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N~.!;~t.~or meyti,nf;t 'rhUl"S(~~1 Jnnu~rL ~~.1 lO}'jO, in l~lunni;ry,[ )~O[u"a orrico
Present wero membol"s Kruse.. Norton, I1url"ios, Levison.. Reauo and
Homer, Joe Devlin of' tho Clear'\.,rutcr Sun, Niclc Hompon of tho Cj,t~r Engineer's
Orrico and Lester Crook or the Herchant's Association.
Chairman Kruse opened the mootine at 3:15 P.H.
Minutes of' the previous meeting Hore approved without change.
Chairman Kruse invited Hr. Croole to sta to his interests and Hr.
Crooli: replietl that he lo/anted to learn fl"om the Planning Board 't-:hat plans
it had developed for solutions for traffic problems in downtown Clear-
\>later. Following this there wo.s a great deal of discussion of dO\VlltOlffl
parking" one way streets.. tra:rric fIo,., J congestion and so forth. It
lias explained to lob". Croolc by sevcpal members of' tho Board t1m. t the Board
had not Pl"oposecl any. plans for downtoull Clearuater and that it ,,,auld not
be able to give any attention to these problems until it had completed
a master plan 1'01" the entire 01 ty and surrowlding area. At the last
meeting this plan 'vas designated as Ill-faster R 1". Fu.rthermore" no plans
that the Board prepares lall be effective wltil approved by the City
COJUJldssion. Hr. Crook stated that the Herchant' s Association has no
concrete plans for off-street parl(ing but tlk"'\. t the Ci t~r' s Consulting
Engineer) Hr. Bell" is developing such u plan. Hr. Norton pointed out
tho. t Hyrtle Ave. must be made an effective north aml south artery before
it will be possible to mal{c the neces sary ropairs to Gar<lon .Avo. and
multo it a one wa.y atreet.
Gel1cr~l opinion of thoso }>l'osent ,,)as that
the Hyrtle Ave. imp1"o:vement is urgent.
Hr. CraDIc stute4 thn t the l~erchants have aplll'OVCU a one \o1ay street
plan for- clm.,ntm-l'n, Clearwater aml that tho ChallllJ{':l" of COllUnCl"Ce ulso 'mnts
it. This ,.,i11 involve mulciug' Gar(ten Avo. one \Jay \-lith llal"!cin~~ on one
side onl:r. Hr. Hompon stated tllll,t the City lEngineer is about to prepare
." # en
Jummpy 20 J HHj(j)
PU.P'O 2
0.11 estimate or tho cost 01' mo.l"inr; Gardon Iwo. ontnmy. In conclmling tho
discussion it wa.s Buggostetl to Hr. 01"001, that tho Horchnnt' s Assooiation..
and other bodies he repl'osents} proceed us thoy thin1c bost, and not
postpone their 'vol~l, lYhiIe ,.,0.1 ting on this Board. Hr.. Croolc 'ms illvi tod
to atteml any meeting of tlds Board tl1a t he lvished to and 'olaf:! assured
that lye lYOuId be glad to iUfOl"Jrl him of any Doaru actions affecting the
interests he represents ana will appreciate it if he will keep the Board
informed of' sindlur uctivities of the Herchant's Association and the
Chamber of' COliuueroe.
Hr. Kruse then started a disoussion of' the lligh\olllY aml Traffic Plan.
~lr. Levison moved that malJs anti other drawings used for general plan-
ning purposes be made on a scale of one inch to 600 feet. ~!r. Reade
seconded the motion ,~lLioh Has unanimously approved.
}w. Homer requested tilat a copy of the study of Pinellas County by
the Um versi ty of' l\llol"icla postgl"o.duate students be obtained inullediately
and Mr. Kruse repol"tec1 that the Board 'iould be furnished ,nth a copy of'
this report.
Hr. Harries said that he had noth ihg further to present on llHaster
R 111 but he explained a large scale tlra\n.n,~ of the north Hyrtle Ave.
extension ''''hiob he and Hr. Rompon had prepared. After some discussion
it ,vus generally agreed that the nor'tl1 HYI'tlc Ave. extension should be
constructed on li'airmont Ave. due east to Betty Lane a.nd t.hat the diagonals
conneoting to Douglas Ave. and the other llol"theastcrly diagonal f'r'oIn
Fairmont should not be constructed n. t this time. '1'11is ,~ill avoid expen-
sive bridge oonstruction over Stevenson's Cruelc. und. Hill avoid difficult.
right-oi'-\V'uy problems. It {\Tas ulso agreed tl1.a. t tile Board's previous
aotion in recolUmending extension or Hyr-tlc Ave. acl'OSS the At.lantic
Coast Line Railroad at Palm Bluri' Hilt! honce Hortln~u.l"'lt to li't. Hm'pifOoll Ave.
. ~. . / ' " '. ,," . I . ' I "" , ' , 'to .. " 'I - '. ... ':, '. , . ,\ , .' I....... . ," ~, " :' .
Ju.nuary 2U" U)50"
Page 3
should be ren.fl'irmotl. HI". Lovison movou that a dl'a\dl1g be prepured
embodying these conclusions fOl" presentation to the City COJlUnissiol1.
" '
Hr. Norton seoonded the motion ,.,hieh ,.,us unanimously approved.
Hr. Reade inquired if H proposotl joint meeting ,.,1. tl1 the City Conunis-
," '
sion had beon arrangod and if so tho age nun. should include a discussion
of IIHastel" Plr.;,11 R P'" the l'our diagonals npPl"oved by the Board at the
January 19th meeting" and the l-Iyl..tle Ave. extension. :Hr. ICruse advised
as yet there uas no reply from tho COllunission on the proposed joint
'I:' "
Hr. Reade stated that he had discussed planning f'or C1 t;:{ owned
utilities ,dth J.lJr. Hiddletol1" City Hanager" an{l tha.t Hr. Hiddleton had
offered to attend a meeting of the Board to explain related problems
to the entire Board. The Board welcomed tIds o~fcr'and requested that
}~. }tlddleton be invited to attend the meeting on February 9th.
The meeting adj ournecl at 5: 00 P .H.
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Ralph 1~. R~~e, Secretary
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