05/17/1956Mi.nutas, of meeti,n T_hu-rsda hiny 17, lUb in
. ,.._.?11.1anning board Office
Chairman 1uruse called the meeting to order at 3:10 P.M.
Present were members xiruse, Levison, Homer, Reade and Norton, Nick
Rompon of the City Engineer's Office and Steve Douglas of the Clearwater
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting was postponed until
a correction is made.
Mr. Kruse presented a letter from the Crest Lake Park Association
which' was read by the secretary. It required no action.
Mr. Kruse reported that the Dunedin City Commission had.approved
11MR 1t° and had instructed its attorney to prepare a resolution for formal
action by the Corwnission. He also reported that the Largo Planning and
Zoning board had approved 11MR 1" and would recommend approval to the City
Commission of Largo.
Mr. Kruse next introduced the subject of substituting Marshall for
Fairmont as a collector street on 11I+1 R 1" as suggested by the City Manager.
This was discussed at length and it was concluded that members or the Board
should make individual examinations in the field to better inform themselves
of existing conditions.
Lr. Homer raised the question of drainage in the Druid Xeres - Sirmon
Heights area. ' Lr. Romer expressed the opinion that a heavy rai.notorm would
flood much of the area so as to make Druid im.pa,ssable and probably flood
houses how being; built in subdivisions south of Druid Rce:d. Lir. Reade was
delegated to examine the situation in the field.
Mr. Levison requested that he be relieved oT ,vovk on the lark Conunittee
because of pressure of othex work and he suL;;_esred i,.h:.t t,:r. i,ortor7 tnlto 11xs
place. After discusoinG the matter at len,;th it wa!. u:rreou that i,ir. xdorton
lane 17 , 1956 Page 2
and Mr. Levison would ivork on individual park problellin together.
Mr. kruse introduced the draft of pronosod r(ivisiolis of City
ordinance 632 prepared by bir. Haxrius for the purpose ox' implementing
11M R in. After some discussion Iar. Levison moved that each member
study the proposed revisions during 'the cominU- week and be prepaxed
to discuss and act ou it at next week's meeting. Nir. Norton seconded
the motion which passed unnni mously.
Mr. homer ur?.,ect thar, the Pjej?ce s;j?os1, ? Ft. Harrison i1Xte; section
matter be called to the attention of the City Commission again.' It
was discussed and finally decided that Mr. Rompon would change 'the
drawing to reflect some conditions not shown on the present draving,
and that ter. Homer will discuss -the matter further with I+ir . Hamlin
who' owns property on the north side of Pierce 6treet between Ft. Har--
rison and Garden. After changing the drawing it is to be forwarded to
the City Commission with a recommendation that the City act promptly
to acquire tkie necessary propexty to make the improvement.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Ralph `71. B. Reade 6ecre ax