. .
",. H1nutes of.' mAot~g, ThurB~~ Do~ombo.~~l5"~~~'r in f~~unnlng Douru Orfioo
Vice-Chairman HOUler presided and callot! the moeting to ordor at
, 'I
3:00 P.M.
Present were members Homer, Rea{lo, Harries.. Nort.on and Levison.. Niok
Rompon of the City Engineer's orrioe and Joe Devlin of the Clearwater Sun.
The minutes or the previous meeting were approved as read.
Mr. Homer welcomed Mr. Levison, a nOl" member of the Board appointed
by Mayor Brown.
Hr. Kruse was absent to attend the hearing of the Pinellns l~ater and
Navigation Control Authority on the Xsland Estates application for a per-
mit to fill submerged lands in Clearwater Bay.
~w. Harries presented and explained comprehensively the proposed
,.j traffic artery plan. There ~",as extensive discussion of area, as well as
city arteries and of diagonals such as those which would serve the planned
Industrial District near the Air Port. No forma.l action lv-aS taken.
~~. Rompon was requested to have a large tack board installed on the
north wall of the Planning Board office for the purpose of mounting large
maps, drawings.. and photographs.
In the discussion of' traffic arteries it lias bl.ought out.l that before
the plan could be completed for presentation to the City Conunission it
would be necessary to establish widths of' rights-or-way. Af'tel" extensive
discussion the following motion was made by Hr. Levison, geco nded by Mr.
Norton and adopted rmanimously:
"The Planning Board recoJUmcnils tho rollm.dng 'vidths of' rightEl-of-way
in its traffic artery plan:
IJocomhor IG, IOGlj I)n.go 2
1. Noighborhoou stl'uutS: ':rlud. 110J.gllhm'hood stl~octB shall be 00
feot wido to proviLlc 1'0l~ au root 11ltVOl110nt and 15 foot. utility
parkway mal sillewal1n~ on oi,thor side.
2. Colleotor streots: That collector streets shall bo 90 feet
\olide to provide four driving lanos of 11 feet each, t\olO lanes
for parallel pnrlcine of oight foot eacll, and 15 feet on oi thet'"
side for sidowalks and uti Ii ty parlC\olay s.
30 Arterial streets or throughways: Thnt artepial streets and
through\vays shall be 120 reet in \,ridth, consisting of t\% 40
~oot pavements (each to provide three driving lanes and one
lane for parking)", a media.n strip 15 feet tolicle and 12 reet 6
inches on e1 ther side :for siclelolalk and utili ties.
It is recognized by the Plal1nin~ Board that pavement widths provided
.") above will not be requireu immediately anu that in the intervening years
..,. -~~
the City will ,,,ant other pavement widths than those shaull. It is however"
the conviction of' this Board that when this area is completely' developed
the widths specified above will be necessary.
The motion carried wlanimously.
The improvement of Pierce street came up next. The c:liscllssion terll1-
inated with the follo\iing motion;
"Hr. Harri.es moved and Hr. I1eu(lc seconded that the 'videning of the
north side of Pierce street bet''lcen Osceola and GnI"tlcn AvenuesJ be studied
by the Boal~d "lith the view of eliminating the offset at Pt.. Harrison Ave.
and Pierce Street in oruar to provide a sJ.1ooth f'J. 0\01 of' tl'af'fic. II
The motion was carried unanimously.
Hr. Harries and Hr. Hompon agreou to make the rerlldl'eu study amI
~ present a reconlmemlntion to the Board.
Thore upon the meeting ad;journed at 5: 00 P.H.
RCSIlectfully snlJmi ttod
Hnlph H. B. Hcr.ulc, Secretary