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'" Hinutes of Hecting Thursday JWlG 30th, 19~5!i in CJ.:t}" naIl Am.litoriwn.
Hr. Kruse, Chait-man, called the meoting to order at 3:50 P.J>!.
Present ware Hambers, Kruse, Huscnrclln... Homerl Norton" Rea(le, ex-
officio member LicktOlll Oi ty Conunissioner Gu.y Kennedy I Ralph Reed of" the
st. Petersburg Times; Robert Wilson" Attorney" ?-Ir. Hester.. County Engineer,
"and City Hanagel1 Ni<1c11etoll were present during part 01: the meeting.
The Secretary rea<l the minuteS of tho June 23rd meeting. Hr. Kruse
requested that they be amended a.s follows: ttthat Cleveland st. west of
Ft. Harrison ana. Hemorial Causeway lull become an extension of State
Highway No. 60 with its terminus at Clearwater Beach". Hr. Kemledy com-
mented that chances are poor that the Sta.te Highway Board will accept
this extension until another outlet is l)uilt from the Beach. He pointed
out that in other similar instances SUCll as at Pass-a-G~illel }liami Beachl
and Palm Beach" roads form a loop between the mainland and the Beaches.
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~fr. Kl'u::.;e rOllorted that llayor Bro''ln ha(l suggested that the prepar-
ation o~ a resolution to the state Road DORru on t~s matter be deferreu.
Mr. Li.clct.on presented a lDap of' CleurWtl.tel1 amI vici.ni t;r sho~dng prin-
cipal trarric arteries anu. widths of' right-of-.way as pla.nned by the
COWlty. It sho~ied that present COllllty requirements and B031'cl plans are
not far apart in rogard to right-of-way re(l1.dr(~monts.
1-Ir.. IIomer explained Planning Board objectives and policies at lellgth
to COllltdssione11 Kemledy and dcmonstra tad all thlJ Planni.llg Board map the
Board's proposals for major 'trn1'f'ic arteries.. There \-10.8 somo discussion
of inuividual streets. Ur. Kermctiy said that it ,,'ould be importunt to
coordinate the' ClearHnter plan ld tl1 1112.ns of the County ancl Hith the
nearby Jilwlicillali ties of Dunedin" Lnrgo anti Delleail'. He exprossell
strong approval of the l-lOr]\: plans ant! policies of the Doal"d us outlir..:..{l
by Hr. Homer and said that he believed the other members of the City
/,,-.. Conmd.Bsion would agroe.
Hr. Kruse next oalled on Hr. Robert Hilson roprcsentinc; Hollings-
worth Esto.tes to present his caso to the Board/ Hr. Wilson said tha.t
he hml been asltod by Hr. Hiddleton to explain his client's request to
the Board. His client wants Druitl Road helt1 to a lddtIl of' 33 ft. from
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the cent.er line thrn IIollingsworth Estates instead of 50 :ft. as now
proposed by the Board. His sole basis f'or mwting the request is that
several months ago, before the Board was appointed, the City Comminsion
had approved the plat of' another developer nea.rby l~hich provide<.l only
66 f't. right-o!'-way on Druid. JlIr. liilsol1 said that unless his clj,ents
request is granted he will abandon plans ror subdividine.
}w. Kruse and ~Ir. Homer then explained the long range objectives
of the Board to }~. Wilson and the damage and f"uture expense that would
be incurred if' a deviation was made in this case. Hr. Kruse also re-
minded Wilson that the City COmm:I.SSiOll had already made one exception
to established policy by allo,dng his client to dedicate a street with
only 50 ft. right-or..yay whet'e 60 f"t. :Ls m:i.ni.mmn. Hr. Kruse further
pointed out to Wilson, that the 17 additional feet which the Board re-
quires can be easily obtained by narro,dng each lot only a :fel~ :feet and
having all lots good merchantable property.
~h~. Reade moved that the Board lualce no exception in this instance
:from its established requirements anc1 go 011 record as disapproving the
request of Hr. Hilson's client. Hr. Norton secouded the motion. It
cnrried unanimously.
Hr. HomcH~ proposed thut Hr. limis, all FIL\. l"epresoututi va froIn
Atlanta be invited to Dleet with 'the Boartl. Nr. HU5cnro110." ,~ho knows
him well, offered to arrange tho meeting.
Mr. Lickton lins requested to insort street nnmas and widths on a.ll
. streets shown on the Board and County maps beforo discussing'these maps
with the two conunissions.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.H.
Respect.ttully submitted
Ralph W. B. Reade I 'Secretary
Informal discussion between Commissioners strang mld Secretary Reade
on July 11.1955.
Strang says cannot revoke approval of" 33' right-of'-yay to .allciw
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sewer on Druid but can require 25' set-bacI(: f"or buildings thus providing
50' right-or-way_ Suggests preparing such a resolution aud including
in. ordinance on right-of-way,s covering all de1'ioits in right-of-ways.
Said acceptanoe of Sewer plat tv.ith 33' right-of-way to oenter 11119 was
oversight by Peterson~ Lickton~ and City Commission.
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