.? rbmites of Necting Thursday Jul;' 28ti, JJ.H in_ City Hall Audit 0riiat;t.
Present were members Kruse, Norton, Reade and ex-officio member
Licktou. Also present were City Coiwiiissiouer Guy Kennedy, Ralph Reed
of the St. Petersburg Times, and Mr. S. A. Douglas of the Clearwater Sun.
Chairman Kruse called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.M.
The minutes of the previons meeting were read and approved.
11r. Kruse said he had read City Ordinance 632 and that it contained
no requirement for street lights to be provided in new subdivisions.
Commissioner Kennedy confirmed this. There was brief discussion of the
need for amending and broadening Ordinance 632 but no action was taken.
Mr. Kruse next read a photostatic cosy of a letter from. Hr. Blanton
offering property to the City fronting on Court St., Chestnut Street and
the ACL R. R. at a price of X56.'000.
The members of the Board discussed the matter informally, Cotmitissioner
Xetuiedy participating, but no f ormal acti oil was taken. It was agreed
that it should again be discussed at a meeting to be held late in Aug-
ust at which time it was expected other members of the Board would be
Chairman Kruse then read a, letter from Mayor Brown regarding the
Regional Planning Board which is proposed. Favorable replies had been
receiyed from the Cotaity Commission, Largo, and Safety Harbor.
The meeting; then adjourned at 4:4:5
Respectifully subtAtted
Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary.