Minutes ot meetin~ Thursduy June 7~ 1956 in Planning Board Offioe
~~ Present were members KrUBG, Musoarella, Levison, Homer and Reade, Niok
Rompon of the Engineering Department, Sid Liokton C~ty Dbglneex, and Ohuok
Albury of the St. Petersburg Times.
The meeting was oalled to order at 3:00 P.M.
At Mr. Homer's request there was an informal discussion of proposed
res~r1otions to be inoorporated in deed covenants tor real estate in the
new Industrial Distriot. Mr. Homer explained the looation of the distriot
and Borne of the restrictions that are proposed.
Mr. Kruse announQed that there will be e. joint meeting of the Planning
Board and the City Commission with Mr. Regaro and other representatives of
the state Road Board on June 14, 1956. Mr. Kruse stated also that represent-
atives of neighboring munioipalities and the County had been invited to
","" att end.
The minutes Of the two previous meetings were approved.
Mr. Reade announced that Mr. Kruse, Mr. Muscarella, and he would meet
Monday, June 11th at 1:30 P.M. in the Planning Board otfice to prepare
a final draft of the proposed additions and revisions to Ordinanoe 632.
The preliminary draft had been prepared by Mr. Harries before he left
Clearwater for the summer. It was agreed that the above members would
serve as a committee for the preparation of the draft and would submit the
final draft to the Board as soon as possible.
Mr. Kruse cel.led for committee reports and Mr. Romer produoed a map
furnished him by Florida Power Corporation showing connected load in K V A
in eaoh square mile of Pinellas County. It also showed estimated K V A
load 1n the same areas, in the year 1960. On examination it was found that
~~j the estimated loads in each instance were exactly twice the present loads
and apparently were based on arbitrary assumptions.
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June 7. 1956 Page 2
Under the head of "Old Business" it was reported that reoommendations
for Crest Lake Park had been sent to the City Oommission and that this
matter was oonsidered to be oonoluded unless the Oity Commission makes
further requests of the Board. Further work on the stevenson Creak
Park matter is to be postponed pending a public hearing to be oalled
by the City Commission in the near future.
~. Kruse urged that all members endeavor to be present at the
meeting with the State Road Board next week and there followed dis-
oussion of matters to be taken up at this meeting. It was agreed that
the State Road Board should be asked to advise the Planning Board what
deoisions and oommitments it had made regarding Alternate 19 and other
roadways .into Olearwater. It was agreed that 1tM R 1n should be dis-
oussed with Mr. Rogero at this meeting.
The next matter disoussed was a park tor south Clearwater, prospeo-
tive sites, and present faoilities, for parks and recreation areas. The
matter was concluded by MX. Homer moving that the study of a park tor
south Clearwater be tabled until the Board is requested by the City
Commission to .make reoommendations. Mr. Reade seoonded the motion which
was unanimously approved.
Mr. Muscarella agreed to talk with MX. Hester informally in regard
to having the County take UM R 1" into consideration on subdivision plats
outside the City which are submitted to the County for approval.
Mr. Levison moved that the Board should otfer 1 ts help to Ml' . Homer
and his associates in the preparation or deed restrictions to the
property in the Industrial Distriot. b~. Reade seconded the motion
whioh was appro~ed unanimously.
Next Mr. Lickton submitted a very complete set of drawings for the
proposed Grove Oirole Subdivision. He pointed out that Highland Avenue
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Page 3
was shown to be only a 60' right-of-way with 30' pavement, whereas "M R 1"
shows Highland Avenue to be an arterial r,oadway with 100' right-of-way
required. Mr. Homer moved that the developer be advised that 100' right-
of-way 1s required for Highland Avenue. Mr. Musoarella seoonded the motion
which was passed unanimously.
Mr. ~use reported that the Pierce street interseotion matter,
incl~ding Mr. Ram11n's letter, is now in the Mayor's offioe.
He also reported tha~ no aotion had been taken by the City Commission
on the Board's recommendation on Myrtle Avenue.
~. Liokton said that he had attended a meeting of the Florida Water'
Resources Study Commission of the County and reoommended that the Board
should bav~ permanent representation at the meetings of this group. Mr.
Kruse appointed Mr. Reade to serve in this oapaoity.
Respeotfully submitted