10/12/1955 - Special
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Hiutuos of' SllCoial mcotiu/.; \vC~Stl.~~ o_cto~~or 12, lOtj~-2:2.~ ~'ltl..:.~~; Dour'a.
The meeting ,"as cu.llett to order n t 3: 20 1" .H.
Prescut Hure mClI1ocr's Kpusc" Huscul"olla" noo.de" llomer and Islanll Estates
partners il.rmstoll and Slcillner.
The press HDoS not permi tteu to sit in 011 tho lllecting.
TIns !lIcating WJ.S co.llod In order that the Island Estates, n. par.tner-
ship I could l)rescut to the lloo,rtl its roaS011S 1'01" ,':ullti.ng Ht". Kruse to
testif'y at the hearing before the 1>i11011n.8 County \\fater llnd ,Navigation
Control Authority" of the application bciiJ,g submitted by the Island Estutes.
'rho Island Estates !lo..rtnel"s stated thut they l.;ranted Hl~. Kruse to
testi.f'y because of lus background as a IJlanning expert and his close work
~vi th them during the dl~mvlllg or the plnns) and llOped that he might even
r.epresent the Board and state that the Pln.l1ui.ng Board allproved thC:l plan-
ning of the development.
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The Island Estates pal"tners ~v:i. thdreW' ~nd the Board discussed the 1110. ttcr
and tool, the follOlvlng action: Hr. Homer movcu that the, Bourd rescind :Lts
previous motion that no member of' the Boaru shouil.c1 testify at the hearing
berore the 1:-'ino113os COtU1ty "latep and Ha.viga ti 011 Control Autllol"i ty, of the
t'..Plllication being subl1li tteu by the Isl~l1d,.Estu tc~" b~l authorizing its
chairman (and any othep member or the DOUl~C:~ i1' poss-ihle) to appear at the
hearing an(l gi VB testimony (if rcciuOf,';te(L tv do ~iO) in support. of the action
taken by the City CommissioL all<l the action 'Gu.ken j):'J'. the Dom~d approving
plans rap the d,evelupmcnt 01' t.he Bay h..mlls. Hr. Hom1.c SeCOl1lLCd the mati 011
. and it carrtcu. unanimousl;y.
Hr. lCrusq. staterl that he \'lOulcl insist on tJOil"g :L!ltrOUl.ICcl..l us chairman
of the l.Jlanuing Eoare. anti ,voulti. n;i vo tcstimlJl1J' o!l.Ly .is such and. not as a
private ill(lividunl.
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A latter HUS l~ociuvot~ form Hr. !1'l'edor1clc Doll" the 01 ty' S oonsul t-
iug engineer on tt't\1'fio mattoI.s, stut.inl!. thn.t 110 Hould attenll tue
.' r~~'Ulo.r. mae-tin,; 01' .tIle Bou.rd on Octobor 20" 1055.
The meeting u.dj o\.\1'nou ut 3: .:.IJ; 1). H.
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Hespectzfully SU1)lni tted
Ralph lv. B. Reade" Secretary
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.The meeting adjourned carlier- thun usual due to flood conditions
on Garden Avenue.
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