/J..r; corrcctccl at Hn.rch 1st mot.)iing
Hinutes of moctintLJNlTsd,ay~ l'i'cbru~tr'.L 1,6.1_ HH!E-f._~!~~. BOu.r,u 01'l'J.cu
Prosent ''lore membors Kruse} lIur'l"ius} Homlc} Hamor aml Huscn.relln"
01 ty Bngineor' Lickton" Niclc Hompon or the 01 ty l!:ngillocrl s orrico and
Joe Devlin of the Clear\"ater Sun.
Chairman Kruse opened the meoting at 3:15 1-'.H.
The members of the 01 ty Commission \"01"0 un~~blc to attend because
of another important meeting.
There \"as a br'ief discussion of the 'vater supply 51 tUl\tion as explained
by ~~. ~liddleton at the previous meeting.
Next Hr. Harl'ies made a presentation", as it \l7Oultl be made to the
City Oonunis5iol1" of "Haster n I" and. cross sections of the tIu'ee types or
road\Yays. This '''as discussed in some dctail.
Hr. IlO1uer moved that llre'" Street be extended and curved to meet the
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east end of Hemorinl Cause,my. Hr. Reade seconllcll the motion but it \Vas
not formally adollted a.lthough genel'ally agreed it would be desirable.
There also was a lel1gthy discussion ot' the proposed seawall line but
no formal action ,'laS taken.
Hr. Liclcton presented a plat of the Dr-uid Heights Sulll1ivision on
\l1hic11 he reClucsted the advice of the 13oard. This plat shmwd a sub-
division abutting IJroperty on t,11O sides \'I11i elL had not ueen subd.i viuec.l
and the developor on these boundaries hn.d provid.ed one half of the 60
foot, ndnilLlUlll right-of-,,,,uj' 1"equire<1 bj.r Or<.linancc 6:32. HI'. Lickton pointed
out that the half streets as provi(lcu", could not be {Javed ecollomi cu.lljr
and thu. t if pav.cd", the po. velllent coult!. not be sa tisl'nctw" i ]. y maintained.
Furthermorc", if' 0.(1.1 o1.l1ing property OHllCl'S ','oulli 110 t sublli vide and dc<li en te
street riehts-af -,,",uy tl:e City \oJould be left \.:1 tll lmll' stpeets permanently.
It lias HI' _ Lickton t s or>inj.oll thn. t upppoval of' the l)lt:~ t should be given
even though it ,does not fully comply \Vi th the P8lluirlllouts of Opdinunce
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Fobruary 101 105U Pago 2
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632. Hr. Homel' moved that ~Y'O l'cconunenc1 to the City' Conuuission that
Ordinance 632 be smondcd to require subdividors to place in excrm.z
sul'ficient funds to puve that portion or n stroot which tho subd:i.vider
has dedicated to t.he Oi ty fop street }lP.rllOSOS and \oIhich is less than
the required minimwn ,...idth and tIm, t tho City adopt Q. 110licy of refusing
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to pave or, other,,,ise impl"ove streets in ne\Y' subdivis:t.ons which have less,
than the minimum required 'right-of -~vay.
Hr. Homer's motion ~vas discussed at length and l1tunerous suggestions
,vere made for amending or improving it} No f'ormal cCnIcluss10n ,vas reached
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and the' meeting adj ourned ,vi thout forma.l action.
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Respectfully submitted
Ralph ~~~~ ~etary"
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