12/06/1956 .. ' .' . .' I I . .' '. .' > ""': ' , ..: . .' ". . ." . . ~ . : ~.:... . .: f'. . '\ . Present were members Kruse, Homer, Levison, Harries and Reade and Nick Rompon of the Engineer's Office. Mr. Homer presided until Mr. Kruse arrived. The meeting was opened at 3:20 P.M. and the minutes of November 15th and 21st were approved. Mr. Harries reported progress on the preparation of a map of "1'-1 R 1" drawn to a scale of 2,000 feet per inch which is to be fUrnished to City departments and is to be used by them for the purpose of implementing JIM R 1". This matter was discussed lengthily with special emphasis on the :i:f'ormat,ion tha t should be sho\.m on the map, Later in the mee-cing six items on the agenda embodying proposed changes to "M R. 1" were discussed and it was moved, seconded and passed that items 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 * should be incorporated on "M R In as now being, drawn by Mr. Harries. It was agreed that item 2 should be referred back to the highway committee for further study and a report at the next meeting~ The functions, organization, and responsibilities of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board were discussed but no conclusions were reached. Mr. Kruse reported on the meeting held today by representatives of the principle communities in Pinellas County for the purpose of' initiating ;,., the traffic survey that has been urged by I~r. Roger~. It is expected' that ~ " , , ". , ' " ' ",,-<' :::'~,~ .,~ ..",~./ .:::-: ~ " ". .' ~.. . 4 :,: ',.;; Minutes of mee~in~ Thursday December 6, 1956 in PlanninR Board Office financial arrangements can be made that will remove obstacles which would delay the survey and that the survey will be made pro~ptly. It was agreed that the Board should hold a Christmas Luncheon Party Thursday, December 20 and the Chairman requested Mr. Reade to make arrange- ments for it. The meeting adjourned at 4=45 P.M. :" * {page two} ). ',,' I /' . . . . 1-'.' , , , '.' . .' .:. .' \.' t. '. '. "', I ' . . " . >' - " . . +~. " . '\.. " :i':1~ 'J~' . ~ ~Cc,' ~~~ ,0, j, .\-:. , ~ I. . ~.: . "', 0/';,.'+. ," i'.,. , .~ . " ", :< ~ TC ", !,. :~~< . (:'. . ..' . ~,,::.. ' ';,?,..:" :, ~(.:: ;. : ' c,' . ~'~ .", ~': ,"'C ' . ,~. < '. . . :.):' 'I tr.:-.: ~c~u..-:..:... W".~ i i;~:.<'.: :c ~.J;.,' ," " t:::~~' l ~ ' ~,,;:'~"c ';"',J :~.~.. - ~ '$'.':~' i.!H":.,:~' , :' ~:.:~~c: ~. I " ' . ;:~..:;. >. , '(' t:;. . " )}.~"::'" . ... ~ '. .+ ' ,'i~:':,,: . " 4'":.J.~~;' '. .'. . ,. \~t.:." ~~:.~ . ~ . ~. '00' + /,,' '.. ';:"~'~ ' r ' L K:',:": :", >\';' > . ~\,: I.; . L,.... !.::';~' t....." . ' .. . .,-1 ", ~/:.. , . ~~.~{:(' . ,;.\. .. \'. " "I :t~\~~r ~. \ . .,?,~ 1);,:, : f(,.... I:!,:r'. . ~ '~ . ~ ' f~--".. . '1", " 19.f'",. . t..~;c\. . .. {;;:.:' ,,' ~~j:;.;,X',. ,.:,:;:~ . December 6, 1956 Page 2 \. * 1. Dolete the widening and extension' of Fairmont Avenue 2. Substitute Marshall St. for the NE extension of Myrtle Avenue I 3. Delete any widening of County Road #94 south of the proposed NE Diago,nal. 4. Add Pierce St. and $xtend same to intersection with Gulf~ to-Bay Blvd. 5. Change alignment of Rosevelt Blvd. so as to meet inter- section of Lakeview Road and Hercules Avenue. 6. Extend Highland Avenue to 8E Diagonal Respectfully submitted RalphW. B. Reade, Secretary , L " f J, II