11/17/1955 ~...-~_., ~ Minutes or meet~ng Jhursda~ November 171 19551 in P1Bnnin& Board Orrioe ~~) " i' The meet.ing was oalled to order by Chairman Kruse at 3:00 P.H. Present l{ere members Krusel NortQnl Homer., Harries and Reade. Chier Treola of the Fire Dept.1 Joe Devlin of the Clearwater Sun and Nick Rompon of the Clearwater City Engineering Dept. were present. The minutes were read by the Secretary and it was requested that an error concerning the V~rtle Ave. proposed right-Dr-way be oorrected. Mr. Norton moved and Mr. Harries seoonded that the minutes be corrected. The motion was carried lUlanilnously. Chier Treola requested that a study be made of the expansion or thev olass one Fire districts. After a brief discussion ~~. Homer moved and Mr. Norton seconded that the Board make such a study. The motion Carried Wlanimously. Next. followed extensive discussion of the extension 01' Myrtle Ave. to Ft. Harrison as '~ell as the route to Douglas that was inspected at the las~. meet.ing. There was also diseussion or carrying the extension beyond Douglas to other north and S) uth highwa.ys that would avoid the dirricultias presented by Douglas Ave. No f'inal conclusion lyaS reached. Following the above discussion Hr. Harries moved and 1>Ir. Reade seconded that the Board recoDullend that the CitJT acquire complete right- of-way for ~Iyrtle Ave. north'iard from its intersection with the ACL Rail- road to Ft. Harrison Ave. The motion was unanimously approved. The chair- man was authoriz~;d to for,V'urd a memorandum to the City Commission. ~!r. Kruse next read an announcbment of' a meeting to be held Monday night November 21~ 19551 at the st. Petel'sburg Municipal Building. This ~ meeting is to be atte'ilded by members of PlatUling Boar'us in Pinellas Cormty and other Municipal Orficials. It is for the purpose of explaining to ~ a group or postgraduate students or tho University of Florida, presont conditions in the County, which the students will study in proparation for their masters degrees. N.ext Mr. Homer discussed the effort. that is about to be made by St. Petersburg to include Clearwater in one large Metropolitan Municipality. It is believed that this will result substantially ih increased real estate~ taxes to Clearwater property o,mers and that every effort should be made to prevent consummation or this movement. ~) It was decided that no meeting should be held during the week begin- 1~ November 201 1955~ because of Thanksgiving and that the next meeting should be held Thrusday December 11 1955. A meeting of the Florida Plamling and Zoning Association will be held at Jacksonville from December 1 to December 31 1955. Hr. Kruse and Mr. Har~ies may attend and it was the opinion of the other members of the Board that the City should pay their expenses. Mr. Kruse announced that the Florida Planning and Zoning Assooiation makes annual awards to c1 tizens who have made out.standing cont.ribut.ions ~o t.he state. Mr. Homer moved and Mr. Reade seconded that this Board recommend that Mrs. G. Shilla.rd Smi t.h 1:e given one of' the awards post.. humously f'or the many contributions made by her during her liretime to the cultural advancement oT the state of Florida. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted Ralph W. B. Raadel Secretary ~.1/ .;......~ ~.;,j. ,... .. .. ~ .. ... a.. ~ OJ .............\ .. ;0 , 0:: <( 0 z <( ..... (/) tr<> ;; .~ ,..,. .. < I- (j) Excerpt from City Commission Heoting of Novomber 21" l05G Tho City Hanu.ger reported that a IJlot pln.n had beeu received for the locatitF! of the prolJOsed IIOl~nrd Jolmsoll rostaurant on Lot 7" City Park S',tbdivision. 'rho lettor of }Jroposal f'rom Hm,;ul"'u Johnson" Inc., considered at the meeting of October 17th was road a.gain. A recollUnenda- tion 1'rom the City IJlanning Board ~vns reud suggesting a realignment of' the curve at the ,,,est end of the Cause,,,o.y, the construction or a f'ixed four-lane bridge, the ol'cution of a one-way trl\ffic pattern bet'veen the bridge and Handalay Avenuo" the creation of a memorial parlt, ete" The Hayor pointed out that the revenue from the proposed restaurant building 110uld be pledged for the retirement of the revenue certi:fioates on the l'Iarina Build.tng. The City Attorney's opinion 't~as that the bond ordinance would generally spealting prohibit the use of the property fO)'1 nOll-revenue producing enterprises. COllnnissioner Rusfjell moved that the City of Clearliuter enter an agreement w'i th Hmvurd Johnsoll" Inc., fo!" a lease of fif'toen years at $4,800 per year l~i th all o}ltioll :fop un addi tiollal periou of ten years at $6,,000.00 per year; and on this piece of property they will construct a building to cost approximateljr $75" 000.00 and will equip the building at a cost of about $35,000.OU Hith a total investment of' $110,,000.00; and in malting. this motioll" I concur' along lV'j,th Hr. Kruse and the Planning Board that the building be set bacle far enough so that if and when the bridge and the Causm.:ay aL'e straie;htened out that \-Ie ,..rill have ingress and egress to the lJril\l.:;e in cuse of' Ol1e \Yuy tpuff'ic; fUl"thel", that the Ci t~r Engineer and the City Hunagel' be directed to confer wi tp Ho'~arl1 JolmsOl'.r Inc., in regard to tlwil' plot plan to see if it is surfi cient according to the drr:l,\.;!n [; 01' the Planning Board; and also that there be a stanuo.p(t lease \d th a recaptur'o clause.. they EXCOl1Jlt Pngo 2 11/21/55 :.; ,'f"'\ to pay taxes.. insuranoo and assessments,; anll the ]>ropop ofl'icil\ls be authorized to execute it; also during the twenty-five years that , " ".' . c/., " :.; ..~. . ':: ':':. ~~. : c '+'. . 2;::',:~" " ~v:,.:. :'.;~~':.". ....,,'" j.., " ..\" '. .', :~:,:;"""':".. {.:.{~. '; - ~. ".' ", -;';<"'::,- ;., . <J'" . ~. > 'F'.' .' .~..; c . , .' . c \.', ... ., ;~>,: ',' \.. l: .. %~'.~~~" I ~. :.::" . . . '';'' ,. .,.: t'~,. ~(., .". I" .:~~~" . ~~( '.., ,; Howard Johnson.. Inc... is to oporate the restaurant exclusively and not lease it out. ~wtion was seconded by Co~niss~onor Bohannon and carried unanimou,sly. !\Ir. Haurice Thayer praised the Conuuission fol" talcing this progressive 'step while still protecting the approach to t,he CauseHay. CODllldssioner Bohannon requested that copies.of tho lease be submitted to the Co~uissioners berore being executed so they will have a chance .1 t.o study it. '. ',\