03/14/1957 . . I . 1 ~ I . . . . I, '.. . I . I . I.' I .,', :' . . . " I ..., . .,'. "" . ., ~ , :. ::: ~inutes of. rn9,e..ti;.ng Th..1l}:s~a.~ March IJt~ 19..57. in Planni~~ BO!1x:.d. Offico ~ Present were members Kruse ~ LeviooTlv Galloway, Dr:!. ver. Reade anCl Stuler, and Nick Rompon of" the Engineering Department. A~ the request of the City Engineer the Board exwnined a drawing submitted by Mr. H. Hot Baskin and two of his clients, Messrs.. F. I.. Gates and J. D. Baskino The drawing showed property owned by the clients, -,- east or Missouri Avenue and abutting the lake which is at the end of Young and Friend Streets~ The owners wished ~Q have the City and the C6unty vacate lard which lie s bet\'reon the rear of lots 'which surround the lake and the center line of the lakeo The matter was discussed '. at length with the applicants and it was finally decided to postpone action until the next meetingo During the in~orvening period the Board will investigate some dli!tails on which infol"nation was not available. The preparation o.f a b1aster Plan .for the City came up next i'or d;i.scussioIl and it was moved, seconded and passed that the .following resolution be forwarded to the City Commission: "The Planning Board, having made n thorough investigation of the means whereby the preparation of a comprahensive i'ilaster Plan might be accomp:j.ished in the lU,?st economical way \':ithout mlnimi7.ing any o.f its plannir~ objectives, suggests that the following procedure be adopted: ao Create the position of Planning Director as a fuli-time head of a Planning Department with the ope c1.flc r(~spon8ibilit.y of expediting the preparation of a r~ster Plan for the City employ- ing, with the consent. of" the City Cmnm:i.ssion and the Cit~y Manager j the assistance 01' such proJ:onsional plHnning counsol as may be . \ "-' requiredu bol In the event that a person with. the prope"." qualifications is not ava.ilable for this position "Jithin a reasonable length of time, it is suggested that a Consulting 1J.10M.l Planning fj ~7Ill be . '. :". + \ . .'.' . .' 0, . .', . ,0 \ ...., . " ,::' . "., .. . J' I' ~. : F.::' . Ii. . ;. March 14, 1957 Page 2 'f" employed to proceed with the preparation of a Master Plane The selection of such a consultant would be effectuated ~hrough 'I; , the investigation which the Board ois..no"1 prosecut1.ng of firms 'capable of performing the proposed work. The establishment of a Planning Department in the Oity Admini- stration" under the head of a Planning Dt-w'octor with proper training and experience '(and to act as Secretary of the Planning Board) is acknowledged as the standard practice in progressive cities such as Clearwater and seems to be the logical answer for both immediate and future benef'it to the City 0" The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. .j.o , . '.:'\ ( , :'" I ~.. , ,.. . . ~ ' ~ , \ ' '1 '/:' :.: ~: : >.' .. .>..... , : ".:'1, " r" . "t~.' '" . <~. , Respectfully submitted i<:: . ,",; . ;.~ 'l ., ::{, \~ "' , }:': :': ' ,.:' . Ralph I{l (0 B D Reade, Secretary ;1':- " ' .;: >/ ~'"; , ~' ;. . i t ~ L ' 'I " :. .' '~) '.. ~'. ! ',I., .,. ~', ' L:.:' , , Kl t,'. ': .y, . ,:. . - 1\ ,~: \-.J '::' .... . J' ,~"; .' ~.' ;. , .,J .. 0'"