06/14/1956Minutes of meeting _Thursdtky June_,1h,_ 1(?,>'6 in City_ Hall Auditorium This meeting was called by the City Commission Jointly with the Plan- ning Board and the State Road Board together with the surrounding mun- icipalities and other interested parties to discuss the tiPr.oposed Highway and Traffic Plan, City of Clearwater and Vicinity". Mayor Brown called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. and introduced member$ of the Planning Board and then asked that other parties introduce themselves and state what municipality or organization they were represent- ing. Mr. Kruse announced the Florida Planning and Zoning Association Con- ference to be held at the Ft. Harrison Hotel October 25-27 and urged that those interested plan to attend. Mayor Brown commented briefly on I'M R 111 stating that under the super- vision of the City Commission, the Planning Board had prepared this roadway plan and then asked Mr. Kruse to give whatever explanation of the plan he might wish to make. Mr. Kruse said that the plan was started about a year ago with.aerial surveys of the area as basic data. Contacts have been made with the County Engineer, Al Rogero of the State Road Department, Clearwater City Commission, representatives of Dunedin, Fargo, Belleair, and Safety Harbor. To date, the Clearwater City Commission and Safety Harbor have formally ap proved the plan, aril, Dunedin has approved it with some reservations. At the suggestion of County Engineer Hester, widths of right-of-way were changed to conform with those of the County. Collectors were changed from 1001 to 801 and arterials were changed from 1201 to 1001. Mr. Kruse ex- plained several possible routes for the extension of south Myrtle Avenue and there was a discussion from the floor on the pros and cons of each possibility. Mr. Kruse said that; the diagonal leading to the area of the new General Electric Plant was proposed long before it was decided that General Electric had settled there but that it just happened to work out June 14 ) 1956 page 2 very well in that respect. The extension of North Myrtle Avenue was also discussed and it was stated that Highland, Keene Road, Belcher Road and soforth are already there and would only have to be widened. Mr. Hester was asked to, give his comments and he said the County had been on a similar system for two years and suggested that representatives from each municipalities meet and correlate their plans and ideas with those of the County. County Commissioners Fischer and Hoercher agreed that this would be an excellent idea. Mr. Rogero complimented.Clearwater on its long range plan and because he had to leave to attend-another meeting he asked Mr. H. M. Johnson and Mr. T. 0. Perry, Engineers, of the State Road Department to take over. Mr. Johnson said that one thing he liked about the plan was the diagonal roadways-connected with other inain highways and streets so that the.travel ing public could get where they wanted to go without making turns f g at such places where they did not desire to go. He commented that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Mr. Johnson added that , he was not familiar with the plan so therefore could not talk bn any inr- dividual phase of the plan. Mr. Kruse commented briefly on zoning in connection with ''M R 1". Mayor Brown asked Mr. Hester to call a meeting; with the municipalities to discuss correlating their right-of-way plans with that of the County. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 P.M.