05/03/1956hlinuten of mcatin Thursday Mss 1U6 in Off loo of Planning Board Present were members Rxiise, Harries, Rondo, Norton and Leviaon, Mr. Liokton, City Engineer, Nick Rompon of the City Engineer's Office, Joe Devlin of the Clearwater Sun, Chuck Albury of the St. Petersburg Times and Miss Gladys Duncan, real estate developer and owner. Chairman Kruse called. the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M. Miss Duncan presented several plats of subdivisions in the Oakaores section, bounded by Lakeview, Magnolia, Keene and Lake Roads. She wished to have assurance that the Board would not require Jeffords Street to be dedicated and paved between Keystone and Wooderest and that instead it could be allowed to be closed on subdivision plats of the area. After full discussion Mr. Reade moved that the board approve closing Jeffords Street between Keystone and Wooderest if and when a plat is presented by the developers and that it so recommend to the County Commission. Mr. Norton seconded the raotion which carried unanimously. Minutes of the previous meeting, 'were approved for transmission to the City Commission without change. Chairman Kruse called for committee reports. Mr. Levison re- ported that no information had been received from the Garden Club on its wishes for the Stevenson's Creek Park:. No other aomr,iittees had reports to make. fir. Harries next reported on the discussion of 1114 11 111 with the Dunedin Planning board. It presented. to the Dunedin PjanninC; Board at a meeting; in Dunedin attended ?y members Hrarries, Norton, Kruse and City Commissioner Bohannon on a?prl ]. 26th. 1.1r. liarrie-- is of the opinion that the Dunedin Plann i.n!t Board will recommend ?-:pproval of 19A R 1.11 to tie Dunedin City Commission. bli:y 3, 19 56 i'I (,U 2 . 11ext Itiir. Rondo, 1Eoported Oil a nloot.lnL; hold rata the ClE,r3r?.,_?tor Planning Board orfi ce, Tuenday eveni.n(_, May lat. ? Uth. seven mcmberu of the Largo Planning; aid, Zoning Commission and the Clearwater -a n1hg Hoard represented by members i- eade, Harries, liovton and Uhairninn Kruse. "M R 1" was thoroughly discussed and it wrls the opinion of the Clear-- ' :: ??rzter Board members that the Largo group would xecormiend tentative approval; of I'M R 1" to the Largo City Commission. The proposed Crest Lake -ark in rovement was next submitted by Mr. Harries. Yx. Harries presented two proposed plans Tor consideration of the Board. Both plans are caLmost completed and' after long discussion hir. Levison moved that plan # 1 be approved and submitted to the City Commission. Mr. Reade seconded the motion which ti4 as approved unani- mously. During the discussion it was emphasized that alternatives to plan 1 should not be submitted to the City Commission. Next Mr. Kruse said that the Clearwater Postmaster requester[ the Plennine Board to consider definite plans for the numbering of buildings on streets. Mr. Levison moved that this matter be referred to the committee on Highways. The motion was seconded by Mr. Norton and approved unanimously. Mr. Kruse requested full attendance at the luncheon rneeting May 4th at the 1%. Harrison, for the purpose of considering the con- vention of the Florida Planning and Loni.ni,; Association to be field in Clearwater in October. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Respectrully submitted Secretar Ralph B, Reade , Y !e