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~nutoa 01' Hooting frhurouuy" Octobup G" 1951)~ in CivtS: lIall Auditorium
'l'ho ldaeting was call ad to order at 3: 30 P ..H.
Presont i.v-oro mombot"s Kr'uso) HOMOI', Reado, NOl~ton, Huscu,pollll and
ex-o.ff'icio member Licl'ton. noprcsontativos or tho pres~ \W1"'O Ralph Reed
or tho st. Petcl.s'bUt'g rrimos,J Joo Dol via or 'the Clear,.,t\'(:.~-n~ SW1, nnd Bob
Longstreot 01' tho st. l:'etorsblu'g Imlcllenuont,.
The minutes of tho meeting of SCl)tomber IG, 1955" wero re~l.ll and
'approved as amemleq. Hr. Kruse requested that the minutes be amended to
real! that tl equipment" -' not ~1:rumlsu, at~e available t'or filling the sub-
mel"ged C1 ty land south of the Cnuseuuy in Clear~ni.ter Day.
A letter rrOlll Fredericl-: Bell) consul tiug engineer, was t"eau in which
Hr. Bell apologized for his failure to attend the September 15 meeting.
Hr. Reade lnoveu and HI.. Homer seconded that :Hr. Bell be invited to attend
,'~"'\, the October 20 meeting of the Boo.rcl at the l::>la.uning Board Or1'ice. Al)proval
, ~ ._,t
w'as nnal1imous. Chairman Kruse Hill write the invitation to Hl". Bell.
Hr. Kruse requested Hr. Huscal"'ella to rcvic,,;{ the Pl"O!lOSeU act of 't.he
legislatw"e of 1925 establishing a Planning Board for Clear~.;ater.
Bayside Subdivision No. 5 was uiscussecl :.1.nll it \-las rcpol"ted that the
Oi t~T COI.Ulussion had apl1roveu the Dlo. t of the sul)rli vision.
'Hr. Kruse next gave 0.. repol't on the ll1eeting of the American Society
of Planning Oft~icials" ~.;l1icll 11e attenue(l 'in Hontreo.l September 25-29..
There 'm.s much in his report that 'Has oi' iatercst to the Board.
:Hr. Homer lUOVCU and Hr. Read.e seconueil that tIle Chairman write a
lett.er to the HUj'or of Hontreal thallking the Ci tr 01' Houtreal ..rOl' the
hosp~tality that was shown our representative.
Enlul"gement of the llleIllbors~dlJ 01' tIle neg:i.ol1~~l Plannillg BOH,ru. to
, W include St. Petersburg)l l:incllas Park.1 OZOl1<.1. and other COlilhltmi tics \I'US
discussed. The COllsensus of' opiuiou \~'a.s thu. t the 1Joul'll GllOUltl bo lilili tcd
~ to i tu present size for the timo 00i116.
Tho sala 01'" lease of Oi ty o,med proporty Oll!10si to the Hm"inn.. on the
uOl"th si(le of' Causo\.,ruy Boulevard l.,rns next tl:i.scussocl. After lengthy
discussion Hr. Huscurolla moveu and Hr. ficado soconded tho ,following
motion. This Board reco!lunemls to the City COUludssion that the C1 ty ,talce
110 nct:lon tO~vard diSllosi tion of the property north of the Bea.ch Harina
until such timo as adecluate compr'ehensi va stmly ::mil planning r~r the
area has beon completed by the Planning Board. 'rhe motion ,.ms pas3ed
unanimouslj'. 1>11". Homel" abstained from voting on the grounds that he
owned businoss prolJC:U"ty on the Beaoh; but Hr. IIomel"' aoquiesced in the
conclusion of the Board..
The 'meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Respectzfully submitted
Ralph lv. B. Reade" Seoretary
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