;,~. ..
" Uinutes of He~..ti!lr.;~ 2-'h~sdny JU1}:.... 7t~lJ 1D55 }n Oi tl Unll Alld;t tor:l.um.
Chairman Kruso cnllocl tho illocting to order at 4:00 P.H.
Present \'1'01"0 mombors Kruso., Huscnrello.., Homer., Norton and Reado., ex-
of1'icio member Liolcto1l1 Scott Harshall of the Cloo.r\"nter Sun amI }1r.
Dyckman of the St. l~eterslml"g Times.
Hr. Kruse stated that the lIollings~oJorth Estates matter may come. up
again and that as now platted it provides only 66 ft. right-of-tolay on Koene
Road lihereas the plan of the Doard calls 1'01" 100 ft. right-of-tmy. Thore
lV'as extended discussion of the matter but no formal action. Everyone
agreed that Keene Road will become one of the most imlJOrtant North-South
arteries and that the Chairman should present the vial-IS of the Boartl in-
formally to the Hayor and Hembers of the 01 ty Conmliss10n.
1>!r. ~Iuscarella armotulced thut Hr. Larry IIa~"s., Regional Director of'
Land Use Planning 1'01" FHA from Atlanta trill meet l\lith the Board at 2 P.H.
Thursday, July 14th to discuss arterial traffic plo.llUine; for Clen,p\-mter
and environs,
Hr. Norton introduced the matter- of coordinating plans of the Board
~..lith those of aujaccnt conlli1unities as suggc~ted by COIlUnissioner Kennedy
at the last meet:ing. At. the close or a general discussion" Hr. Nor'toll
moved that the Chairman be authorized to ask the 'fo\\ll1 Councils of Largo"
Belleair J DWledin and Safety lIarbor to each appoint a. three man cor.md tteo
to ~'lork with the Board to integrate l'egiol1ul land nse plamdnc; of the
entire centrt1.1 Pine lIas area. 1-1.]". Homor 50C011f10(1 the Illotion o.n<1 it Has
una.nimousl;r approved. Subsoquent dis cus~dol1 concluded ld th agroomcnt that
the Chairman liQuId discuss the matter \dth ~.In.jTor' 13rO\!11 bcfopu apvroacldng
Town Cowlcils.
A regiollul aerial III all loiUS next discussed a.nf1 ~.Ir. Homol" moved" Hr. Hei.ula
seconded., 'and it unanimously ctLPl'iml that the Ci tJ' Engiw>)ol' ohtain from
.. tho Dopt. of Agrioulture of 't.he U. S. a re81ono.l photogl'uplrio aOl'ial mnp
of tho a.rea. boun(led by and including Clco.rua tor Beach, Tampa Bay" DWlod.in
and, Largo.
~~. Kruse introduced the Lee Dock matter saying that the Board is
likely to be asked to express an opinion on it. The members of the Board
a.groed that. the west Ca.usmmy bridge llUlst be ,duelled al:'.d the radius of' cur-
vature at its approaoh increased. It OWl only be done on the north because
of the Marina on the South. It was concluded to t.ake no f'ormal action but
the Chairman was requeste(l to give the opinion, of the Board informalJ.jr to
the City COMWLssion.
}w. Kruse said the Board's office would soon be ready. Everyone
agreed that his suggestion to use the raised platform in the windOlo/ for
display of the Board's traffic artery map and other exhibits of public
,") interest wa.s an exoellent idea.
~w. Licl~on brought up the problem of orr-street parking on Mandalay
'Road and Gulf-to-Bay. He was requested to bring to the next meeting an
ordinance formerly proposed but not en~ctcd, dealing ,dth off-streot park-
ing in business districts.
Hr. Licl:ton saicl the fina.l hearing on tho aroa sm-ler which the Doard
approved June 9th 'vould be held Honclay July 25th and he hoped members of'
the Board would attend.
. \
As several Doar'a members ,...ill. be absent 1.11 August it ,...as agre0d to holtl
no meetings th~'n.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.H.
l1especti'fully submitted
Ralph H.. ll. Ueauc,I Secrctal"Y