08/16/1956 .- . . .'" . t'.' ". '.' .. .' 'i: I . I . I' ", . ~. " . .': ' . If ".' + . . : '.. I I' ." ~. " ~' '*' j.. . , .' Minutos of moetin~ Thursday Au~ust l~J 1956 in Planning Donrd Office Present were members Homer, Levison, Norton, Reade and Nick Rompon of the Enginooring Department. 'l'he meeting was called to order at 3: 00 P.N. by Vice.-Chairman Homer in the absence of Chairman Kruse. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. The Committee Reports were given and accepted. Mr. Levison asked that Mr. Rompon be ~rmitted to wait until a full Board was present before he gave a report on his work at the Universi~y of Florida. It was also moved that the Board appropriate j~25 fOI. Mr. Rompon to buy books that would be useful to the Board. It was seconded and passed. There was a discussion about the presentation of the Industrial Park and the Highway 60 West Terminus and several other projects. It was pro- ,; ._, posed to have illustrations prepared by a professional illustrator and " f . ......~.. ,. ~.' . ~'. exhibited by having true pictures as compared to schematic drawings. Mr. Levison was appointed by the Vice Chairman to look into this and to bring in a summary of the project and wha~ it involves and the Board will then proceed from his report. A discussion of the Industrial Park was hp This discussion included the team tracks, different 1 ~yout of roads, switch tracks and other points. It was moved that Mr. Hompon draw something similar to the last blueprint shown to the Board. It was also moved that someone get whatever information needed from the railroad and present it to the next rneetine. It was seconded and passed. The State Road Departmen t will hold a mee ting on the 24, 25, 26 of this .~:' . month at the F't. Harrison Hotel. It \<las moved that the Planning Board meet .~) with the City Commission Thursday, August 23 in order to prepare for this ". , meeting. It was seconded and passed. (For this meetinc \'li th the City Commission Mr. Homer suggested bringing 2 copies of 1I!~ n 111; 2 copies of . "'. ' '.' '. . '. > l II .... : . . _ ". I. '\. . . ~ 1 ,:'. . ,'.... . . :. '/';. ,. l~,;' . rr' . ) \~ ' . ~:I :.. ,. . :~/ r. ~;:..:.. JI. ' 1 0, I;:' ..... . :!/ r .~ ~:'~:.,: . ~~~{ ~.~~ . ~(:::': .)'~.,l'.F . rP' · l~c<> .:/~~\; ~.:: c:.' '. . ~%?:::"~ ~. . ..:(..... t~~f<; .... . . ~;t\;:.:': ~f::~'<,'.~, , . 11,.';:; [{f\'\?>'... . p;i,:~, ' t,Et ,...,......",1 . \Wi :,.< '. " , fc.,~ ~. ~ . ~. . ~ ..~ l . . Jr l . ~~':r!;);.:",':':: ',,~,: l"l~, I..... . l' " ~~t\:,~:',' . rl;f(:,. /', . ~?r~. \~,:!.." (.';- . ~t,:,' .' ~':'" ;' ~:~".:;~ :, '; ~:.::~l.. ~ . ./~ ':1...' .... . If,' i~'t:~' . . c k\~: "\" "~ '...." ~/{., ~;r;/: ~,\,,,. :-. I:~: .. I . \\t,.. · .' AUl3ust 16, 1956 Page 2 tthe .proposed' Highway 60 Terminus; imlustrial park t and a City map. The proposed bridge approach. to Clearwater Beach from Belleair Beach. ".,was discussed.' There was some discussion of the proposed s'oftening of corners. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted " Ralph W. B. Reade, Sec~~tary . .' / . t I " There was no meeting on August 9th because there was no quorum due to some , ; ! of the Board members being on vacation. i l I I I I r , I , , , ':'1 .'