07/14/1955 ".n ..; I," I.....""'.. . . . .'." ,'". . '..", " 0'.' . ".,".~' 'l'.' 'I ..: 'L'~I :". ',", "". . ~, ',"'~ .... ~ ". ,:,i..~~~"rrc~ : a.. --', d:l tl!nutes of Hocti,llg JulI 14, 195,5 in C1 t.l.llalJ. A~~.toFi!:~n~ OJ Cl Present tvuro mcnibors Krw,w" NOJ~ton" lIomel'" Huscurolln" Roade" e:: <! e.\:-orricio member Liclcton; others atte11l1ing wero HOBars. Larry IIatvS" o ~ Chief' Land Use Plnnnin[; Consultant of the FIlA. f'or Georgia.. Florida ~ m and ~lerto Rico, Dyckman of the St. Petersburg TUI~S, Bou Longstreet.. of the st. Petersburg Indopendent.. S. A. Douglas of the Clearwater Sun, Hr. lIester" County Engineer and accopmanying Hr. llalvS \0101"'0 Hessrs. ,~""" l ...... ~. t ,,~ '" ... a.. c(S Q) o 0::' <( a z <(' f- (f) S. C. Shaw of the Tampa orrice of FIlA and l-Ir. 101m. 1l.1brecht" in charge of Planning for Pinellas COIUlty. Because of Chairman Kruse's indisposition :Hr. Homer occupied the chair and opened the meoting promptly at 2:00 P.M. The meeting was called early in order to meet ~w. HaHs departure time and was primarily intended to get the benerit of his opinions of the Board's work. Hr. Homer explained to Nr. Ha~.,s and other visitors the Board's primary traff'ic artery map and other objectives lvldch the Board con- templated and requested Hr. Hato/s to give his op~niol1s ancl suggestions. Hr. Haws said that a grid plan lil~e the Board's is satisf'actory, but that main traf:Cic arteries every quarter mile a.rc too close 3ollc1 that they should be Ol1e half mile apart and sometimes even a mile apart. He emphasized this criticism strongly and ropcutcdly and ga.ve the reasons for it. Trar~ic arteries too close together multiply problems in tra.ffic control" policing" construction" financin[; alul neighborhood. noise-m,d.sances aml othel'~. ,!; , He believes that 80 f't. rigl1t-of-lmy at 1 mile intervals l4 th some 100 f't. a mile apart are uclequatc" Hujor thol'ofaro rir;ht-of'-lmys should be 100 rt. lie rccOllUllel1ued thu t the D02rd abandon its {- secti 011 ~ plan and adopt one based on ~ sections and one that is flexillle" not rigid" and that takes into account topor.;raphy antl other illlpOl"'tant ill- :flucnces. ,~ Ho said that on minol' rosidontial stroots minimwu \v1<lth of pavemont -) ',- should bo 20 rt. llrovid:1.ng two u.ri ving lanos wld ona pU1"l,il1g lane. Coll-::...~tOl' street, and k mile section streets should hu.ve lIdnim~ll pavomont uidth 01' 34 t't.. Hiuth of pavement 011 heavily travelled streots shoulcl be determined by tra~fio studies. Our master plan should include parks" schools" all utilities" nnd drainnge. Before oonoluding the master plan storm drainage should be studied and included in it. Paries should be approximately ono mile apart and 12 to 15 acres in area. In some communities purchases of land 1"01" parks and schools have been financed by a 55~ sales tax on vacant lots. loIr. Halo1s said that alleys 111 business districts are es- sontial" but in residential sections are expensive and create nuisances and serve little purpose. Rear and some side casements for utilities ~ are essential in residential districts. Hiami. he sud has an excellent ol"d~nance that our Board could use as a model. ~mny Boards are simply advisory to city goverrunents as is this one and are very successful. Hr. REntS then left antI Hr. HaDler opened the meeting f'orma11y at '..j 3:00 P.l-I. The minutes were read and approved. Hr. Lickton reported he hacl ordere(l the aerial lIlap but had not obtained a copy of' the. proposed eff-street parl{ing ordinance requested at the last meeting. Hr. Kruse presented a copy of the letter dated .Tul;)' 14.. from Hayor DrolVn to Hr. Hosey l'licl,# Chail'llllm of the COlUlty Comli1is~ioll.. su.~gestil1g , ~ :;; -lw " the formation 'of' a Regional lllulUling Bourdi similar 1etto~s ~"ill be sent by the Hayor to the ~Iayors of adjoining municipalities. A ;, ,:) , ; ,WI Hr. LioJc:ton pl~a9011ted 0. letter from lIerbert Blanton offcl'ing land on Nailison and Court street roportodly ol~nod by. Alice Siglor ,Tonos. Hr. LicktOIl said that in his opinion tho land was not owned by }ws. Jones~ but that it coulel only be detormined by an nccnratc aw~vey. Hr. Norton lUOVeu. tho.t. Blanton be reCluestod to f'ul.ll1sb an aocurate survey shmdng the area and location of the Jones property antl thu.t if' it sl1m\ls tha.t the property fronts ~mdison Ave. that the City should acquire it. }~. Romer seconded the motion whioh passed unanimously. It was agreed to postpone modifying the Board's traf'fic artery plan as recommended by }Ir. Haws until after receiving the Dept. of Agriculture aerial maps, but it was conoluded that the Board should prepare a map and ordimmce in conlplete and .final .form for the approval of' the City Conunission. ~w. Krusa announced that the City is considering the sale of land at "the corner of Hercules and Palmetto. Hr. Homer moved that the City should request that all ruture plats involving Paln~~to St. frontage require 100 ~t. right-of-way. ~w. Norton seconded the motion mlich car- ried unanimously. ~Ir. Homer said that f'illallds in the Day should be discussed at the next meeting. Hr. Kruse requested that Boupd member's 1;~ho 1;>1111 be OMD.Y 'in August gi va him their for~....arding adclresses. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 P.H. Respect;i:full;y sulJIJd tteu Ralph W. B. Reade~ Secretary