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~ l1inutoo _or !.1l9..etj~1]$r Th,!g'..J~dQ.Y NO''1~.mb.el''. B,t 195A9 it.:t Plnnping 13o~!:cl OfficQ,
Present \~re members Kruse1 Hamar, Lovison, Roade and Harries.
The meeting opene d at 3: 15 P .1-10 and tho mlnutes of the November 1.,
1956 meeting were approvedo
The Chairman announced that at the City Commission meeting this
weekt the Commission requestod the City A~torney to prepare a resolution
requesting the County Commission to adopt 1f~1 R ],,, ad proposed by the
Planning Board at its meeting October lr, 19560
twirl> Homer announced that in \!"iew of his becoming a candidate :for
Mayor, he \'-ril1 present his resignatj,on :from the Planning Board to l~layor
Brown immediatolyo All the members of the Board expressed their regret
that ~~. Homer is resigningo
This led to a lengthy discussion of the needs of the Board in
selecting his successor and future members o~ the Board and of the
policy that should be followed in the selection of Board members~ It
was 'generally agreed that Mayor Bro\\'ll '"''QuId probably welcome suggestions
from the Board of men who \tv uld make suitable members Cl It \'las agreed
~fl.s..t....Mr.. Homer should" be succeeded by a quali.fj,ed realtor and that an
attorney should be appointed to take the place of" Mr. Muscarella' ';Jhose
term expired several mo~ths ago~. The rollowing nan~s were suggested and
the namos of 'other prospe~tive candidates for' appointment ar.e, to be
presented to 'the Bo~rd at the next meeting I>
Attorneys: George Smith, Guy Kennedy~ ~Tj('., Robert W~ \'lilsol'l,
B.. J" Driver, Leon VI.. Whitohurst"
Realtors: Phil Constal1tine, Raymond Laa \ Den gvans, Alfred
Wyllie <}
Land Planner:
Bill Albrecht
Next l'olro Homer commant,ed briefly on his report on population gro\'rth
esti~~tes in Clearwater and stated that he 1~uld submit a vrritten report
, ..., .. '..._.
Novembor Bt 1956
Page 2
Mr. Homer reminded the Board tbat thoro 1s n large area or submorged
land to the east or the proposed Island Estates development 'hh ich belongs
to the Is1 qnd Estates group and tha. t at some t.imo the owners might decide
'to present it request for permission to .fill t,his area. He urged that
before any further approvals of' any nature are given to the Island Estates
developers by tho Planning Board or any other municipal body that a
final agreement should be arrived at. that will pledge the mmers to leave
this land submerged as at present~
It 'was moved, seconded and passed that the Board prepare a set of
specifications for a program to be followed by a firm o:f pro.fessional
city planners, which it is becoming apparent will have to be employed,
,to prepare a comprehensive development plan for Clear~ater~
Mr.. Krose described the \'1ork that' he and !'4r, Harries are doing in
the Planning Board orfice to organize .the drawings and selecting a system
of scales 'to ltlich future drawings wi 11 be made D
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The meeting adjotk-ned at 4:30 PoMo
RespectfUlly submitted
)1,: .
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Ralph vI q B", Reade, Secretary
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