, ,', " I . ". . ' ' , . : " I' .' .. . I...' ' . ". , . ' : ,'. . ': .' /T" ......~. ~ ': . .",',.' .~ ~. ' ,,' , . .. . , . '
~irnrutGS_,~r me9~ing Thursday F~brunry_7...J.J..9~.!.'"L..ln._,rl1:1,nnll.:!Z..J~ol\.rd OfficE!..
Present ",ore mombers Kruse, Harrios t Helldo, Lf.lvinon and Gallo}ray.
Cit,y Engineer L1ckton, Nick Rompon of tho Engincerlne Dopartment llUd
Chuck Albury of the Sto Petersburg Timeso
The meeting opened at 3:)0 P.14o and t.he minutes of tho January
30th meeting were approvado
There vias a brief diBcussion of the committee system under ",hich,
the Planning Board condu~t5 its activities and or the vacancies now
existing on some of the committees.. It ",as decided that Chairman Kruse
would present recommendations for committees, their duties and per-
sonnel, at the next meeting of the Board 0
The Little League matter came up next for discussion~ The Secretary
read the letter written by the Board to the City Commission. .After
discussion it was moved, seconded and passed that two committees be
appointed to develop the procedure reques1~ed by the City Commission..
.:, . Thetia l10mmittees are to present their i'indings to the Board, v1hich
~ J '
: ,
:,,' in turn \\'il1 submit recommendations to the) City Commission.. One conunittee
is to discuss with the County School Board the use of $chool playgrounds
" for Little La'ague baseball diamonds and other re.creational uses D The
Chait-man appointed Mr t> Galloway and l~u- 0 Reade t.o this committee and
requested that Mayor Homer be l.nvi tad to pa:r1;icipate vIi th tho ,committee
members in discussions held l-lith the School BoaX'd. 'fhe nacond committee
is to investigate other suitable sites~ including Ol1es not now ot'med
, '
by the City ~ \o/hich are large enough for cBntrali.~~ing all Little League
requirements" The Chairman appointed Iv1r.. Harries) l"h"" Norton and fJIr..
Levison to this committeey
In the discussion it \'las brought out that under 110 conditions
should a higher price be paid for land f'or th:i.s purpose than the School
Board pays :for its buildi,n,g sites" School Board p:'ices have ranged
-, ,
,~ .
;~ .
.~<~.. .
-, -
'p'a hrullry 7 f 1957
Page 2
from ;)600 1jO ~3, 000 an acro &
'fhe prices ostimatt-l(~ by lilt.. Norton for the
south Clearwater site \'1tltl felt, to he highor t.han 'Warrantedo
The Chairman requested the Secretary to \'lI'ite t.o t,he City Cmu-
mission regarding the Hamlin offer for \',lclening Pierce St,reet east of
Ft.. Harrison Avonue.,
'fherG "Ta3 dis cussion of a lett,er from l"1r.. e.pr~gins. thFJ City t s
fiscal advisor and the .Doard agreed that it had no authority for taking
cognizance of Mr. Spragins proposals. The Secretary was instructed
to write Mr. Spragin3 to this effect.
14r.. Hal"'rles reported on a discussion with lJlr. Baril of the Florida
Develop Commission regarding the preparation of the n~ster plan for
Clearwater.. The Federal Government is anxi.oun to help in such plans
- but prefers to avoid package deals and "bhe employmen1j of "big name"
.firms. The Federal Government will cont.l"ibute bet,'reen 25% and 50% of
the cost.of an approved planning projectd It \m~ moved, seconded and
passed that a commit,tee be appointed to prepare. a program for invest-i..
'. >.
:--.': gat.ing tho individuals nnd planning firmat.hat. are qualified to prepare
t.he Cl(~ar\"Iater plan. Tll'ts comraitt(~e is to develop t.he methods that
I -
. should be used in such ~n investigation and roport bad'~ to t,he BOt...-..'d
'..~ .
t'- .
- ~^rith recoIlUrY.-;l11dations Q The Chairman appointcu lIlr., Harz'ie s ~ l-tr ~ Jjevison
and 141'.. Reade to this cOlnmi'titeet ,'lith 1\1r" Harril::s as Chairman"
The In'3ating udjourned. at 5~OO P .M~
Respect.:f.ul:lY 5ubm,itt.ed
P.:l).ph U., B ~ R.eade ~ Se cr8tar~r