02/21/1957 '" . I ; ,,', " ", .' ",' , ,': ,,' , ", . + '. . \. '. I :,.:' 1 '.,,' , . '. . . ". " ,'. .' '. ~ I ' ; . , . " ~ M~rnutOlt ot1!~tip~ ThurBda~...Febl:Ufl.l':'l.,...?b-1.9.2l...inJ'l~.ap.nJnf.L~~~, ~OI:.fj~ Present; were momberB Kruse" Harries f Galloway, Reade, Norton and Levison, N:i.c}c Rompon of the Engineoring Department and Chuck Albury of the St. Petersburg Times.. The minutes of the ~'ebruary 14th meeting \-{ere appr'oved without change.. Mr. Harri.es suggeated that the area eas1.. of 't.he end 01' Clevoland Str.aet. "lest of Belcher, south of Drew and north of' Rainbo\'l; is a part of' properties o\>med by the Constant-ines and w'01J~d be an excellent site on 1'lhich all Lit1~le League requirements could becollso1idated~ frhe Chairman requested Mr.. Gallot-laY to serve ldth Messrs&. Harries, Norton and Levison 011 the committee that vlas appointed t,Q investigate large new sites on h11ich all Little League act.iviti.es could be con- solidated" This cOI1lmittee is to di scuss the abovo site \.,i th the ownerB. .j. .\. ",' JlIr.. Galloway and Hr.. Reade reported tha't the school playgrowlds do not offer satisfac'tory or adequate fa,ciliti(~s for J.Jitt19 League diamonds.. It was suggested tha"b one Littl'e League diamond should bt:~ built in Crest Lalce Pa)."k but 110 formal action ,..,as taken" A specimerL letter vrritten 'to firnw or planners and individual '., planning engineers inviting them to 3ubml:t~ propcsaln .for tbe Clear\<mter Master Plan ~laS rHud togl.1ther v:ith l'eplies to nome j.n'.ritations rlhich had already been rece:.i.vedo In view o.l' the fact that the propo::rtlon of negative replies 1'la::l higher than a.nttc:i:;;a-ced, it. was agl'eed that letters of invitation should be sent immediately to tho entire list ,. of candj,de,t\:ls.. . \ :. ........) The City Enginowr submitted a plat ot' a subdiv'isi.on o\'med by " ,.. Paul Rio Agne"l and \"Jife sholv-ing intersections of nort.h and sout.h Pine .. < ~{" c,., '" . .<. ....Ji,:J.,. , . . . 'F" /. "<c .,. I'" . ". " f l Februar)' 21, 1957 Page 2 ., . '.<' :' Streets with'Missouri Avenue,,'. Agne'tl is requesting that theso inter- sections to lofissouri be vacate(i and is of.faring' to e;i'\Te in exchango two lots to connect north and south Pine Streets~ It was moved, seconded and passed tlwtthe .exchange be approved. ~ .:'. ' .1: ..:: ..,.. . '.0 The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M" .\1,.. . <:'.: .. .... <. Respectfully submitted ) :'~ .. " . . ., ".".' '-;.' .Ralph w~ Bn Rende, Secretary ~>. ~., . '~' .t. 1.' , ..... ~;~ : .f. ;:~\~.:. \;':>,:.. .~\. &:;\~:". . :jf:. .,. ."'....... ,,' ~'.~<-::' 'c' p " .;~ "." \~'..' , (.: ' ~:,:~.. : .i;" ,.\ .' <, ..... )" . . . .1.,. . ':i.. , ':<. . 'I .. ~.: .. , '. .t:: '. )'01.. " ., . ~~> ' 'I ,\ ..... < .. . '.'~ 1'. . .:). ,. ~(.:"C ~ ,', ...:'< '" . ',:~;..' . ~l:. ,