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M~rnutOlt ot1!~tip~ ThurBda~...Febl:Ufl.l':'l.,...?b-1.9.2l...inJ'l~.ap.nJnf.L~~~, ~OI:.fj~
Present; were momberB Kruse" Harries f Galloway, Reade, Norton
and Levison, N:i.c}c Rompon of the Engineoring Department and Chuck
Albury of the St. Petersburg Times..
The minutes of the ~'ebruary 14th meeting \-{ere appr'oved without
Mr. Harri.es suggeated that the area eas1.. of 't.he end 01' Clevoland
Str.aet. "lest of Belcher, south of Drew and north of' Rainbo\'l; is a
part of' properties o\>med by the Constant-ines and w'01J~d be an excellent
site on 1'lhich all Lit1~le League requirements could becollso1idated~
frhe Chairman requested Mr.. Gallot-laY to serve ldth Messrs&. Harries,
Norton and Levison 011 the committee that vlas appointed t,Q investigate
large new sites on h11ich all Little League act.iviti.es could be con-
solidated" This cOI1lmittee is to di scuss the abovo site \.,i th the ownerB.
JlIr.. Galloway and Hr.. Reade reported tha't the school playgrowlds
do not offer satisfac'tory or adequate fa,ciliti(~s for J.Jitt19 League
It was suggested tha"b one Littl'e League diamond should bt:~ built
in Crest Lalce Pa)."k but 110 formal action ,..,as taken"
A specimerL letter vrritten 'to firnw or planners and individual
planning engineers inviting them to 3ubml:t~ propcsaln .for tbe Clear\<mter
Master Plan ~laS rHud togl.1ther v:ith l'eplies to nome j.n'.ritations rlhich
had already been rece:.i.vedo In view o.l' the fact that the propo::rtlon of
negative replies 1'la::l higher than a.nttc:i:;;a-ced, it. was agl'eed that
letters of invitation should be sent immediately to tho entire list
of candj,de,t\:ls..
. \
:. ........)
The City Enginowr submitted a plat ot' a subdiv'isi.on o\'med by
Paul Rio Agne"l and \"Jife sholv-ing intersections of nort.h and sout.h Pine
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" f l
Februar)' 21, 1957
Page 2
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Streets with'Missouri Avenue,,'. Agne'tl is requesting that theso inter-
sections to lofissouri be vacate(i and is of.faring' to e;i'\Te in exchango
two lots to connect north and south Pine Streets~
It was moved, seconded and passed tlwtthe .exchange be approved.
.:'. '
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The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M"
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Respectfully submitted
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.Ralph w~ Bn Rende, Secretary
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