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,,~ Hinutes, of meet:l.ng Thursday.. October 27, 1955, in Pla~ing Board Office
Presont wore membors KrUBO, Norton, Harries, Homer, Reade, Muscarella
and ex-officio member Liokton.
The Clearwater 8Wl was represented by Mr. Joe Devlin.
The meeting was called to order at 3:15 P.M.
The minutes or the previous meeting were read and approved.
Chairman Kruse explained to Mr. Harriesl who was present for the first
time, the principle activities of the Board, up-to-date.
Mr. Reade introduced a discussion of incorrect statements in the Clear-
water Sun regarding the hearing by the City Commission on the Island Estates
matter and suggested that a letter should by written to the Clearwater Sun
regarding the ~sstatements. It was the opinion of most of the members of
-', the Board tha.t nothing should be done~ so the matter was dropped.
Mr. Kruse explained to Mr. Harries the ort-street parking proposals
and outlined the meeting which was held with lIr. Bell and traf:ric officer
Wayne King.
Mr. Homer told of a seminar he bad attended in Jacksonville on orf.
street parld..ng and said that he was convinced that a parld.ng building
would not be profitable and that, instead.. vacant lots in the down-tovn
area should be leased and equipped for parking. Such lots should be
leased by the City on short-term leases with a cancellation clause and
prov1.sions tor t~ abatement as inducements to the owners. l-Ir. Homer's
suggestion was ~avorably received but no formal action was taken by the
The maps showing the proposed main traffic arteries was next discussed
~-j and there was a loilg discussion of' north and south arteries. It tolas
concluded that }~tle Avenue south of Cleveland should be established as
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a main artery a8 promptly as possible in order to relieve congestion on
south Ft. Harrison. The following formal motion was made by Mr. Homer
and seconded by Mr. Reade: The Planning Board recommends to the City
Oommission that Myrtle Avenue be extended from Tuskawilla Street to a
junotion with the Olearwater-Largo Rondl a distanoe of approximately 9
bloOksl for the purpose of relieving traffic conditions on south Ft.
Harrison Avenue and that a pavement of no l.ess than 40 teet in width be
proVided tor the entire length of the extension. The motion was passed
unanimously. The following resolution was forwarded to the City Com-
mission: At a regular meeting of the Planning Board Ootober 271 19551
a resolution was adopted reoommending that the City take such action as
may be required to provide :for the extension of Myrtle Avenue south from
~U8kawilla street to Woodlawn Street by the acquisition ot neoessary
right-ot-way and easements and the installation ot ut1li~ies ,and pavement.
With ~e exception o~ that portion of the proposed extension which
traverses the cemetery property and the railroad, the acquisition of an
80 toot right-or-way 1s recommended. The installation of a 40 toot
pavement the full length of the proposed extension is considered necessary
to satisty traffic conditions.
The development of this gap in !~rtle Avenue will effect the full
use ot this important thoroughfare as a traffic artery in south Clearwater
and will eliminate much of the congestion on Ft. Harrison Avenue and in
the business district of the Ci.ty. Thi.s recommendation concerning Hyrtle
Avenue is the initial suggestion in the Board's continuing study of traffic
thoroughfares tor Clearwater and vicinity.
Respecttfully submitted
Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary