04/12/1956Minutes of motton Thursda April 12, 1950 in Plannin Board Office
Present were members Kruse.. Harries, Reade and Norton, City Engineer
Liekton, Nick Rompon of the City Enginoer'a Office, Joe Devlin of the
Clearwater Sun and Chueic Albury of the St. Petersburg Times.
Cbairman Kruse opened the mooting at 3:00 P.M. and called for
committee reports. Mr. Harries reported that the Dunedin Planning Com-
mission is apparently inactive and he had been unable to arrange a
tweeting with it through Dr. Winchester. Mr. Reade reported that he had
discussed "M R 1" with City Manager Fussell of Largo and that Mr.
Fussell had put the subject on the agenda for the next meeting of the
Largo City Commission, which will be held Tuesday April 24th at 8:00
P.1M. Mr. Reade and any other members of the Planning Board who can
attend are to do so.
fA,, Mr. Harries read the report of the Highway and Traffic Committee
of the Planning Board on its conclusions regarding Mr. Hester'ts recom-
mendations for changes in "M R 1". The report concluded that Mr.
Hester's recommendations be accepted with the exception of his recommenda-
tions on diagonals. The eotmnittee is convinced that the diagonal rights-
of-way shown on "M R l" are of great importance and should not be abandoned.
(The committee report appears at the end of these minutes.) Mr. Norton
moved that the report be accepted without change. Mr. Reade seconded
the motion which passed unanimously.
Mr. Kruse said that he felt that it was important to have an
ordinance prepared promptly under which nM R 111, all right-of-way widths,
perimeter street requirements, and related requirements would be put into
effect. Mr. Harries moved that the City Attorney be invited to meet with
;,. the Board at next week's tweeting to discuss the preparation of this
ordinance. Mr. Reade seconded the motion which passed unanimoilsl.y.
"";? {.'? 1,' ,• April 12, 1956 Page :2
^ ,• Thu right-of-way width of east Druid Road was next discussed#
;,;The - County , has, decided to require a 100 foot right'-of - way.. At the
}?, `aonalusi.on
of -the discussion Mr. Recede moved that Druid.Road be changed
"M R 1" Pram: a colle' otor street to an arterial and that the right+
r:- ty of.-way width .be 'ohanged to 100 feet. Mr, Harries seconded the motion '
?' <'• which passed unanimously:
It was also agreed that Myrtle Avenue should be changed from an
4rterial • to a aolleetor street and that' its right-of-way should be 80 '
feet. `Mr° 'rLickton reported' .that .a' building is now being erected . at
the corner of Eldridge. Street and-north Myrtle Avenue without'.sufficieut
'J. zy?,', "back to allow an 80 'foot street. width at this point, It, was 'also
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bought , otA: that , since ' the Board! s 'first recommendation. to the - City
:•t? icy.
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,Udmm.ss?,olm, .on. Myrtle 'Avenuethat another building had been erected which ,
vuld ;have .t be? pierchased to provide an 80 foot right-of- way, The Hoard
as in agreement' that the acquisition of right-off'-»way for. the Myrtle
~'Avenue eitenston sary
should be obtained quickly or it would be neces to
"'zr' ry :purchase -buildings instead' of vacant land and will be much more expensive.
fit`°r :-.:'•: The location of the proposed new fire station was next discussed.
'i Although, . the members of the Statistics and the Park committies to whom
It'had been given for study, were absent at this meeting, the members
of the Board present at the meeting arrived at the following conclusions:
1. The station should be located on a corner and the building
arranged diagonally so that equipment could exit equally
well to both streets of the intersection.
2. That it should be built on property now owned by the City if
'; f !
a site is available that will adequately serve fire protection
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April 12, 1954 Page 3
3. That the proposed sites west of the football stadium and in
Crest Lake Park are so near each other that the difference in
distance is of no importance.
Mr. Kruse suggested that he, Mr. Reade and Mr. Levison examine
the sites available next week.
Mr. Kruse presented a draft of a letter that he had written the
City Manager in response to Mr. Middleton's request for an estimate of
space and personnel requirements, projected to the year 1975. This
information is wanted by the City Com ission for the building of municipal
office facilities. Mr. Reade moved that Mr. Kruse's letter be approved
and forwarded to the City Manager. Mr. Harries seconded the motion
which passed unanimously.
The budget for the next fiscal year was next discussed and it was
agreed that the amount of last years request for funds was correct for
the next fiscal year but that some items should be changed based on the
current year's experience. It was agreed that Chairman Kruse would
complete the budget and submit it.
Respectfully submitted
Ralph'W. B. Reade, Secretary
April 12, 1953 Page 4
$4*? Reference is made to the revisions suggested by County Engineer
Hester in regard to Plan "M R 1" and the proposed widths of right-of-sway
for both the arterial and collector streets. Your committee recommends
the following:
1. That the Board concur in the reduction of dedication width
for arterial highways from 120 feet to 100 feet to provide
4 - 12 foot driving lanes; 2 - 8 foot parking lanes; 1 - ?6
foot median strip; 2 - 10 foot strips for sidewalks and utilities.
2. That this Board concur in reduction in width for collector streets
from 90 feet to 80 feet to provide 4 - 11 foot driving lanes;
2 8 foot parking lruies; 2 - 10 foot strips for sidewalks and
This suggestion departs from Mr. Hestert s recouunendation in that
uniform 11 foot driving lanes and 8 foot parking lanes are provided.
In accordance with previous agreement with Pinellas County and
requirements specified in connection with the submission of plats, the
dedication of Druid Road is to be maintained at 100 feet. On this premise
,it may be desirable to designate Druid Road as an arterial highway rather
than a collector street.
With respect to plan "M R l" this committee concurs in recoiiwiendations
of Air. Hester that both Betty Lane and Highland Avenue be extended to
County Road 580 (Main St. Dunedin); that Druid Road be extended in an
easterly direction to U. S. Highway 19; and that Palmetto St. be extended
in m easterly direction to intersect Coacluuan Road and that Union St. be
extended in an easterly direction to the proposed diagonal at a point
between County Road 94 and U. S. 19. This eottuitittee does not concur in
the thinking of Mr. Hester on diagonal roads. This conunittee is certain
April 120 1956 Page 5
Oftr'that Mr. Hesterts opinion in regard to diagonals is not consistent with
good town planning principles. It is the sad experience of many citios
in the 'United States that provision was not made for diagonal streets of
adequate width to accommodate the steadily increasing vehicular traffic;
in many cases, it has been found necessary for.these municipalities to
acquire such rights-of-way at a tremendous cost to the tax payers, This
committee insists therefore, that every effort be made to influence the
other municipalities to adopt the use of the diagonals substantially
as. suggested on "M R ln.
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