06/02/1955¦, `' 1956 in C1.t FIa11 btict3.torium. .•*+ Mnutos of HeotinG Thursday Julie Members present were Messrs. Kruse, Norton, MuscaroUA.. Read and ex-officio member Licktonv City Engineer. The ineeting was called to order- by fir. Kruse, Chairman. The secretary read the minutes of the last previous meeting of flay. 13th: and the ;minutes were approved as read. Mr. Kruse gave a verbal report of tho joint meeting of the County Comiiiission and State Road. Board on May 24th whiichr he and Ur. Reade had attended at which signs on Highway 19 and Gulf-to-Bay were discussed. Mr. Lick-ton introduced a letter from Mr. Abrains of the Florida Power Corp. dated May 23rd, requesting information from the City that would permit the Corporation to establish the permanent location of its polo line on Druid Road. This aroused active discussion of the width of right-of-way that would be required for Druid Roach east of Ft. Har- rison Avenue. Mr. Lickton stated most of the present right-of-way is 66 feet. This is sufficient to provide 40 feet pavement and two by- strips for sidewalks, utility poles and a parking strip. Mr. Reade suggested that utility pole lines be located at the junction of right-- of-gray and property line which would permit development of the entire right-of--way as conditions re(lctired. Mr. Liclzton said that a sma11 portion of the right-of--way Is 60 feet. After further discussion, Mr. Norton made and lair. 1%Iuscareila seconded the f ollot•rLng motion wUch was unanimously carried; A) That representatives of the State Roach Board be :invited to ineot with the Planning Board Jtil ie 9th at 3:00 ?'.:-I. in the City 1fal1 Auditorium to discuss the devr:lo_mient of Druid Road and other potential traffic arteries before LO- Florida Power an answer regarding perwanent pole "line hoc:.tion ort Druid •11oad. ' Air. Kruse presented a sheet of letterhead stationery that would ` be used by the Board. At the last inflating of the Board it was agreed that a member should attend all public hearings in which the work of the Board inight be in- volved. Air. Kruse volunteered to attend all meetings of the City Conuiiission. There was a brief discussion of the growth Curve of the City which Mr. l,ickton subuLitted at the last tweeting. It was reegplzed continued rate of growth cannot be foreist accurately and that the curve will flatten out. Mr. Kruse annoimced that the emp16ymont of a draftsman for the Board had been approved by the City Manager but that action by the Civil Service ComLission would be deferred to July 1st, the beginning of the next fiscal year. An application for approval of the plat of the Hollingsworth Estates Subdivision was brought up for action by the Board. The plat showed a street in the subdivision only 50 ft. wide whereas a city ordinance requires 00 ft.. nLi.niimun. Air. Reade moved t-fr. Norton seconded and it was unanimously carried that the application be disapproved because of this failure. Mr. Liekton said that consideration of sanitary sewer requireinents in the area bounded by Gulf-to-Bay, Druid, Phoeni%- and Hillerest should be undertaken promptly and so it was agreed the next meeting would convene at 2;00 P.M. in order to discuss t1ri.s matter and to meet with State Road Board representatives. ,. The meeting adjourned at 5;45 P.PI. Respectfully submittod Ralph W. B. Reade, Secretary. ?M