03/03/1956 - Special . ~... . . i ' ..,",. ~ '..~',. '..., ; . < , ,,' I :, .',' ,'\. . '. '. .... . . ~""", It; :: '. . . .~. . ; ,/. tt Ilesume' of special mooting Harch 3..~ 1056 in Pl~l)2~~.!ll5 ~~op:.rtl orrioo l-Ir. Hurl'ies and Ht'. Kruse Imcl n conf'ol'Ol1Ce ,,1 th Conunissionors Bohannon and Roberts Batut'day" Nnt'ch 3 J 1956 at \y1110h time tho mattei' of the relation of RogCl"s-Jaclcsol1 'fro.ct to tho higluln.y l)lnn "H R lit 'ins discu.ssed. A replat or tho aroa propareu. b~' Hr. IInl'l"ios was ~lbmi ttod to the t'\YO Conunissionol"s for their opinions" to sho\" hOH this proposod subdivision could conf'orm reasonably \-lith uN n In. It HUS the consonsus of' the conf'el'cnce that the developeJ's be requested to con.form to "M R 1", particularly in regard to tho diagona.l higij\.;ay" the required widths of dedication for Sunset Point Road and Highland Avenue" and the requirement for a ulinillltun half street dedication on the l.,est side of the area, the latter being necessary due to the hali' street dedication in a subUi vision , on the west side of' this propert;}'. The matter of subdividel's malting provision for only half street dedications in unsubdividecl apeas was discussed \vith the Commissioners and it \vas the consensus of the conference that such ncti all by subdividers is contl"ary to Ordinance G32 l.mless legal agreements have been reached ldth abutting land O\.j'11el"S for such dedicati. ons. . " , ! .. .~ , ' , .. .. 0.. d:S aJ ~, :\ 0 :.~o: , <( !' , ,0 ' Z <C l- f/) " ,'. .' #'1