03/21/1957 .',~;{;l .~ - "r'l !ft.!..l1!lilt1!fl..9,;f....}~tA:flU~..:th~!~f!fl.f!Y-J1fll:.cj~ .E~_1..92Li.;n P l~ ..illli!lt~,~Ji!2.m~ 'EL2X fi.9.f!. ~ Present "lOre members Kruse" Il;.i.rries, Rea.de 1 GiJ.lloway ~tnd Lovi5on, 'j , i Nick Rompon of the Engi11aer1n Orfice, Joe Dovlj.l1 0.1' t.he Cleat-Nate!" SlUl, and Chuck Alb1ll"Y of t.he St. Peteraburrr. 'rimes" The meet.inG opened at 3: 15 P ..Mil and 'the m:tnnte~::: of ~~he iJln.!"ch lJI.ch meeting were approv'ed.. I~Ir.. Gates and !fir. Baskin reappeared 'to get [",he Dor.u:-d,' f.~ opinion <?n t.he 'proposal 'I."lhich they had pre~ented .?t the March lhth \nt3cting6 'rhe Board advised 1.1essrs Gates and Baskin thc1.t it felt that the:LX' proposal for ,t;he north side 01' the lake \-las a desirable one but tihat:i their plam; f'or the south side ~1are objectionable.. The Board also adviAE.d these man that they should submit their proposal a~) fully d€nreloped to ,t;.he e1t,y , , Engineer \.rbo in tl.Lrll might request Planning Board opinion but that. the Planning Board l/Juld only give fOl"mal( c:oilsideration at the request l'.r 't.he City Engineer Q. City Commissiono The City 11~ngi1.lee:r ~ through Mr 0 Romp()n ~ Dubm:i.tt.\3d a pla:t. of the Beverly' Heigb:t.~ Subdivi3 iOll in '\.ffiich it ....las proposod t.o (l~laltge the locr.tioZ! I or the turnaround at the C:llld of the c\l.1-de-~1ac stre(~t (H.;n,':'1011 St..) In \ :'<' ' '::; . , :,. i ~ ..' . " ", order "to inlpr<"P'~ t,he oaleabili ty oi' C81'tain lots ~ lrh\~ [)o;u'd d5.s~ppro'l[E!l.:1 the pr.oposed chEnge.. It Has d(::C1d.(~d thilt, thl3 annual ri?;pox.t of tlw GO:;l.l'd (~C) tilW Cit~y Commission w()ulc be avai 13. bIe for scru~::'l'-Y by JTl.::r.Il:.;!!'s jjf the: i3l)ard in the Pla.nning DOct,:-d o.ffice until Tue5day oj.' 111?i'':~~ \'lcek, Oh.'1Uze~; i,'vbich '.T' aro neceo3ary L'ri,:.l be r:HdG bef'o:l'e 'fhu1"Dday ~rnd <:If' p t'o"rnl ;,) l' i; he f:i.nal 'I ch'aft 'will be g~_lell b:! tho Board at the 'J:iJll1':t'ndD.;,'1 r.~ mCHt:\.!!g, Mr.. Har,:'j C J reported on the quel :tf'i.,:~t,:ion.:-; fm: Fl 01t.;; Pln.f~J1:i.l1g ..<J Director and j':~' a pla:1ning firm .I . 1 ., 1, 1'lilJ.C '1 1l1l..s:i1, 1.11;) (!1l,:,;ngod t.) P!,"I-:Pf.ll'P. L~ , Mast.er Pl;ln. It. W:l fj d!3 cided t hat 'this Ir'..~..i;t'~r ,'3ho i),ld h8 rlj.,sen,"'Jr3od ',rit.tl , I, " . . '., ' . ,- , . .., . ,~. " . .' ..' , . .' " . . " ,. '. .' . I... _ .", l~:~:~" .~', . i!:/ '. ~~~. .i\ < :'. r,":' ::> ,'" > . .' ....... .;" . L(^. t',:.,'" '. ~ . U;\:;,'~, " ,?;~':/'(;, I..~. ....~ ~li". \ > ~ . I ~~,;" M~-::'( , f'~;1'l'~ {.~.4..< ,>tV,;" < ;:.:;{ . '~-:J" . . l' ~ ~ .i: ,:' ~ .~: I~' , ,March 2J., 1957 ,Page 2 the City Manager and an invitation was 1~el(!phoned tho City llIanager to , have lunch with the members of the Committoe the rollowing daYb The tneeting adjourned at 4: 45 P.M. Respectfully submitted Ralph ~l (> B" Reade, Secretary' ,; I ':;'l e.\.~' . 1-", ..' " . , , i:. ~: ,. '. c :..:.:.' ." ~.' . ~I:.~ .> ,'. .~. .' ,\ ;~.: .. " tt:::::',:,:,,:, ',' .',' . ". :~+~ \'. .o'e" ,~' ' ..... , ';,' . i~~'~~':,' '. :'{/'," ' [1\, ~:,<" ,:-<: (.:" ' , .., ',::,~ ,:', " , " . ' ('~I' :'t\.., j" ;';T'!.' '.' ' ~.' ~~ ~ ' , , , ' <, '. :~ . I' " r:';'.- ~., i. .....,: , " .', r.t:<.: . J.' H T ,. c ,~, >T'\, '.. 'j , c . \ '\ '., -1 ~.:- ": . '.Jt: ~, '. .;, ,'> ,,' ;';' I,,> i ' :t~~' . I ;.':,1 .- . . ~ . ~ . .t:, .. _",. .' .'1...,J -110', ',I \'1 '" :,/" ,",~' ,. . t .' ~, .,.: .< ., . , 'L~ ;;;, ; ":~, L :;: ..<.~' T