.~ Hill.utoa o.f the ,!rcot,in~ :r,lturstluy" ,.Jul~ 2}..1...1:..9_~5_ ~n 01 ty Hall Audi toriulll!.
Presont ''lore mombors Kruso" Homol"" HU8Co.rellu.,t Norton and nea'de... ex-
officio membor' Licl\:ton... HassI's.. Douglas or the CIOarl<111 tor SW1" Dyclanan of
the st. Petersburg Times, Longstreet or tho st. Petersburg Indopendent... and
}w. Ort, Supt. of tho City Electrical Dept.
Chairman ICruse called the meeting to order at 3:50 P.M.
The minutes of the July 14th meoting '\'lore read and approved.
Hr. Licltt.Oll introduced HI".. Ort 0.11<1 the nm.tter on which Hr. Ort wished
to speak. Hr. Ort told the board that bef"ol"e Dre\V st. is ~Yi(lened and pava,il
east of Glemvood by the State it is intportnl1t that conduit for street
lights and trarfic lights should be laid at all crossings in order to
avoid tearing up Drell st. pavement Intel" lvIlen street and traffic lights
are installed. He discussed the matter at length and answered nUDlerous
'') questions o:f Board members.
The Drew St. matter is urgent :for the State wldertclting is ~nuninent
but he urged that like provision should be made for all new street paving
projects. He also suggested that street lighting should be planned and
made a condition :for accepting plats of new subdivisions, that needs :for
3 phase power or large power conswnption ~or City p\trposes mlould be con-
sidered by the Board; he left a melllorandwn embodying all or his suggestions.
, The Board a/'p'''ecd that the Dreu Street matter should be actecl upon
immediately and that Hr. Ort's other suggostions should be considcl"CHl in
preparing the comprehensive plan.
Accordingly ~ :Hr. Huscarella moved thn.t the Chairma.n pr(~parc and ex-
ecute 0. recommendation to the City Connnission that tl'af'fic llnd utility
surveys be made inIDlediately to determine w'l1at facilities Hill be neclled
tor traffic progression and utilities so that such installations can be
~~ a..
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lllade before Dre\cl St. is \deIoned 'u.nd paved. cast of Glcmwod. Hr. Homer
socondml tho lUotiDJl which carried unu,ndl11ollsly.
It ,~~S said that Ordinance 032 requil"cs that street lights be
provided in new subdivisions by developers but that it has not been
enforced. Hr. Homor moveu" Hr. Reade seconded that this matter be
talcen up at a later meeting. It carried rml1l1imously.
Hr. Kruse reCluested cOlllIllents on the expressions of' Hr. IIaws at
the last meeting. Agreement was general that 26 ft. paving is too
narrow for any street.and that right-of-uays for principal arteries
at half' mile intervals should be 100 ft. No other major differences
were expressed.
Hr. Kruse said the BO~I.1"d' s reconunenclatioll f'or 17 f't. additional
se't baele on the Palmetto - Hercules propel'.ty Has presented to the
i"-,'~ Oi ty :t.Ianager.
}.Ir. Kruse stated that the City Commission had the Hollings\-lOrth
Estates ll~tter tmder consideration and that CO~ldssioner Strang had
suggested that the Board prepare a policy reco~uendation covering
such conditions. }~. Reade then read a proposed Board resolution
which he had previously discussed ,vi th Cou1Jldssioner strang. It w'as
decided to talce no formal action nOH ~ but .to reconsider compensating
set backs l{hen an ordinance SUPl)orting the' Boards 1:'10.11 is in prep-
Submerged land development in thc'I3ay Has next discussed. It
''las a.greed the Board should collect information on the subj cct tlirect
from conmnurl ties Buell as Ft. LaUflol"ua.le and Hiami Beach wldeh hull had
much experience in such development in ordol" to avoicl s0rious e1"1"ors
and encourage desil"able development. ~11". Homor 110intcd out that such
developments could be TIm.de to prot'i.nco vClT desirable residential
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property that would yield hit;l1 tax revonu.o. Incorroot tlovolopmont such
as fingers or i'i't. lJaudol'du.le's cnnals lvould resnI t in serious nuisanoos.
Hr. Kruse said tha.t the matter is 111(:01y to come up in GO days and the
development can unO. should be controlled by the City so as to retain the
beauty of the Bay ana reqtdre desirable development., He believed the
Engineer Corps might 01'1'01" valua.ble advico. Thereupon :Hr. HomOl" movetl
that the ChairlUan ,"ri te the U. S. Engineer Corps requesting that some-
one with experience ou this tYlle of' submerged land recovery be sent to
confer ,dth the Board. Hr. Huscarello. seconded the lllotion which passed
1-11". Lickton present.ed an aerial photo of Cleul"\vater tha,t tYill be
uSeful for study purposes. He said he hall not beon able to get a copy
of' the of,f-strect 11urking ordinance requosted at the July 7th meeting.
Hr. Liclctol1 brought up the matter of 20ft. lvide paving requested by
owners of' Hobart St. f'rom Dret., north to present pavement near Ridgewood.
Hr. Homer moved that the present minimwll width of 30 ft. of pave-
ment be required. Hr. Reade seconded the motion ,\.,hich cm"rieu ullamimously.
The meeting acljourl1ed at 5 :45 P.H.
n:ospect~rully submitted
Ralvh W. B. nc~de, Secretary