ill.n.u_tos, o:t;_.!!l.Q...~ Thllrndf.l.Y: ll'cbruary 1lt..t.--=1.2J:L~tn ~}.e.~nrin!t...BC??rd, Oll'ic~
Presont \'/ere memberu Kruse~ Harr:lo:=;. Driver, Galloway and R8ade,
City Engineer Lickton, Nick Hompon of tho 3ugineer's office and Chuck
Albury of the St.. Petel.sbur~, 'rimes"
This vms Mr" Drivel" s lnitial meeting after his appo:J.ntment.
The minutos of the February 7th meeting "Tere approyed without
change 0
In compliance \-n.th the decision at the previous meettng, Chairman
Kruse, presented recou~endations regarding Planning Board comnittees
for the coming year<) He l'ecommended 'thatt.he appoil1tment. of committees
be deferred until the preparation of t.he lYt.as.ter Plan has begun", This
recommsndation was accepted by the Board.. *
A letter from .the Planning Board to i~he Gi'/jy Commission regarding
the Pierce Street intersection 'ruth Fto Harrison \'tas read and approved.
The Master Plan \~lS next discussed.. l~r~ Harri0s read a draft of
a letter he had preparedt inviting candidates to submit proposals to
,the City for ~le preparation of the ~mster, Plan. The text of the letter
was approved by,the B03.rd~ The letters will be matled as soon as li.sts
of candidates are received from Mr. Baril in 'rallEz.11'i3se~ and 1.11"" 'Wedge
of the Housing and Home Finance Agency in Atlanta.,
It \'las moved ~ seconded. and passed that ,1 list of arterj.als and
colle ctor road"myu 'o'1i th the ir resp(;~cti ve :1'~ght.~o.t\<",';::lY Hldths should
be attached to prints of "M R lit dated De(~cmbeI.' 13" 19~}6 and distri.b\\ted
for use by City Departm0nts~
NU'o HJ~ade and r.tr" Galloway reported 011 1.ntGr~J 1\;\',.3 ,..r.l th r~ddie i>~oora ~
Director of Recr~t:'.t:!.on and l'Ia.rry Gaua\?, Su.p81'''Jiso!' '"ot' -r.1w P:Lnellas School
\'larehouse rogarding the use of fJ ehoc,}. play grmlnds ~ui(I other facil it.ies
b~r Little League baseball teauw ~ IfJ.r.. J~c".'H1G int~,;rv10\t~d. ~lr" 1-100r'3)
~ J~
Friday, F'ebruarJ $'th and Mr.. Gallm'1ay I fill'. M00r'€' and. fJlr'" Hae,do h:ld E1
. ,\;,)
F~bruary 14. 1957
Pago 2
meeting \-llth Mr. Gause \iodneoday, It'ebruary 13th.. '1'he School DoaI'd and
the School Administrati.on and School Pl'incipuls ore all desirous of
having school grounds u30d to the fullest possible extal1t for legitimate
public purposes atrl will co-operate :fully \'1i.~h other public agenci.es.
The City Recreation Department is nO,"1 using facilities of some schools.
Among other activities, it is conducting a youth eni....ichment program for
six \'leeks on school poperties during the swnmer and is recei"ing ex-
cellent co-operation from School Authori tie s. The Slcycrest t Belleair
and Clear'~ter High Schools are large enol~h to accotmnodata Little' Lea~ue
ball diamonds but playgrounds at other Dchools do not have sufficient ~~~~;
Mro Gause felt that the School Administration 1'11ould be ,0.1:( lll.g 't.o ba~l!:
Little League diamonds established at these schools. However, thera
are some conditions that are undesirable.. An Adm:i.nistration building
for the School Board is to be built on the High School grounds and a
considerable area \'rill be'required for parking" r.1r. Gause did not kno\'1
whether ther~ would be sufficient room for Li.ttle Leaguo after satisfying
these requireiTh3'11t:=t... lit: also emphasized that; requirements for class room
space are increasing so rap idly that it ~"fill probably be necessary to
erect additional buildings on the above three school sites and therefore
these Bites would IT obab1y be available' Ol1J.~l as 'tempol"!lt'>y space for
Little Leagun.. It l~ould be nec9;ssary for the City t.o provide policing
and cleaning of the gro1lnds and toilets. 'rhl3 toilet rooms in the schools,
would be available but llG st.orage space for 3uppliGG and ~qllipment. is
available.. 14.r co l<'J.oore est.ima tad it ,,!ould cost about ,~,500 per diamond t~o
build Little Lf?ague ba3eb~'dl fields"
Mr" Gau.5~, did not believe tha-t the foot.ball fiold at ths High School.
could be m.::.da available for Little LeaguG basobalJ.~
Green Field vlill hold only tv!? Little Ll.:"!aetle G~i(:.ll1ond,::; bu.t there is
a possibility of using other' grounds ill that ~r(;n and thr;::rauy cGl1trulizing
" f)
F'obrun.ry 1J.., 195'1
Page 3
all Little League act,ivitics. At the schools no more than one diamond
could be builti a"t ouch school... Mr. Lickton HuyG there a.re unoccupied
areas at the uj,l"port t,hat are la:rge enough for Little League ball diamondso
r~. Moore stated that a playground is now being built in tho ~brymont
section and there is a possi bility of providing for I.Jittle League in
that areal!
'; '\
. "-.J
In conclusion it does not appear that school playgrounds \'lould be
a permanent or entirely satisfactory sites for Little LQague~
Mro Rompon presented a tracing of the Green Field section whi.ch
I~o Levison had asked him to pre~~re~ It contemplated the accquisition
of residential property on the west side of Pennsylvania Avenue and the
closing of Pennsylvania and Nicholson Streets so that the entire area
could be used for Little League and other junior baseball organizations~
, "It l'1aS pointed out hOl'leVer~' tha t the aver'age cost of residences \-{ould he
about $8,000 and the project might involve litigation for closing Penn-
sylvania and Nickolson.. Alt,0gether it promises to be a much more ex-
pensive solution than others that are under considerationft
The meeting ad.i ourned la t '5: 15 P "p1 0
Respect\uJ.ly submittgd,
Ralph W~ B~ Reada, Secretary
:;( on page 4
. ..
... ". - . : . . I .' . . . . ',. \ ..- . .." . . . .' y' . ',.".' .' ", . :
t' 'r11.k
. ~ ,. .
February 14, 1957
Page 4
In regard to the appointment of Committeos for the present year,
these sugg~8tions are offered by the chni.rDlan:
1. Following the adoption o.f a Mastel. Plan, the Committees 1,B ually
Bet up are: ' Schools and Parlts, Streets and Plats (to co~operate
\'llth an Advisory Utility Committee when necessary) I and Zoning"
in alphabetical order~
2., ,In view of the present major fUIlction of the Board to arrange
for the development of a i~8ter Plan, it is suggested that the
appointment of Committees be doferred until the preparation of
, ,
'../ ,
':: ,",
this Plan is \rell under way. There is also the matter of charter
amendments concerning the composition and operati.ons of' a Plan-
ning and Zoning Board; this might have prior determination also.
, I
, . ~ .
?-~.:I .'
1', .
';';;: As fit present, Speciat Committees ...Till be named for specific projects
:.',;" as they may develop; otherwise. the Board should act as a Committee of'
/--',' .
the whole for the time beingo
I~' .
'j .
, ,
" ,
.~ . .
. ~.'