,~ \.11
i' nuteL~:f Heoting l,zellnesduy I AUh'"Ust 311 ~955 in Orf~co of Pltlnnin~ ~o.Ql'"~
A speoial meoting was called so that the Board could meet wIth Armstoll
SlcilUler and Ell1el'"son (developers of the sublllergod lall.ts in Clearwater Bay)
to reViel<l preliminary layouts fOl~ the pr.oposed land (levelopment.
Chairman Kruse called the meeting to order at 3:10 P.H.
Present were members Kruse, Norton, Huscar.ella, Homer J> Reade; ex-
oficio moniliar Lickton and ~~rtin Dyckman of the st. Petersburg Times.
We have secured the lmul-use map and age-old building map from tho
COlUlty and copies of' them are being made.
~~. Kruse said he had a discussion wlth ~w. Bell and ~w. Way~e King of
the Traffic Dept. Tuesday" August 30, and they will meot with the Planning
Board Thursday September 15, to present their map of the City's traffic
Hr. Kruse read a letter he had lvritten to Board member t.zm. Harries
dated August 29, 1955, bringing. hilll up-to-date 011 the Board'ls progress
and enclosing a copy of' the minutes on all prev~ous meetings.
}w. Kruse stated that he and City Manager }tlddleton were both in agree-
ment that the land south of the Co.usmmy might be used in making a 01 ty
recreation park and playgrolmll f'or children. He then aslced 1'01" cOllUllents
from the Board and a brief' discussion folloH'eu.
The next item was to be a. discnssion 011 pre1iminapy plans of the
island development in Clear'i1atcr Bay. Because the developers did not lolish
any publicity 011 the preliminary plans, Hr. Homer moveu. that the meeting
be adjourned and an executive session be callcil. Hl'. Norton soconuml the:
motioll and it carried tulanimously.
~ The meoting adjourned at 3:30 P.N.
The executive session of the Bonru ,{US called to ardor at about 3:45
P.}I. with the rollowlng prosent: all Board menfuers (except }~. Hnrrie~)
and Hr. LicJ\:tOllJ and this was the occasion or tho fil"st meoting of 1<1ayor
,Drol'ln ,,,i th the Board in its new quarters. HassI's. l\.rmstol1J Emel"sonJ
Sld.mler and engineer Albrecht ,verc present to submit preliminary schamos for
the consideration of tho Board.
After a rathor extensive explanation of the achomes by HI". Armston
and Hr. Albrecht a general discussion f'olloweu. During this discussion
loIr. Homer brought UIJ the question of additional Cause\vay facilities to
oonnect the mainland with the Beach and it was decided that provisions
would be ma.de for one or 1110re possibilities in this regard.
The general discllssion proved to be a very int.eresting one and mDJ1Y
salient points developed which would tend to insure the protection of the
public's interests.
The developers are to submit with the proposed plan a prospectus
describing the project in detail, including such elements as proposed
land use" utilities" sel"age disposalJ time sohedules for completion of
certain parts or the plan etc. etc.
The :following action '-las finally tOoleen: HI". Norton made the follO\,,-
ing motion wIdell l-laS seconded by Hr. Huscarella. The Planning Boal..a
approves the general layout of Island Estates Plan No 15 A subject to
further negotiation 01' details bet,,,eon the developer'S Ullll a cOllunitteo of
the Board consisting of Hr. Kruse and Hr. Norton antI subject to rinal
ravioli by the entire membershlp of the DoaI'll. 11'he motion l.,rUS passed
The meeting o.dj ournccl at 5: 56 P .H.
Respect:M'nll;r subl:u ttod
Ralph H. ll. Heatlc.. Secretary
'. . ~ ."". '" . ~'. ~ ' .: ' " ". '.... .:., . . ,," I . ". ,. ~... ." ~ . . ..;.,', ..'
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. . .T..........(;....,
Hinutes of Heating of Planniul; Doard ,vi th Oi ty Comndssion and Island
Estates (a partnership) Friday, Soptembor D, 195G, in Planning- Eonrtl orrice.
Presont l{ere Hayor BrO\Vl1, ConurJ.ssionors Strang atIlt DohulUlon, Plal1-
ning Board members Kruse, Norton, Homor, ~1uscnrell~, Rende, Island Estates
partners Armstoll, and Skinnel", City Hanagor Hiddleton, 01 ty E11gineer
LiclctOll, Cit.y Attorney Phillips, Islo.nu Estates Engineer Albrecht, Hauriee
Thayer of the C1 vie Federation, llowo.pll Hartley, public relations oonsult-
ant, Clear\o/ater 3W1 reportOl" Devlin.
Hr. Kruse called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.H. Bnd requested Hr.
Armston to talce the 1'1001". 1>11". Armston expla.ined br'ietly the proposed
plan ror Clearlo/ater Day submerged land uevelopment and requested Engineer
Albreoht to explain tIle project in detail and rend to the meeting a
'~-"'1 prospecttlS of the project dated September 0.. 1955.
~w. Albrecht read the prospectlls and indicated on the Island Estates
map what the developers plan to do.
In answer to a question by rfuyor DrOl1n1 ~~. Albrecht stated that the
net fill area of 392 acres wInch it is expected to develope. by'. dredging
does not include the strip of approx. 20 acres adjacent the north side
of Hemoriul Cause'\'ll\Y \'1h:i.ch is City owncu and '\oJill be fillef.1 by Islam1
Estates for public use.
In ansm~r to another question 11e sto.teu that the fill Hould be not
less than 5 feet above menn sea level.
:HI'. Thayel'" and Hl\. Bohallllon sug~osted that it HOll1d be desil"uble to
have a more attractive nal:1C for the dovelopment than Islall(l Estn:t:.cs. Hr.
Armston salcl that Island Estates Has the nume of the pal"tnm'sidp and that
~ a. more appealing name could be given to the development.
Hr. Thayer inquired the lVidth of the strill all ':..hc !lOl"tLl side or the
... Ca.usm'iuy that is City O\iJlOa. Hr. Albrecht replicd thnt the dista.llco from
the contol' line of tho Causm"o.y to the north eagc of this str:Lp is 500
feet and that a strip UP!lI'OX. 350 f'eet lvide by 2,000 feot long \..r:lll be ltse-
able for public purposes.
Hr. Bohannon cOllUllcnteu that tho proposed development \wuld intensify
tho tra.rric pl'oblem 011 t.he Co.use,'lU.y. Hr. Arm'3ton stat,ed that the partllcr-
slllll had not ignored this but 1'el t that the problem ml.S caused l)y bottle
necl~s at the bri(lges on eaoh end of the Cause\'iuy and that the developers
could contribute nothing to solve this. 1..ra,r01' DrolVll uncI others agreed that
it was a problem for the City or the State to solve.
Hr. Reade requested Hr. llrmston to discus::; seHage disposal. Hr. Arl11ston
said that in the early period of the development it \Y'as expected that the
se\...age would be lll.Uupeu into the existing line that rWlS from the mainland
') to Clear\"ater .Beach but that eventually it wa.s hoped a C:!..t~T sewage disposal
plant would be built tolhere shown nQ\v on 'the map. Hr. Liclctoll cXi?lained
that s~wage could not be pWllpeu into the pl:'Os9at line ~d thout mal\:ing an
ex:pend.i.ture of' 15 to 20 thousand dollars o.ntl ul'ged that a primary d:i.sposal
plant be built to serve Isla.ml Estates in its early stages cnd as the uevel-
opment. progl"esses tlds plant could be expanded anti ul timatc.ly would serve
all of Cleal"\-later Beach. Hr. Hiduletoll said that a sC\mge disposal plant
is needed 1'01" Cleal"'vu. te1" Beach and that it is an ul"gcnt problem at this time.
In anSl'181' to 0. (lUestioll by HI'. Thayer", Hr. Sldnner stated that they
expected approx. 7 year's lwuld be rCclull'e<l to complete the construction
shown on the present plan.
The members 01' the Planning Boartl then 'vi thuruH to lliscu~ stile 'lJl"'ol1osul
of tho Island Estutes" a partnershipl and. tho f'ollo\dll:; mot:Loll uas HILl.de by
Hr. Homer:
" ..' L ... '" .' . .' . ~ I . . . . . . . . to' . ,\. I ~ "'. ~.' , . . .'.1 . 'j '. .' .
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\'lllEHBAS" tho Plnnllin!S Doat"ll has boon l'"ellllostcu by tho UOlloro.ble
~Inyor.nnd the Board of CO~tdS3ioncrs of tho City of Clonrwuter to take
rmder advi.solilont tho ownors I plans Pl'oposod for tho d.evolopmont of lands
in Clen.r\mtm' Bay north of Hemorial Causmmy by Island Estates" a partner-
ship" a.nd to advise of its recolllmendations" and
l~IillRilli\S I a cotuni ttee of' tHO r.."OIU the Planning BO::l.l"d Has directed by
the Honorable Hayvl' to cOllsul t ,>lith tho developors amI their engineers
in the development of a master plan for the area involved and has submi. tted ;
its recolllIuendation3 to the Planning Board"
NO'iI1" therefore" the l::tlanning Board of the Oi ty of Cleal"\vn.ter does
hereby move that Plan No 15 C including the prospectus perta.ining thereto
(evolved from many studies and deliberations) represents an acceptable
solution of an wlusuo.l planning problem and a plan that appears to
satisf.y the best interests of all conoerned. ~linor modifioations may
be made as a result of' surveys being llrosecuted at the present time and
certain revisions may be necessary following a revieH of the proposed
development b~~ the Corps of Engi.neers" Dellt. of the Army.
Hr. Reade seconded the motion and it Has tuln.nimous13t carried.
Hr. Thayel'" aslced the developers if" the construction shown 011 the
dra~dng is f'1nal or if' the developers contemplated filling other areas
of" Clear~1atel" Bay in the futU1~O. Nr. Sldnner ana Hr. Armston replied that
they plan 110 greater development thun the one twt:.et" discussion tOlln.y.
Hr. Thayer spoke iaforHJo.lly and said as pl"csidcnt of the Civic
Fed~ration he is required to he impartial but thut ho is favorable
personally to the plUll sl1mm..
The next meeting of the Pla.nning Bo3.l'"u is to bc helll a. t 3: 00 P .H.
Thursday" Sp.:ptc!Jlber 15 at ,."llich the Ci tJ' Trn;rric consultant u!lll memhCl'S
of the traf'fic divistotl of tho l!olioc llellt. Hill uttclUl.
;', ~.
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Thero will be n meeting J.!onilay ~ Septomber 19 ~ ill tho mOl'l1ing in tho
City H~ll Auditoriwu at which tho City CO~ldssion will consider tho
. 'J . Island Esta.tes plau. It is hoped. Plu.mul1g BOU1"d 11lombers ,,,ill attend.
~~~. .
Following lnore informal discussion the mooting adjournod at 2:35.
. ,
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.: . ~' ".
Respect~fully submitted
Ralph W. B. Reade, Se~re~ary
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