05/10/1956=t I a tts ? OA d Z 1-- Minutes of meet in r Tliursdr May 10, 1926 in the City Coniminsioner'n Office This was a joint mee-Ung, of the Planning; Board and the City Commis- Sion, Chairman Kruse opened the meeting at 3;00 P.M. Present were members Kruse, Norton, Levison, Reade and TYlusoarella, Mayor Brown, City Commissioners Bohannon, Strang and Insco, and Joe Devlin of the Clearwater Sun. Minutes oX the May 3rd meeting were approved without change. ¦i% a AO V V DA d Z d M Ln Mr. Kruse submitted a letter from the Tennis Club requesting that the Planning Board give thought to a location for adequate tennis facil- ities. Mr. Kruse suggested that action be deferred until after today's meeting with the City Commission. Mr. Levison read a letter from the Garden Club dated May 7, 1956 regarding the property in Stevenson's Creek Park in which the Garden Club brieily outlined its space requirements and other needs. Commis- sioner Bohannon stated that the City Commission would prefer the Club to have a location at the west end of the .'ill rather than at the east end as indicated in the Garden Club's letter. He also emphasized that any lease given the Garden Club should contain guarantees of performance by the Club as conditions for continuance for the lease. Commissioner Strang stated that it had been tentatively proposed to use ground at the east end of the fill as permanent,headquarters for the Little League Baseball Clubs. The matter was not concluded. The improvement and development of Crest Lark Park was next dis- cussed. Chairman Kruse presented a blown-up photostat of the plan pre- pared by Mr. Harries and explained the features aY the Harries plan in detail to the Coiimission. The City Commissioners felt that at this time it would be unwise to build tennis courts and other sports facility i May 1.0, 1956 Papa 2 Jinprovements in the park but that an area should be left for a play area for young children: Commissioner Inseo said that for the time being development should be confined to scenic improvements, planting, cleaning up, landscaping etc. which would not require an immediate outlay of large sums. At the conclusion of the discussion Mr. Kruse volunteered to revise the Harries plan as requested by the City Commission. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. . Respectfully submitted Rath `9. B. Reade Secretary , Y ¦