05/19/1955 ....~. . .... ., ....... ,.' -..,.. ," ~.. '.~ ~'. ....... .... '..' .,'. ... (~. .. ',':, I. . ". ;-' ,'.. ..... ,:' . . Hinutes of Heotinp Thursday loIny 19.. lD55 ill City Uall AUtlitprium. The meeting '-las callell to ordcp by Hr. Kruso" Chairman. Present were ~Ir. ICruso" Norton.. Muscarella" Ilomer and Reade.. members.. Sidney Liclc.ton" City Engineer an ex-officio member.. and a \10man report.er f"rom the st. Petersburg Times. The minutes of -the Hay 13th meeting Hore road by the secretary; lo1r. Kruse requested that. the nama of the Olenr'oJater Sun reporter be corrected to read Rogel'S instead of Roberts. The minutes were th9n approved. Mr. Kruse reported that he had been infol"Dled that the quarters ror the Board adjoining thQ Engineering Department.. which were discussed at the May 13th meetinl~ had been obtained anO. that a door would be installed to the Engineering Dept. No definite date for occupancy has been set. A brief discussion ended with the conclusion that meetings should :.:M~) continue to be held in the City Hall Auditorium Wltil the ne'" ofTice is .....,... ...~ equipped. }w. Kruse said that he had given a list of office equipment needs to ~he City Purchasing Agent l-lho had cli.scussed it with the City Uannger. Because of present lindted fW1US, it will be necess~ry to defer purchase of some equipment unti.l the beginning or the next fiscD,l ycu.r but part of' the equipment w-111 be furnished 110'\v. There was a short discussion of objectives n,ml Hr. Liclctoll presented a popula.tion curve ,\"luch he had prolJared at Hr. Kruse's request. The curve '-las parabolic in chnractel:' and indicated that ClcarHatcl'" s populo.- tion in 1970 might be double its present size. Mr. Lickton stated the curve had been prepared from actual data 011 past and present population levels and he projected thct! to 1070. He stated he had cOJapared tlds .':,..",) curve with gr01-1th curves of other FIorillo. cOliu;mni.tios anll that nIl shoHeu the same trenu tm.;aru expansion i,11 parabolic l'orlll. '.. " ,: . . ~. ".,' .' ". '... . .' ....! " ....: '.' ' . I'. .\:..., '. , .: '.' I'. 't. ...... (1 olose cooperation with the Engineering Departmont and convenient use ot Engineering Dept. rncilities. It 'ias ngreod to hold the next meeting at 3: 30 P .H. Thursday, 'J' lIo.y 19th, :l.n the City Ha.ll Audi torimn. Theroafter meetings will be held at 3: 30 P .1-1. Tlmns(lays. The seven a.ctivit.ies lV'hich ,.,ere outlined in Hr. Kruse! s letter tu the City Commission and ",hich the Board WlQ.nimously agreed should con- stitute its principal fnnctiollS are as folloW's: Supervise the IJropnratiol1 or a master plan 1'01' the City and its environs. 1. 2. 3. 4. ',. 5. .,_l~ "-":. 6. 7. Review ordinances pertaining to land subdivision and zoning. Prepare program for urban rodevelopment. Review and pass upon sluJdiv~sion plats. Report on planning problems rei'erred to the Board by the City Conuuission. Prepare surveysl studiesl reportsl as may be req.uired ~or. authorized plannil1g purposes. Prepare budget requirements of' the Board and direct activities of the planning staff subject to personnel procedures and policies of the City. It was agreed that a request 1'01' il1:l:tial office equipment require- ments tiould be prepared roI' subnd3sion to the City Hanager. l ., Hr. Homer movedl 1-Ir. l>juscBrella secondeu" ~ntl it wa:"J Ullunimously carried to place the members of' the Ci ty COl1lllli.s.~d,onl the City Hanager, and the City Engineer 011 the Board ex-officio. .'. r.j , .t.~ ,::' .1." ,." A' " '., ','",- '. ~.': ",,' .' .' ., ~,' ;. t.r. .'" t.' ~......: .'. ..,.. . .' ....:. \ 'r," o ....1 .' '.' ..' . ~:~ ? ....... '. '.. .. ..' l.r\:. : " . , ' There be:Lng no further husiness" the meeting acljotu~ne<.l at 5: 30 P .H. nespect;i:fu11r suhnd tted /s/ Ralph W. B. Reade" Secretary. .... ~. . ........,. .: .~~. '~::'.' . , ,. . .... '-'t,' 4,\',,' ; .; '~..' .,. , ,.,;' , .. . : . n '.'/ '. ..,' , ~"'j;-~ :, ' 'I." ..' ,.. '. . " '. ,,~:,:,;. r'..) , . ~.. .., .'. :.1' ~ . ,:"" '" ' .,' f) r,..lI..' . . ,. .. . /; '/;, ' ',~I:. ';>"> I.;:,.:, ,,>~: ~ ;. ~.. " j .' ,.:.;. I' '." ' d, < . . :'. . . c- ' ~. ~' ' " :: . " .'.....; ;',t'. 'e-' ;:" c' .. · ': .: .." . '.. "... ,~ ., I ~.,:"...., ,':-.,...' .' . ......./. :.,'.,. ~,.,)\....~; . .. , ' II ",.:: .:'~ , .-" ..~ .., I.. __.. ' ','- , ' L~" I ,!' .....:' , . .. .... . ~ . ".. :. " . " " ~ ~ -,. '-l "'. I: , . .' ,. .~"}. 4.' ..... '.,'e':' ." . ,",. . , . , .~ .. '. I ~ . ',,' ~ . 'i. . . .~..:::. .;..:::, ,. .' ." '.. . ", ',' , " ..1. .:. ," .4 ,.' .1..:"- '. , " .. . " . .' . " ,. . ~ I l" t., .'. ...... c '. :~,' ~ . ~.', ~., .,,>~':;~;( ":';' ',' .,:. ;::.: ~. '. ',; I ~ ~. n '.. ,. ., ~~, ..'~ :.',1.'" .,;>'w,::: ,.,.,' 1:.::.'" , . I ' ..' 4, " ," ...' . ,- ." .".- ., .; ':<'.:~:.<~':<:. /r:' . , ' .'. , ' I'. '. "to. . ~. ~ ,. .,' '.. ,.... .; " . ~. . "I ,;. '., . :.". .,.J ,: 't I". ; ,'. " ." , . .' '. ':" .' . ~ ;.. .,::\" ...:' ..... 1. '....!. . '. .1 .".~' .,' ~; .,' . ~ ~ . , ,.'. .,....: /,; '. Discussion started OU tho need for. a lam.l-use map amI at tho request of' ~Ir. lIomer and r.fr. Reade.. Hr. Kruso explained the pur!)oses of such'o, map and its foat\wes. This led to inforl1lal ancl activo <<lisCUSSiOll of currnnt growth problems. Hr. LiclctOll emphasized the need :rot' prompt study grmvth factors that would be arrcctcd by the development or new subdivisions in areas both within ..,. and outside the citjr limits particularly in regard to set-lel"s anu trnf'.fic (~ arteries. There lolaS then lengthy discussion of' traffic problems all(l muoh l.1Leeded "..,.. . thru-traffic arteries. Hr. Norton spolce of the innuediate necessj.tj' :for oontrolB that would insure the city being able to establish tbru arteries on such streets as Druid~ Drew and Stmset Point Road at reasonable cost. }~. ~ruscarelli spoke of the obstacles that would developetbru the '~) establishment of subdivisions outside the city limits '\1'ithout regard to the g!"o~yth needs of' ClearlV'ater. It '\Tas the conccnsus of.' opiIrion that this problem l.vas so urgent that it should be given high pri.orit~. l..n the activities of.' the Board. It was also pointed out that tra~fic artery, plans :eor Clearwater should be coorllinated with these of' the State I ancl . ~ " / adjacen:t cOlDlntU1ities. It was ooncluded ini'ormally that a map 8hmd..~f~ needed art.eries should be In-epared as soon as possible arter' carei'~ll and bronder study or the matter. Hr. Homer' then moved amI }Ir. Reade seconuecl that the Ci:l:.y Eilgineer be requested to furnish a City map and that a map shOlving Count;y...higl1HUY plans be obtained :for study 01' traffic arter-ios at the .f.~cxt meeting o:r the Board. The motilln lIaS tUlanimouoly co.rr:Led. l-.fr. Homer moved that tho Chairmall be autllol'i2,:j(1 to appoint U ffiOlaber 'r.<.Jr-) of the Boarc,l to represent the DOu'l"a at all publ:J >J hcari.ngs all llIo.ttCl'S af:fecting; the ,.;rol~k of the Boarll. The motion '..ms secontletl, Ullll carried unanimously. Some informal discussion theu took place of ordinanoes now in force and that may be neoded :for controlling ana alll)rov1ng the adJldssion of nelv ::Jubdi \'iSiOllS into tho 01 ty. No conclusions werG' reached. }w. Kruse introduced the subject of stationery to be used by the Board for correspondence; it was inrormally docided that present City statiollery should be used and lettors should be signed C1ty Planning Board~ Prthur M. Kruse, Chairman. lrIr. Kruse annotUlced there \wuld be a llUblic meeting in the Court- house Tuesday~ Hay 24th.. at 7:.30 P.N. regaruing CloarHater signs to be erected on Highway 19. Mr. Reade said that he would like to accompany :Hr. Kruse. After intermittent discussions of.' the expected persOlmel require- ments of the Board.. Mr. Homer moved that the Chairman be authorized . : J to work with the City Engineer 011 the qualif"ications for a pla.nning .... I 'I, . t: ,.~~ .. .. a.. d:S CD Cl ~ <( Cl Z <t: l- f./) t: .~ ... ... Q.. d:S OJ o a:: .<( o z <( I- .tn l...,.T:ti ......t(~ engineering draf'tsman to be employed by the Board. l-Ir. Huscnrella. seconded the motiO!1 and. it was unanimou.sly carried. Hr. Norton emphasized the iUlllOrtance of obtaining the respect and cooperation of.' the general public} the realtors} attorneys anu other " influential gl"OUPS in the 01 ty ill order to mal(e the WOl'lc of' the Board effective. There being no further business the meeting adjourne(l at 5:30 P.H. Respectru.ll~r SU111"ll "tted Ralph W. B. Rende, Secretary.