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~nutos of meeti~ Thursday December I, 1955, in Planning Board Orfice
In the absence of Chairman Kruse, Vioe-Chairman Homer called the
meeting to order at 3;15 P.M.
Mr. Kruse was absent to attend the meeting of the Florida Planning
and Zoning Association in Jacksonville.
Present were members Homer, Harries, Muscarella, Reade and Joe
Devlin of the Clearwater Sun.
The minutes or the last meeting of November 17, 1955, were approved
as read.
Mr. Homer read ~~. Kruse's memorandum on the st. Petersburg meeting
which was attended by members Harries, Kruse and Reade.
He also read a memorandwn from Mr. Kruse on the Hartman request of
J . November 3, 1955, that a City owned CQrner on the Beach be deeded to ~~.
Hartman. It was agreed that this matter be deferred until Mr. Lickton
Mr. Bomer also read the following memorandum regarding the extension
of }~rtle Avenue: "The rollowing resolution was adopted by the Planning
Board at a regular meeting held November 17~ 1955.
'It is suggested that the City acquire a right-or-way of 80 feet
minimum width along the extension of ~~rtle Avenue from the north side
or Palm Bluff to the intersection of North Ft. Harrison through tho follow-
ing subdivisions: Palm Dlurf, Enghurst, Twin Oaks, Leslie, Palm Park,
John Williams, Lincoln Place, Marshall, Norwood, Bay View Heights, Navajo
Park, Merrits Replat.'
This proposed right-or-way is considered necessary by the Board to
facilitate the movement and control of trafTic through the oity in a north
and south direotion. In tltis proposal it is not suggestod that this right-
of-way will replace a proposed alignmont of an extension to Myrtle Avenue
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~ in a north easterly dirootion and another Idghway oroBsing of stevenson's
Creok to gain acoess to Douglas Avenue or other throughfares in the
Dunedin area."
Next tho proposed greater metropolitan area ror this County was
further disoussed and some or the important features of the plan were
brought out. It 1s Mr. Homer's opinion that the movement was being
promoted by st. Petersburg's interest tor the purpose of spreading
St. Petersburg1s high cost of government and high tax millage over
other parts of the County and thereby reduoing the load on St. Petersburg,
and that, if this movement sucoeeds, Clearwater's tax rate will be con-
siderably increased. I~ was the general opinion of members of the Board
that such a movement should be resisted.
1>tr. Harries next reported on the meeting of the new Regional Planning
} Commission which was held the rdght before.
At. the request of Mr. Kruse." t.hr'ough Mr.. Harries, a discussion of
a Christmas party by and for the Board was held. It was agreed that a
luncheon meeting should be held December 22" 1955, at the Clear'V'at,~r
Yaoht Club in one of the private rooms or the Ft. Uarrison Hotel} and
that Joe Devlin of the Clearuater Sun" Miss Dobson" ~myor Brolffl, and City
~Iartager Middleton should be invited as guests. It ,.,as decided that the
luncheon should be dutch and the invited guests' would be paid for by
members of the Doard.
Next ~w. Homer discribed the plan for the Industrial Development to
be built adjacent the Clearlmter Air Parle lnth the provisions and rcstric-
tions of the plan as developed to date. Ha showed the Board an aer~al
photo of the area i.b whioh the Industrial Park ,nll be locn-ted. Thoro
was extensi.ve disoussion of the project and Jnany questions were asked
that z,!r. Homer as chairman of the industrial develoI)Wellt cOlluuittee
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answered. The d.iscussion was oonoludod by 0. motion by Mr. Roado" seoond-'
cd by Mr. Harries that the plannod location for tho Industrial Park be .
approved by the Planning Board. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Respeotfully submitted
Ralph W. B. Reade" Secretary
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