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Hinutes ol~ J1loc.tin~ Tl~ur~~~~ li',~~r:UU1:.l2.,__~fJ5G,,~ in Plt\nl1ir:t~ Board Orl'ic~
Presont '-lore membors Homor" Huscarclla" IIm"rics" Roado" Norton and
Levison) Joe Devlin of the Cloarwater Sun and Nick nompon of tho City
Engineert s Depal~tment. Ohuirnmn Kruso ,JUS absent because of illness.
Vice-Chairman Homer openocl tho meeting at 3:15 1'.H.
The minutes ,<1ere apI)l"oved for transmission to the 01 ty Conullission
'ofi thout change.
The secretary read a letter ,,,rittcn by Hr. Kruse to representatives
of municipalities that were expected to participate in regional planning.
The letter suggested organization of' a regional group that ''1Ould not
include representatives of unincorporated areas. }w. Kruse had suggested
that" t.his Board take action to stimulate the formation of such a regional
board. The matter '-la.s discussed briefly and it 'Jas genel"ally agreecl
that tIns Board should luake no further effort in that direction and that
Mr. Kruse's letter should be filed 1'01" .future ref(H~ence. It l<laS the
opinion of most Board members that if our Board establishes a record of
'worthwhile, tangible accomplishments then other municipalities and un...
incorporated areas in the Cou.nty ,...ill follOl-l our lead antl there l.all not
be the resistance to planning activities that exists no", in some areas.
The Ctty COlwnission was unable to attend this meeting as had been
hoped and the planned discussion ,...i th the COlJunission HUS therei'ore post-
Nr. Homer called on the meml)Cl~S of the Board to repol~t on. SlJQcific
assigmnents they had wl<lertal~en.
:Hr. Harries stat.ed that tlHastep R In is no\o1 peady f'or aP.l?l"'oval or
anunendIlJent by the Oi t;r Commission and thut thcru is Ii ttle more to do
on the plan until it is discllssed 'Ji t11 the City COl:lJ:lission. This openod
. ~ .11\, c
FolJl"unry 2, InEiO
Pago 2
. a discuosion ot.' other aspeots of tho matter. Hr. nompon raisod tho
question afJ width of right-01'-way on HY1"tle Avenuc, stating that part
of the right-of -t"ay is only 60 feet and tl1U t the stu to noad Board
requires a minimum of 66 f'oot .for all state rights-oi'-uay. Hr. Levison
suggested that in the discussion of "l-laster R 1" with the City Conunission~
approva.l of' the right-of'-uay widths adopted by the Board at its December
15th meoting should also be requested, and that the &rtories ShOt~l on
uMaster R I" should 1)0 classified as collector' streets with 90 :feet
right-or-way or arterial streets tuth 120 feet right-of-tiay.
Thereupon" each artery shown on the map ,,,as discussed individually
and classif'ied as 1'o110t"s:
Arterials east and west:
Gulf-to-Bay, Drew, Sunset Point Road, Lakeview, Belleair,
and Coachman.
Arterials north and south:
}~rtle, ltighland, Keene, Belcher, U.S. 19, North Haines,
Bay Shore, the northeast diagonal extension of Hyrtle Ave.
and both southeast diagonals which are unnamed.
Collectors east and west:
Pa.lmetto" It'airDlont" Union, Druid, anll tho northeast diagonal
from !i'ail"mont.
Col1eators north and south:
Ft. Harrison, Hissouri, Hercules, Count~. lload 94 and 32.
Hr. Reade moved tha.t "Haster n IU", the street Hi(lths adopted by
the Board at the Decembel: 15th meeting and the right-of'-tmy 'iidths
decided above be presented to the City Commiss:Loll ld th a request for
approval at a joint moeting '<lith the Commiss:lon. Hp. Norton sccolHlell
the motion ,.;rhich ,,,as approve,l unanimously.
li'Qbl~1U\l.Y 2.. lU06
Pago 3
Hr. llomo:r offerod to try to arrungo n mooting '0/1 th tho Commission
Thur~day Febl"uu.ry 16th or at tho Conunission IS oonvonionoo.. antI \o/rota 0.
letter of invitation to the Conu/dssion through Mr. Hi(hl1eton.'
Hr. Reade announced tllat City 'Hanagc:n" Hiddloton \dll meet with
the Board February 9th to discnss City o\ofned utilitios.
Other members did not report IJrogress 011 assignments.
The meeting adjourneda~ 4:45 P.M.
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Respectfully SUbmitte~_ ~ ~
Ralph ~~~eade.. Secretary,
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