel~r Lickton J Nic~c
Rompon of' the 3ngineerts Of .fica , Howard Hartley of' HTAN and Chuck Albury
of the St. Petersburg Times"
The meeting oi;>oned at 3: 00 P "r4..
The City Clerk swore in Mr.. Stuler as a member of the Planning Board&
The Mayor turned the meeting over to I~~ Kruse to describe the scope
of the I.!aater Plan and the procedure for solecting the f1.l"'m to do the
work and organizing a Oity Planning Department~ Mre l~use told the GamN
mission that by employing a rull-time Plannihg Director and providing
him with adequato help and facilities, tho Planning Director could do
much of the work toward tho preparation of a Master Plane This \~ald
make it unnecessary to have a planning f'i.rm do the entire job and would
be much less expensiveg
Commissioner Roberts inquired what a professional plIDlner might
recommend that the City' could afford. to do "mich l'Jas noii already \1ell
knmmo . I.wQ Harr'ias replied in length ~
Commissioner Strang proposed tha.t the Cit.y employ a planner who
l'lOuld ultimately become the head of' a Planning Department, but for the
time being would be a IrBmber of 'the C~..t~~ Engin('~erin.g Depa.rtmento The
Board! the Mayor and 'the City illa1,ager feel the planner should be made
responsible to too City Vlul1ager"
Members of the Commission inqui:C8d t}H:l salary it ,.muld be necessaj."jr
to pay a compe 'Cent man and were 1iold that it would bEl bGt.vlCsn ;~6 ~ SOO
'~ .
and ..,p7,JOO a year~ Mr~ Kruse pointed out that 'the Federal Goverl1Jl1ent
\-lou.ld probably pay half' of the cost of preparing a city plan.
The Mayor said that the City should adopt the Eol1ovdng objectives:
March 28, 1957
Page 2
, f )
1. Hire a Planning Diroctor.
, ,/
2q W:l:th his advice and the assistance of tho Planning Board, engage;
a Planning firm.
'The l%.yOl'" stated that this mattel" would, be acted on formally and
brought to a eonclusion at; the next meeting of tho Commission, Monday,
April lot"
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 P_Mo
Respectfully submitted
Ralph \1 D .B D Reade, Secretary,
~here was a lengthy discussion of the proposed Planning Director
and Planning,Department. and it was agreed by all that the Planning
DirectOr should head up a separal..e Department of Planni.ng.
The Board met at 2:00 PqMv at which time Mr. Harries gave a brief
report on the interview with Messera S~mons and Smithg candidates for
Y~ster Plan Consultantso
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