10/20/1955 f' ~ . ------ Hinutcs 01'. j'Ioot.:~ll.:; trl1...Ul:sfl.uy~} .0c'l:.olJo1" ~~O J ID:"IG" in Of'1:ic~o. ,0,1' Pll.Ll1tlil1/~ DOD-p,a. l}rosOll't \~el"U lllolJJbol's lCrlH.l0} Hamel'" Norton, l1oll.l1c awl Huscal'olln.. Also IH'l:s..Jut \YOpo Nicl~ nompol1 of toilo Oit.y Engincol"in[; JJcpurtl:1ont} 'l'raffic Ofi'icel" Huyno Itlllt; 01' the ,Police Department} and Fl'oclel"icl, Bell 'ltrafi'ic Consul tant 1'01' the 01 t;r of' Clcu.l'\\'u:t.ep. HomhorG of the PPcss \1701"0 steve ])ouglas of the Clear\~ate1" SW1} Ha.lph Stu:uncr' of tIle 'l'aml1u l-Iorn:il1[; 'frilJ1UlO, \' and Bob Lon,gstrcot 01' the St. Ijet.orsblll":~ Imlcpontlont. Hr. Kru~o called the. :acotin[:::: to ordor u t :J: 30 P .H. Tho minutes of' the Oct01J0l' 6" lD5f5} rcgulu.r' meetinc, una OctolJCl" 12, 1950" special meotin~ were read and approved. Discuss:i.on \ms 1"cstlmec.1 of the use U.11I.:1 tli3110si tion of the lanu opposi to the Harina and its lu'ollOseu lease 1'01' U reskl.tlr'a.l1t. HI.". Roo.ue uP.:;ed, tlln. t ':,'~ , .J a deatllino be set for the Board to express its conclusions reGarding this h\nd und it \.,o.s generally agreed 'that it '~'oulcl lJC possi';Jle to have a plan , really by the eml of' November. Hr. Kruse l"cported 011 the heal"in~ i:1elcl rJY the Hater Control and Navigation .:~utl1ori ty all tho Island Estat.es application f'or' a permi tto f'ill". and he also reported Or! the sta.tus 01' the ReGiona.l Planning Doul'cl \~hich 'I is in tile process of l'ol'mation. Hr. Fred Bell expla.in8u a City llH.tl) H~lic;l he hall} shoHil1!.; the re8u1 ts of' a trout'fie study Illn.l.le ill 1950 o.nl{ stated th..~t the Ol1:;illecpin:~' J:'il'IH ot: BralUl & Blauvelt are m~lcin[; u. stucl:/ of Clc~l'\'w.tUl:' llcaclL tl'uft'ic at the present time. Hr. Kruse sa.i<.l th<lt Hl'. H.ilhllcton hail sent a l'OJ.)l:'(:SCll't~t:L YO 01' 0. street sig11 company to the lllaull:i.n:; lJoarll \....1 th Sa!II/l.e8 or stro0t 81(:;n8 ~ proposed f'or Cleal'\Ya.ter. "...f'tcr a ul"ief tt:i.SCLlSS.i.~ll :L'u'. IIOl;Wl" 11Iovoll and 1 ' Hl". N Ol..ton scconuou t.lw.. t the present systo,;1 or ::;tr'uct 5i:,;l1S be COllti~ltlOd I, ) , , , , " " ..\1 <, ::.~, ", '.> ., + . " , ,<Ii tit tho OJtCol')tioll or tho dm>1I1to,{U arens ,o/hof'u hia;hop siglUJ than tho prosont onos; Sl1oul(l be used untl also ui tl1tho eXCOl)tlon that blocI.:: ' ' , numbers should 1JO 8ho'o/11 all the present t:fl>e of signa.' The me0til1{~ o.ujo,urncu at 5; 00 P.H. -'. ~. . < ".' . , ' 'f'-' . ,"., ;~~' . .....' .,' i~ ReSl)Qcti1'1.111y 'subiai tted ,Ralph \v. , D. Reado" Secretary 'j .;~~;': . " , .... " ~~;;; ';", ,f. ';:', ~>'~' . , . " ?i '~., ,~':, ':, ' ~'::.,~~' ;.: >.L:" l.\: {~".~ . i:,:\.':' .g/':,:":,.~' -:-:' .' f" ", l ; '> , ':1.> ..' ,~ . " ~~i",:, . .,\. . . t;~,: :.~" ':,' ,;, ,', '.'i '.: 'i ! . " ~ ..1' I, . "t .~~~.~:I :', ',c:: .~. L) I> ~:~:.-: ,\-: .' c ~ . "',,::" ":~ '. . .' "h'e' . 5',\. *.: ~;f, " , t ", :. ~', ~~\ "-'.. .l . I' .~ ,f ~: I . ." 'J of: ~' I,:'..." "- ~, .', ;~'.c' , ::~' , ~:~~; . "'.J. ~ . " i,\ .. x) , \ ......,.. . l ...... .- '. I'. ~. + ' :~::..1.:<' .~.: .." ,- l-""~~ 1:",.:1 ':, ' < ..;, \' " .-'. I' :,tr,:,.',:",..',: ,': .", ...., r'.:- . ~'. .