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,-___ Minutes of Meet~ng Thurs..da:(1 Novembor 3, ..1955, in Plann1~ Board orricf!.
Hr. Kruse oalled the ~~eting to order at 3:00 P.M.
Present were members Kruse, Norton, Homer, Harries, Reade, MUscarella
and ex-offioio member L1okton.
Mr. Joe Devlin represented the Clearwator Bun.
The meeting opened with a broad dismIssion of the proposed north
MJrtle Avenue extension as a main traffic artery. It was conCluded by
Mr. Homer making the following mot1o~: "That next week' 8 meeting of the
Board be devoted to an ll1spection in the f'ield of possible routes for the
extension. The motion carried unanimously.
Th3 Cbairman reported that he had attended the meeting of the P1nellas
County Water and Navigation Control Authority in which the decision ot
the Authority on the Island Esta~es applioation was announced. The
A.uthorj:t.,.~ 8 decision was to approve the project subject to the elimination
of the two southeast islands.
Mr. L:Loktob presented a request to the City by a Hr. Bartman f'or the
Ci ty to deed land at the corner or Devon and Hamdell Drives to Mr. Hartman
tor the purpose of' ereCting a signa Mr. Norton moved that the request
be denied. Mr. Reade seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Mr. Lickton next presented" for an expression of opinion by the
Board members~ ~ proposal f'or improvements at the root or Jeffords
Street. After a com~lete explanation of 'the project by Mr. Liclcton and
a discussion by the Board" Mr. Homer made the 'f"ollo\dng motion: "That
t.h9 Board approve the plan for continuing the sea wall in Po southerly
direction from its present terminus in Harbor Oaks to a point that will
eventually be in alignment with the existing sea frlall in the liilladel
..If...' .
section of Belleair and that the City pay only the cost or rill and sea
wall for the width of the Jeffords stroet right-of-way, and providing tho
owners of property abutting tho south side of Jeffords Street make adequato
provision at their expenso for tho disposal of water in tho creek which
traveraes the property. All dosign and construotion shall be subjeot to
the'approval of the City Engineer. }~. Norton seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously.
Mrft William Albrecht, consul t.ing engineer, presented a preliminary
master plan for the Southgate Subdivision whioh is proposed for de~elop-
mont between Belleair Street" Lakeview" Kings Highway and l-I:LsBouri. He
requested the Boardts approval of ~e design of the subdivision. 'Extensive
discussion on the matt-er of a park and playground in the subdivision and
of provisions for through traffio took place. Some of the members of the
Board ~elt that these matters were inadequately provided for" but it was
pointed out that the City Commission does not look ravorably on setting
aside a large park area whioh must be mn.intained, and operated by the City
government. The diSL"Uss;l.on was finally concluded with the follo,dng motion.
by Mr. Reade: "That the design of the Southgate SUbdivision be approved
with tne reservation that the termini or Bellview Blvd. and Betty Lane
should be restudied with the City Bngineer and the matter 'then be rosub-
metted to the Board. Mr. NOI'ton seoonded the motion which passed unan-
Tbe meeting then adjourned at 5:30 P.M.
Transcripts ot the two motions ooncerning the opening or the west end
or Jeffords street and the request for vacating of street right-of-way by
the Sea-Air Motel, at Hamden Dr. and First Street, were sent to the City
Commission by inter-orfioe memorandum dated November 4, 1955.
Respect~ully submitted
Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary