06/09/1955 :-~ l-finu:tos of }faetiTn~ TJtU10 9th" 1955 ill City Hnll AuditorilUu. The meoting was called to oruar by Chn.irnmn Kruso. Present were membel's Kruse~ Norton" HOlllor, Huscarelln, Ronao, GX~ officio member Lickton and Mrs. Tuolter of tho 8t. l-:totorsburg Timos. The minutes of the previous meotin~ held JW10 2nd \{Ora rond 'by Hr. Reade~ Secroetal'Y. Hr. Kruse requested that the phrase "Growth Ourve" be modified to read npopula.tioll Growth Curveu; with this chaugo, the minutos were approved. ,.: ,. It was learned that Hr. Rogel'o 01" the State Road Bonrd lu\.(l gono to st. PetersbW'g and liould not be present i'0X' the discussion of the Druid Road right-of-way and other traffic arteries as ha.d been plannecl. Mr. Kruse reported that the City Commission at its last meeting decided to accept the plat at the HollingS\101'th Estates \~bich the Board ~ had disapproved. loir. Kruse reported that the City. is requiring nelv subdivisions to dedicate land for a 100 f't. ri.ght-of-way on Druid Road. A lengthy discussion of' sanitary se\yol'S follo''1cd Hr. Liclcton's request that the Board consider the proposed sewer system to serve the a~ea bounded by Druid Road" Gulf-to-Bay" Ilillcrest and Phoeni~. l-Ir. Norton moved that :Hr. Liclcton's plan to build an 8 inch sewer in Druid Road .'0 serve this' area be approved. Hr. Homer secondeu tho IIlotion and it carried. wlanimously. It was generally agl'eed that the Doap,l should consider all needo(l " I tra:rri.c a.rteries despite Hr. nogol~o's ahsence. Hr. Homor prescnte(l a map S~O\V'il1g all prospective important artol"ies. Each ono Has clisctlssed an(l Hr. Homer i....unted tho }lroposud right-of-l1ay ,.".iclth shol.m on the map. 1.....'It /i The purpose of this was to roach a <leci.stoll by the Board of streets \....111011 ,~ should be osta.blishatl us thru artorios (Ulul thoir right-o!'-way 'viclthS) with a v1eu to getting al)l~rOvu.l of t..he City Conunissiou amI requiring developol"'s to df)d.icate the nocessary land. It is also plalU1ed to asle the County COIlUuission to approve the plan. At the ami of tho discussi~n, Hr. Homar moved that the Ci'ty .Engineor bo requostad to prepare a. D\ap showing the agreed upon artorios and their widths togethel~ lvi tIt al)proved lega.l descriptions to be submitted to t..he 01 tjl' and .COlUltJY COllUnissions for study and al)proval. Hr. Norton secoueled the motion ancl it pa.ssed unanimously. Next, there was a brier discussion of the need ~or an ordinance defin- ing the responsibilities of the Board. No nction was taken. Then there follo'\'led U1.scussion of' the development of' submerged lands inOlear\\latar Bay. No action t;faS talcen. :~ It was agreed tl1nt ~w. Rogero should be invited to attend the meeting of the Board next week. ~w. Reade brot~ht up the matter of oporating fWlds needed by the Board ,,,bi.oh the City Commission should be aslced to include in the budget for the next fiscal year. Each wlticipated item of expense was discu~sud and an Clerk $2J500 Draftsman ....r 5JOOO Rent 1,500 Utilitird & Tel 500 'fravel 000 $1,200 Resoarch Re.ferencc Hn.terial 2,,500 Blueprints Postu~e stationery etc. 600 Hisccllaneous Total.... J' 11000 \ilb,4uO ;~ ;o.....e>;f!;..'"' ..,...-..,...---.... ;,', ~ ,. (f) ....., .,. - ~ ' . f1I\' .' " Hr. . Homer moveu and }.!r. neado seconded that the abovo sum bo requosted of tho 01 ty Cot1unission. Tho meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.H. with the next meoting timo for 3:30 P.H. .,,," Respeotft1l1ly submitted Ralph W. B. RaadOI Seo~atary \.' . .'. .Ie.' _ ~ ~ I '. . , . " .' ~. l f: .':, t~ .....,' ~ :: ',." a. .'. ca, ":"0'00,. ,:.":..'0 . : ,.,,:.'.~ "' ..' '<( . .>.......~ ':: . CJ) " .1 I ." 'l ..:. I" 'oj , " ;.~ ,. ," " .' . :'e.' I, Ii',' , . ,. .....']. ,'.',' .