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M!nl.lteo... of "!!3.r-q,.t,ing ,~rh.ll!:!.;..!)l!Y Jnnuapy 21!j._.1..<2.~_.!.!Ll~~a~nirlli..:..~LQffic~a
Present "lOre mumbera Kruao t Lovison, Hurries" Reade, Norton and
newly appointed member Hr. Charles Galloway. Jr.. Nick Rompon of" the
Engineering Department, 14r., \Jhitehcad. City Clark, I~.. Tallent. City
Manager and Joe Devlin of:' the Clearwater Sun"
'l'he meeting opened at 3: 15 P oMo and the minutes ot: the January 17th
meeting were approved tnth minor corrections~
I~o Whitehead s~ore in each membor of the Board~
~~o Tallent, City ~~nager9 discussed his experiences in other
. cit.i.es; what he hoped to achieve in Clea.r\.:ator and his ant.iciput.ed
relationships with the Planning BoardQ
Next on the agenda was ~he election of officerso Mro ~~u8e \ms
l'e''-4:\lr-;~~~:?;d Chairman, Mr.. Levison was 'elected Vice Chairman to .fill -the
vacancy left by MrQ Homer and Mr. Reade was re-elected Secretary; all
by unanimous voten
It being Miss Dob~on's birthdaY9 a cake (ldth candles) and ice
cream fittingly celebrated the occasiono
Mro Levison presented the maps which have been completed ohewing
locations o.r schools and areas and boul1d,3..ries of' school districts for
Clear\'later. Largo, DUlledin~ Safety Harbor. and Belleair.. He also
presented c1.nd discussed a map sho\'ting pre:;;~nt pA..rk locations..
The next item on the agenda \'1aS the s81ecti,)n of locations 1'01"
Lit;tla League Baseball diamonds and headqual'tl~!'o "rJhi-:.:n the City Com-
mission requested the Planning Board to st.udy and recommend i.~o -the
Commission.. l't \'las finally decided that t\'IO plal1G r;hould be presented:
lC! 'tdth ball diam0l1ds and hoadquarterf:i cent).'ali~Gd In on.e location
.. ,
and 2" .l'Tith diamonds located in .!3everc~l Ljectiorw of t,lw City., This
matter is to be fLU"ther c1ir:;cussed at the next l!J?eting of the Board"
I . ", . '. . ..' . ' .' '. . . . '.' ~ '.' '. . '. ' . .
, .. . f l,
, "
January 2/+t 19'57
Page 2
, '
'" .
Mr. Kruse introduced' the matter of tho Traff.ic Inoti'tute to be
held at "the Nat.ional Guard Armory on January 31 and February 1, 1957,
,and it was agreed that the Board would be r~preaentecl b()thdays by
different members of the Board.
(..' .
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The meeting adjourned at .5:,15 P.Mo
. ,
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Respectifully subn1i1~ted
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Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary
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A.. To help the city holp itsolf' by:
1., "Prevention of the spread of blir..h:G Into good areas of t,ho
community tlu'ough st~ict enror~lJment of housing and noighbor-
hood standards and stri9"t Occupulley controls.." *
20.1 "Uahabilita.tion of salvable areafJ, turning them into sound,
healthy neighborhoods by replanning, romoving congestion.
providing parks and playgrounds, reorganizing streets and
traffic, and by facilitating physical rehabilitation of
deteriorated structures. It *
3 (> "Clearance and redevelopment of nonsal vahle slwus (l tl :{I:
A.. The City shall present to the Administrator of the Housing and
Home li'inance Agency, and official ,'rorkable program consisting of:
10 Codes and Ordinances
The objective is to assure adequate minimum standards of
hea.lth \l sanitation. and safety through a com rehensive syst.em
of codes and ordinances ''lilich state the mintmwn con it.iollS
under \6ich d~rel1ings may be la~~ully occupiedo
?'\l. Comprehensive Community Plan .
The objective is the formulation and official recognition of
a comprehensive general plan .for the community as n whole~
3. Neighborhood analysis
The objectivo is the identification of the extent and intensity
of bligh~ and logical patterns of neighborhoods .for pm'poses
of developing a basis .for planning of hnalt;hy neighborhoods .of
decent homes and suitable living environment~.
4u Administrative Organization
.The objective is a rirmly established administrative respons-
ibility and capacity for enforcoment of cbdes and ol'dinances,
and for carrying out renewal programs and projects...
5;) Financing
The objective is the development of means f'or meo'cing .the
financial obligation involved in carrying olffi urban renewal
6'1 Housing for Displaced Fam:tlies
The objective is to facilitate the rehousing, in decent, safe,
and sD.rIitary acco;nm.odations ~ of i'mnilitas displaced b}~ govern-
mental action..
7~ Citizen Particination ,
Tho objective is community-wide parti.cip<:rt.ion on the part of
individuals arld representative citizens r ol'ganizations which
,'Jil~ hall) to provide ~ both in 'the ccmrnunitiT gene rally and in
sGlacted- areas.v, the understnndin!I Qnd supprn't, \'fhich 5s necf~aSarjr
to insure aucci~'s3 ~
Bo On the .1Jasis of Ills revie,.. of" f~uch progr"::lm~ the Administrator has
t.o determine t.hat nuch progl"am meets "(,he r~Jqu:i.1'nm':mts foT' !"~dornl
Aido .
S m~lMJ\.R y
The Housing Ae'i;. o:f 195i} o.fi'ers us advice anlJ finC111c;J.al assistance
in a variety of ~layso All of this, h01'{e~r2!") is pr'adicated upon the
development by our Cit.y of 1? 'Iiorkable program 1'0:-;' denling adequately
,'lith the entire problem of our slums D.na blight.) lIHJ?1\. can ~t?-v~~e;.
us on the-aav-e'Topment of our MJrkablo progl";:lm" II/his CCln be done
hrithout charge' and rri thout B.ny obligation on our part iiO [I,ccept.
Fade-ral A.id'l
by Presidenh Eisenho\'ler,
Poee 2
HHlj\a can also assist us in the devolopment 01' urban renewal projects 0:.
If \'10 meet the basic requirom9nts and reque:,.rt. financial a:;lsis't.ance,
we can receive up to $2.00 of Ii'ederal aid for each local dollar
of net cost.. This means that with the same oxpenditure on our
part we can do three times as much Oll urban rcno''''al as \ose could
if our municipal ity paid tho entire cost. This might mean that
we could clean up our slums and blight Inuch more quickly and under"
take thre~ times a.s many conservation programs.
Experience throughout the United States to dat,e indicates that
in most cities increased real eatiate taxes from the rebuilt areas
"rill o.ffset the cost of: renewal in from 1.5 'GO 45 years 11
About 200 localities at present are planning or carrying out 28()
clum clearance m,d urban redevelopment projec~s lmderTitle I
of the Housing Act of 1949, involving as much as $hOO,OOO,OOO of
Federal capital grants. T.he 1954 Act expands the program, authoriz-
ing Federal aid for the rehabilitation of areas as \1e11 as their
clearance a It also fits the 'program better to the needs of smaller
communitie s. i\1oreover, a 'renewal proje ct can deal Hith areas a
great deal larger.than those under the 1949 program ~n1ich were
restricted to clearance, and Federal aid has become available f"or
providing the improved 'public facilities needed for the upgrading
of such larger areas. Thus, whatever the city's siz~ or the extent
of its blighted areas, it can tackle its problems of urban decay
ldth,an inQreased variety of Federal aid and far greater flexibility
in both planning and carrying out its projects~
Au The U~ Sa Government will match dollars for a State'Planning
Agency to Accomplish a lJIast"er Plan foX' commwtitios ''lith a 1950 popu
population of 25,000 or less_ or the Ua S. Government will match
funds with the city.
B~ , If the city can produce a plan that can be used to demonstrate
to 'the Nation. the .~f.fects of' planning in their community. the
Government will finance 2/3 of the plan~
Note: Our Legal Department must be consulted an~ give us an opinion
as to the legalitiy oi~ our applying f'or Fedel~aJ. Aid to pla.n and