01/17/1957u,tiwnf mcint:.rl;r, J?. rnvti•`1!._;#.;s/,? l,taiiit1;?,?t3c.cc1? Present wera ,nembers ltruso, Levi son, li,arr.:i.c-ol hoard and Horton, Nick Itornpon of t-.tze Lriginearing Department, Joa Devli)i of tiro Clearwater Sun and.0huck Albury of the St, Peter,.burge Ti,me,3. The meeting, opened at 1:00 P.M1o aitd the minutes of the January loth meeting wore approved after corrections ware mach„ a,. Levison px enented maps showing the areas served by the present four junior high schools in Dunedin, Clearwater, Largo, and Sax"ety Harbor and a second map sho ring the areas served by the follow- ing elementary schools: Dunedin, Lar?;c3 North ?tirax•dp .ycrest, South Ward, Belleair, Safety Harbor and Anon. L The school; shown on these maps are for white students. Maps showing schools for negro students have not yet been prepared„ The above reaps chow the school districts very clearly,, Present parks aril future needs for parks in this section of Pinellas County were discussed briefly but no conclusions were reached. Railroad facilities, stations, yards, etc. i-m.re di.scu:ised at some length Athout conclusion, Mr. Kruse reported that the lettsr -rogardi.ng tho. master plarl for Ole,-=water had been transmitted to the City Cor3rr,rxs,-Aon. for reading at the Commission meeting Monday January 21 and lu-god that all liirnibers of the Board bo present if' possible. i.irY.. ;txtu se alto advised that a letter to the City Planagor requestin o that IIIA I: J" be recorded in the public records of Pinellas County hiad l:e cr•i sent, Nflr e Kruse introduced a draft of a let,t?r to t,lio C-i,t y Galrllmission that the Planning Board be cautho-r I_ X16 i;C) and 3t)1J:t'Oi,e requesting requesting desions of qtr. uctures to be on Cit?f l?l r??? r 1.?? by y r '..1.Ci y This matter tmatter ?? as d u4li?a4'd 1'i. length and al(;?"_vuZt I1 fr, i.'::? 1.! jr r, r'L:ec? txta1; there should be supervi8lon by a City agenc'v of 5l?.ch (5ioJc-1_-ts, :Lti :)i*f , z' s:o .. Aca. . Jani my 17, 1957 Pnge 2 insure good appearance, it was not agreed as to how this ahoiild ba achieved. No concluoion was reached and the chairman finally referred tho drat letter to Mr. Harries. to review, amend and redraft., The chairman requested Mr. Rompon -to deacri.be and discuss Urban Renewal Programs and Federal Aid for such programs, which he recently studied at. the University of Florida at Gainesville. Mr. Rompon gave an excellent discription of the requi.reinent:j for Federal slid, problems Involved in Urban Redevelopment and the benefits to be obtained there fz,om. 'The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P .14. Respectfully submitted Ralph W. B. Rbade, Secretary , i i • v 4 dT Millutan of_meotin,r, hursda J,nts ' in Pl._3nnly, Board Office Present were member.,; Kruse, Lovison, Barrios, hsade and Norton, Nick Rompon of the Enginoering Department;, Joe Devlin of the Clearivater Sun and Chuck Albury of the St. Petersburg Times,, The meetings opened at 3:00 P.M. and the minutes of the January 10th meeting were approved after corrections were mode. Mr, Levison presented maps showing the areas served by the present four junior high schools in Dunedin, Clearwater, Largo and Safety Harbor and a second map showing the areas served by the follow- ing elementary schools: Dunedin, Largo, North Ward, Skycrest, South ? Ward, Belleair., Safety Harbor and Anon. The schools showm on these t maps are for white students. Maps zhowing schools for negro students have not yet been prepared. The above megas show the school districts ' very clearly. Present parks and future needs for parks in this section of Pinellas County were discussed briefly but no conclusions viere reached,. Railroad facilities, stations, yard;, etc. were discussed at some length without conclusion. Mr. Kruse reported that the letter regarditq the mastar plan for Clearwater had been transmitted to the City Commission for reading at the Coimuission, meeting Aonday January 21st and urf;ad that all nraznbers of the Board be present if possible. Mr. Kruse also advised that a letter to the City Manager requesting that I'M R 1.11 be recorded in the public records of Pinellas County Thad be;crr sent. I?h% Kruse introduced a draft oz'' a latter to the- niter Csioi? requesting tha?u an advisory body be d -s3. na7;1,ct to and ap- prove designs of structir es to be. built: on City prrjpFrty4 This matter was discussed at length and althou,kl ;,??,?-?.?1" w;? rtg?•cett that thea• , should be super-vision by a City agerrc y of such projects ? In order to i' f'. January 17, 1957 Page 2 insure good appearance, it was riot agread as to iiow th.i a ,ltruld he achievedp No conclun ion was reached and tht. chairman finally referred . the. draft letter to lair o Harries to review, ainencl and redraaft, The chairman r. equn sled Mr. Roinpon to dnscvi.be and discuss Urban Renewal Prog,rains, and Federal Aid for sttc:h programs, vihi.ch he recently studied at the Univer iby of Florida at Gainesville. Mr. I cmpon gave an excellent discri.pti.on of the requi.remen;;s for Vederal. Aid, problems involved 3,n Urban Redevelopment and the benefits Uh he obtained there-. from, The".me*eti.ng adjouriled at 5:00 P-1,L Respectfully :submitted. Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary As.eorredted .tat the January 24th meeting,, 4 A } 1 .M