01/10/1957tC}?_ :3;?C....iz l.-anri :j" _ 37t3<trd Office
minutes of tingeUing-3huroday J;1 L2?LS
Present wero Iuembera Kruse, Lovison,, fteade,. Harries .and Norton,
Mayor Homer,' City Engineer Lickton, Hick RomPon of the Engineering
Department, Chuck klbury of the St. Petersburg Timm and Howard
Hartley of WTAN.
The meeting opened at 3:00 P.14,, and the mini rtes of the January
3rd meeting were approved,
The secretary of the Board was fo: really t1vitaked by the. Board for
the minutes written for meetings held in 1956
Mr. Harries moved and it was seconded and passed that the
secretary prepare an annual report on the work of the Board during
1956 for submission to the City Commission,
?Layor Homer annour.{aed that the City Oommission would request
authority from the coining session of the legislature for establishing
the present %oning Board as the Board of Zoning Appeals. This Board
vrill. then become the final authority on zoning appeals and the %ity
Commission w'111 be relieved of hearing appeals.
The Mayor ne:.-i: discussed the vacancies on the Board and the
natnes of several candidates i.°ere discussed. It wan finally noncluded
that Mayor Homer would invil;e Charles Galloway, Jr, and B. J., Driver
to serve as members of the Board
The letter to the Mayor and City Coranii-,v,35_ou y rlt,sor_?.!? ? ?><; important
features of the p rono?; d master plan sand other watt :t s rel.rtt;i g to it
ZVas diso.ussed rlax , 11i WaSz, agreed to :,ovio cra11gos i the draft
letter and type it -i.n :aanl: form. ii:r4:;?t• liGr??er° ;?;tir,?.?'?.e?s i::L*;: approval
of it t:Trzttert. The Board t-hen fox- wally appru tot ?1-1e ZFji?:.?lr
Tho ue?.xt matter brought lip for ci't ?''1goo t:ha'% had
been mado in Vi R aft without proper not, i3L+?Cl '-p.i-oirr record
being made of ;race changesv It iwas ainphasis:od in t1lct di:;cussion that
The next-, matter brought
been made in "M R It' without
being made of such changes.
t'M R It' as approved by the C
January 10, 1957
Page 2
up for discussion was changes that had
proper authority nor with proper record
It was emphasized in the discussion that
ity Commission and certified by the City
Clerk is a legal document and cannot be altered except on authority
of the City Commission. In conclusion it was moved, seconded and
passed that I'M R 111 dated December 13, 1956, for the year 1956, which
had been approved by the City Commission, should be photostated and
distributed to all interested City, departments.
It was further agreed that all streets showing on the map should
be labelled by name.
It was moved, seconded and passed that the City Commission be
requested to record rrM R 111 in the public records of Pinellas County
or authorize the Planning Board to do so and that the Planning Board
be given authority to record future editions of "M R 111 which have
been approved by the City Commission...
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P-M,
Respectfully submitted
E1. .%
Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary
..... w. NAM..
January 10j 1957
Pag,o 2
1114 R 111 as approved by the City Coirmis o-ion and covitifiod by the City
Clerk is a legal. document and cannot he altored elccapt on uuthority
of the City Commission. In conclusion it waa moved, seconded and
passed that I'M R 11' .d3 ted December 13 r 1956, 'or the year 1956, which
had been approved by the City Commissions should be, piiotostated and
distributed to all interested City departments,
It was further agreed that all stroets showing oil map 171.1 R 1"
1957 should be labelled by name,
It was moved, seconded and passed that the City Commission be
requested to record "M R 111 in the public records of Pinellas County
or authorize the Planning Board to do so and that the Planning Board
be given authority to record future editions of 11Y1 R 1" which have
f, ...
been approved by the City Commission.
Iy'fro Levison reported that excellent progress was being made on
maps to show schools ard recreation facilities o
The meet iao, adjourned at 5:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary
As corrected at the January 17th rn?etin g.