~ ~Iinut~s of Heeting Thul'sllaJ' I Sept.ember ,1!:'L.y ,1~9pu in Or.rico of Planning .Doo.r.d
Chairman Kruse callod the meoting to oruol" at 3: 30 1J .H.
Present tml"O membors Kruse" Norton" Rendo" HOlUer; ex-officio member
Lickton" Ra.lph need of the St. ~etorsuul"g Timesl Joe Devlin of the Olear-
vater SWl" Harry IIomll"os of the St. Petersburg Indepcmlent" Ralph Sununor
of the Tampa Horning Tribune, and IIUl"l"y Prior of the Cleal"Watol" Sun.
l-Iinutes of the last regula!" 11113cting anti also of' a special meoting
were read wld approved.
It was stated thn.t thl"ough their forgetfulness Hr'. Bell and Hr. Wayne
King, of the '.I'raffic Dept. ",'ouJ.d not meet \d th the Planning Board. The
meeting with them ''las PostlJoned indofini toly.
Hr. Reade brought UIl the mattel" of plans for the Pl"oposed recreation
park 011 the south end or the CauseHuy. Hr. Kl"use stated tha.t Oi ty 1"wlds
uere available for dredging the submerged land and developing it into a
park. Hr. Reade sai{l he would be unalterably oPlloseu to any development.
south of the Cause,,,ay,, of an amusement park character" that ~{oulcl be
operated for !lrofi t by concessionaires.
Hr. Norton sai(l the 20 acreS north of the Cu.useHay should be used
and. developed as the Boal"d approve~. l.h". Licl::ton saill 5 acres W'ould be
needed ror a se~o]age disposal plant.. ft acre for a \vater tal1J~1 -k acre for
the Telephone Co. The remainucl', ~vi th the exception of the area required
ror access to Island Estates) \vi11 be available for parks" playgronnds or
other public use.
It was agreed by the Board that it shoulu elHlca Val" to contl'ol tho
al"cldtectural features of Islanll Est.atl:ls.. but t.hut the Board should not
attempt to impose any restrcctiollS on the devolopers beyond those in the
01 ty ordinance controllill~ nCH subtli visions.
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Hr. HomOl~ stn. tad thn. t he thought tho Bout't! shm.tl(l not u ttcrllpt any fur..
thor detailod plamling of Island Estatos.
!lIr. !<:ruso presentod 0. lottor from tho 1.'O\>IOP Hotel Apartmonts" on
ClenrHutol" Bench" re(lUesting tho usa of lot 2 be tho same a.s lots 1 and 3.
Tho Doo.rd agreed that this ,,,u.s II matter fop the Zoning Board.
Hr. Hornor moved that Chuil"IU::l.U Kruse bo tho Plnnning Dauru's pel"manent
representative to the Regional l?la.nning Board" but that Hr. ICruso be
permit.ted to appoint. an alternate. Hr. Roado secomloll the motion and it
carried unanimously.
}lIr. Reade moved that }Ir. Kruse represent the Planning Board at the
1;-' meeting of' the American Society 01' Planning O1'1'101als to be held in
Hontreal", Sept. 25-29. Hr. Norton secomleu tho motion and i. t cal"ri.ed
Wlanimously. 'rho ASPO meeting is to be a joint meoting uith the .cnnadian
. ~,#
Society or City Planners.
:roIr. Homer moved that the Plannj.ng Bonrcl hold its meetings" 'from now
unti.l the ndddle o~ October, in the City Hall Auditorirun because of the
air conditioning. Hr. Norton seconded the motion and it carried unan-
Hr. Lickton outlined the plat of' llayside Subdivision No. 5 and
presented it to the Plalul~ng Boara ~or study. The 'following deficiencies
,.zere noted.
1. A 100 foot ri~ht-of'-\1ilY 5hol.l11.1 be l"etluireu for IIamden Dr. from the
intersection of IIamdcn Or. an(i Coronado Dr. south to Little Pass.'
This t;vlll necessitate the de(licatiol1 of 50 ft. inst'.:lud of 30 ft..
fl"om the center line of Hamdan Dr. to -the prolJOrty li~1c of' Duysitle
SubUivision No.5.
Duulicates of street nalaes shoulu be elim:i.m,l.ted and !!orth Gulfvie\1
Bl yd. shoulrl be gi vell some oth(H" nalllG"
3. '.chis lllat is u scction of' o.n ovcl'ull dcvoloPl:1CUt or the L"ottrth f'inger.
It is 1~cl t thnt an ovol'ull plat should bo slllJml ttou so tho. t 0.
complete pictul'"o of' the entiro devolopmont conld be shmm.
Tho developel~s should sulJmi t 0.11 the 1.O(luirod fOJ'ms, pl~opcrly
f'illed outl required by Ordinance 632.
Respecttfully subndtted
Ralllh W. B. Reade, Secretary
Hr. Reade moved that :the o.lJove requirements should be fulfilled
by the developers beforo the plat is aooopted by tho CitJr. Hr. Kruse
seconded the motion and. it carrieu. unanimou~ly.
Tl1e next mooting liil1 be at 3: 00 P.N. in the City Hall Auditol~iwn.
'1'ho meoting adj01u'ned at 5:05 P.H.
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