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~,nl1tcs or Heeti!.~ 'rJ1u}'sllo.y~.~at 2.Q;~ 19,55 i,l1 orrico of Planning llourd
Hr. Kruse, chnirmnn called tho moeti.ng to ord,er at :J:45 V.H.
Present lY'Ore He sers. lu~usc, nasa I Huscarolla amI lIomel' members;
Joe Devlin of tho Clonr\-H,lter Slm and Ha.rtin Dyclanan of the st. 1!eters-
burg Times.
}~. lu~usc introuuced Shirley Dobson as the appointed secre~ary to
the Board and presented a scrap"boole being made of net.,spaper clippings
concerning the Plann1ng Board.
The minutes of the July 28th meeting lvere read and approved.
~w. Kruse brought up the matter of tho property being offered to
the City for purchase as a proposed parking lot, f'ronting on Court st...
Chestnut st., and ACL R. R. A brief discussion followed on other
possible uses of" this property. No acti.oll was taI.;::en pending the re-
-, lease of the of"f"icial appraisal figure.
The Board was presented a brochure from York Fa. sho~dng that
01 t,y' s parki.ng lots. The Board agreed i. t t.,ns an excellent way of"
publ:icizing parking faci1.ities and a discussion follo"iied on hou
Clearwater could prepare a similar one. It was suggested that the
City Engineer prepare a sketch map of that type to be presented to
the Herchants' Associ.ation ana. the City COlwnission.
Hr.. Kruse bronght up the matter of the sublller~ed lands in Clear-
water Bay amI stated that be uml Hr. Norton haa been requested by the
City Commission to HOr!: with the developcrs" Arlllston.l Sldnner and
Emerson. Hr. Kruse clearly stated that he and Hr. Norton \-lel'e only
advising the devolopers aUll that thc lloaru as a Hl10lc must set Ull the
policies to be used. Then, thel"e f'ollOt",ccl an inf'Ol'lllc.l discussion 011
the ilUllortauce of preliminary planning of' the isluml dcvcloIHlwnt ancl
hot., to retain as much of' the arcUS natural beauty as possible.
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Dunodin is tilo only city \oJ11icll has not yet appointed its represent-
ativo to the Regional Board. Hayor .BrOl-lU has apllointed ChaWlcey Robin-
Don to serve with the other two Clearwater representatives, (one rrom
the Zoning Boarcl and the other from this Board). It was suggested by
Hr. Kruse, that ench member of the Planning Board tal{e a turn at being
the representative to the Regional Planning Board.
~w. Homer moved that the chairman be authorizeu to have the proper
personnel go over to the Court House if' necessary to copy a land-use
Dlap and age-old building map for the use of' the Doard. Hr. Norton
seconded the motion and it carried wlanimously.
}w. Homer suggested that the City Engineer be autllorized to complete
the aerial maps of the southeast and northeast areas adjacent to the
There will not be a meeting next Thursday as the Board will meet in
the City Hall Auditorium with the Zoning Board that nigllt'at ~:OO and
with the City Commission ef'terwards.
Respectifully submitted
Ralph W. D. Reade# Secretary.