02/23/1956 .' J . ~ ~ ..,. J , I , j I i" fl'\ V Ninu'tcs 2!:'~ u~oo:tint~~ 'l'hul'Hday.lt'ourmwy 2:J, lD50 in Plmmillrr JJot\l'd Off'ico r __ ..~ ", Presont WOI'O mcml>cl's Kruso, lIUP1'i(:}s, Homer, LoVj.SOll" Jlo(ulo alld NOl,ton" Ci ty Engineer Licl{ton" Nick nompon of' tho 01 ty Enginoor's Of rico... Joe Devlin of tho Clenr\vu.tcr SUll awl Hr. Albury of the St. Potorslmpg Times. Also prosont ,vora C1 ty COlluals sio11ol's Roberts... strang... Bohannon and Insco. ') The mooting 1vas opened at 3:00 P.H. amI the minutes of the FelJl'uary lOth meeting ,.,epo approved for transmission to the Oi ty CODmdssion. Discussion was resumod of the problems presentcll by subdivision applications in \o11dch per'imeter stl"cets aro not o.s wide as rO(1\\irou by Ordinance 632. Again after extellsi va lliscussion no formal conclusions '0101'0 reached and the matter :i.s to be given more study by members of the Board in a further endeavor to arriv,e at a satisfactory conclusion. The ;Board's l"oudlV'uy plan "HasteI' R I" \.;as noxt discussed. Hembers of' the City Connn:i:ssion explained to the BouPll that they Here present as individuals aml inf'ol"mally and they wished to hear an explanation of the " Board's road,,,uy plan but would tal~e no action on it at this time. Hr. Harries then explained the plan in detail from a dral\ling ,.,11ich ,ms posted on the board. Hr. Homer supplemented Hr. Hm"ries's presentation with an explanation of' the urgent need for adoption 01' a long term rOU{h1uy plan by the City Commission. Hr. Bohannon suict that he had heard several adveI'se cOlJunents regarding the proposed St ev 0 I1S011' S Crook crossing shmm ';In the plan anll suggested that it he changcc.l to elimina.te the objections that had been offered. Except for tlds iten no specific criticisms wore mauo by any of the COllunissionol's. They 111a(lc it 1>lo.1n th.a t lack of cri ticism did not constitute upprovul but tho consensus of opini.on HUS ,that "Uastol" n 1 n is the COl"l'cct approach to the pl'ol.llclll it endeavors ~ to solve... 'and that it ueSGl"ves sYlilpatheti.c stUlly awl discl\ssion by tho 'C' City Couuaissioll ,,,1 th n. ViOl., to C.dolltion 01' snch a pliJ,u. 'rho COliUilissiol1Ol'S r" ..~<. ~. ::' '. .~ ",~ , ',..., :: ;. . I t" . " , .~ .' ~ :. j. . , ' ,,' I': , ~' ' .~, ' . (' '" " . ,I :!'::' t. " .i:".' , "','~ ... \' .~ "'.' ~.. . . '.IJ ~'., '_,," ~ i'.', . :~\; . .;~ . ':, . , ' :.:,\ >", /!. o. '.' , . . <, ' ~. , . " ',~ . .. i , \.". ;':' ~( ~ ~ '.: . . :;. .. .. :/,' " , ' a... ~ '00 o 'Ct:' <( o z <( i- V) " , . {, ~'." , , . ; , ~ -:.\......c. I.,'; " ; '"- ~": .' , . i~} '.:\': '. . ;( " I' t~l,:, ,'I ! . w ~ '. . .' .1"(.:'''::\:1"' ;i."( . r', ~ lilobruUl'Y 23" ,1956 Page 2 0- a;, CO C a::: <C o Z' <C l- V) roquested that each Conuldssionel' bo given a print of lI}Jaster R In I n' print of the rond~~uy cross sections proposod for throo typos of streets and a copy of tho Planning Board minutes of February 2nd in ,~hich minimum right-of-way \.;idihs \yere defined for each typo of rOo.dHuy and 'the roaduays sho,.,n on "Haster n P' lvere clnssif'ied. This concluded disoussion of nHaster n P'. Chairman l{ruse aIDlounced that the Board would be requested by the City Conuni.ss1011 to study the develoI>ment of the proposed St,ev e-nson t s Creek Park area, Crest Lake Park, and the Greenwood Parle area. Mr. Homer moved that aerial photographs of these areas be ordered and paid :for from Planning Board rwuls. was approved unanimously. Hr. Reade seconded the motion l~hich The meeting then adjourned at 4:45 P.H. Respectfully suOOd tted ~\~~~~~\~ ,',